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top(1)                                                                                                top(1)

       top - display and update sorted information about processes

       top    [-a | -d | -e | -c <mode>]
              [-F | -f]
              [-i <interval>]
              [-l <samples>]
              [-ncols <columns>]
              [-o <key>] [-O <skey>]
              [-R | -r]
              [-s <delay>]
              [-n <nprocs>]
              [-stats <keys>]
              [-pid <processid>]
              [-user <username>]
              [-U <username>]

       The  top program periodically displays a sorted list of system processes.  The default sorting key is
       pid, but other keys can be used instead.  Various output options are available.

       Command line option specifications are processed from left to right.  Options can be  specified  more
       than  once.   If conflicting options are specified, later specifications override earlier ones.  This
       makes it viable to create a shell alias for top with  preferred  defaults  specified,  then  override
       those preferred defaults as desired on the command line.

       -a     Equivalent to -c a.

       -c <mode>
              Set event counting mode to <mode>.  The supported modes are:

              a      Accumulative  mode.   Count events cumulatively, starting at the launch of top.  Calcu-late Calculate
                     late CPU usage and CPU time since the launch of top.

              d      Delta mode.  Count events relative to the previous sample.  Calculate CPU  usage  since
                     the  previous  sample.   This mode by default disables the memory object map reporting.
                     The memory object map reporting may be re-enabled with the -r option or the interactive
                     r command.

              e      Absolute mode.  Count events using absolute counters.

              n      Non-event mode (default).  Calculate CPU usage since the previous sample.

       -d     Equivalent to -c d.

       -e     Equivalent to -c e.

       -F     Do not calculate statistics on shared libraries, also known as frameworks.

       -f     Calculate statistics on shared libraries, also known as frameworks (default).

       -h     Print command line usage information and exit.

       -i <interval>
              Update  framework (-f) info every <interval> samples; see the PERFORMANCE vs. ACCURACY section
              below for more details.

       -l <samples>
              Use logging mode and display <samples> samples, even if standard output is a terminal.   0  is
              treated  as  infinity.   Rather than redisplaying, output is periodically printed in raw form.
              Note that the first sample displayed will have an invalid %CPU displayed for each process,  as
              it is calculated using the delta between samples.

       -ncols  <columns>
              Display  <columns>  when using logging mode.  The default is infinite.  The number must be > 0
              or an error will occur.

       -n <nprocs>
              Only display up to <nprocs> processes.

       -O <skey>
              Use <skey> as a secondary key when ordering the process display.  See -o for key names (pid is
              the default).

       -o <key>
              Order  the  process display by sorting on <key> in descending order.  A + or - can be prefixed
              to the key name to specify ascending or descending order, respectively.   The  supported  keys

              pid    Process ID (default).

                     Command name.

              cpu    CPU usage.

              csw    Number of context switches.

              time   Execution time.

                     alias: th
                     Number of threads (total/running).

              ports  alias: prt
                     Number of Mach ports.

                     alias: mreg, reg
                     Number of memory regions.

              rprvt  Resident private address space size.

              rshrd  Resident shared address space size.

              rsize  Resident memory size.

              vsize  Total memory size.

              vprvt  Private address space size.

              pgrp   Process group id.

              ppid   Parent process id.

              state  alias: pstate
                     Process state.

              uid    User ID.

              wq     alias: #wq, workqueue
                     The workqueue total/running.

              faults alias: fault
                     The number of page faults.

              cow    alias: cow_faults
                     The copy-on-write faults.

              user   alias: username Username.

                     Total number of mach messages sent.

                     Total number of mach messages received.

              sysbsd Total BSD syscalls.

                     Total Mach syscalls.

                     Total pageins.

       -R     Do not traverse and report the memory object map for each process.

       -r     Traverse and report the memory object map for each process (default).

       -S     Display the global statistics for swap and purgeable memory.

       -s <delay>
              Set the delay between updates to <delay> seconds.  The default delay between updates is 1 sec-ond. second.

       -stats <keys>
              Only display the comma separated statistics.  See the -o flag for the valid <keys>.

       -pid <processid>
              Only display <processid> in top.

       -user <user>
              Only display processes owned by <user>.

       -U <user>
              This is an alias for -user.

       -u     This is an alias equivalent to: -o cpu -O time.

       The first several lines of the top display show various global state.  All of the information is  la-beled. labeled.
       beled.  Following is an alphabetical list of global state fields and their descriptions.

       CPU         Percentage  of  processor usage, broken into user, system, and idle components.  The time
                   period for which these percentages are calculated depends on the event counting mode.

       Disks       Number and total size of disk reads and writes.

       LoadAvg     Load average over 1, 5, and 15 minutes.  The load average is the average number  of  jobs
                   in the run queue.

       MemRegions  Number  and  total  size  of memory regions, and total size of memory regions broken into
                   private (broken into non-library and library) and shared components.

       Networks    Number and total size of input and output network packets.

       PhysMem     Physical memory usage, broken into wired, active, inactive, used, and free components.

       Procs       Total number of processes and number of processes in each process state.

       SharedLibs  Resident sizes of code and data segments, and link editor memory usage.

       Threads     Number of threads.

       Time        Time, in H:MM:SS format.  When running in logging mode Time  is  in  YYYY/MM/DD  HH:MM:SS
                   format by default, but may be overridden with accumulative mode.  When running in accumu-lative accumulative
                   lative event counting mode, the Time is in  HH:MM:SS  since  the  beginning  of  the  top

       VirtMem     Total  virtual memory, virtual memory consumed by shared libraries, and number of pageins
                   and pageouts.

       Swap        Swap usage: total size of swap areas, amount of swap space in  use  and  amount  of  swap
                   space available.

       Purgeable   Number of pages purged and number of pages currently purgeable.

       Below  the  global state fields, a list of processes is displayed.  The fields that are displayed de-pend depend
       pend on the options that are set.  The pid field displays the following for the architecture:

       +             for 64-bit native architecture, or - for 32-bit native architecture, or * for a non-na-tive non-native
                     tive architecture.

              When  top  is  run  in interactive (non-logging) mode, it is possible to control the output of
              top, as well as interactively send signals to processes.  The interactive  command  syntax  is
              terse.  Each command is one character, followed by 0 to 2 arguments.  Commands that take argu-ments arguments
              ments prompt interactively for the arguments, and where applicable, the default value is shown
              in  square  brackets.   The default value can be selected by leaving the input field blank and
              pressing enter.  ^G escapes the interactive argument prompt, and has the same effect as  leav-ing leaving
              ing the input field blank and pressing enter.

       The following commands are supported:

       ?      Display  the  help  screen.  Any character exits help screen mode.  This command always works,
              even in the middle of a command.

       ^L     Redraw the screen.

              Set output mode to <mode>.  The supported modes are:

              a      Accumulative mode.

              d      Delta mode.

              e      Event mode.

              n      Non-event mode.

              Use <skey> as a secondary key when ordering the process display.  See the -o  option  for  key

              Order  the  process display by sorting on <key> in descending order.  A + or - can be prefixed
              to the key name to specify ascending or descending order, respectively.   The  supported  keys
              and alises are listed with the -o option above.

       q      Quit.

       r      Toggle traversal and reporting of the memory object map for each process.

              Send  <sig>  to  <pid>.   <sig> can be specified either as a number or as a name (for example,
              HUP).  The default signal starts out as TERM.  Each time a signal is  successfully  sent,  the
              default signal is updated to be that signal.  <pid> is a process id.

              Set the delay between updates to <delay> seconds.

              Only  display  processes owned by <user>.  Either the username or uid number can be specified.
              To display all processes, press enter without entering a username or uid number.

       Calculating detailed memory statistics is fundamentally resource-intensive.  To reduce the cpu  usage
       in  top,  the -i parameter has been introduced to allow the user to tune this tradeoff.  With the de-fault default
       fault value of 10, framework stats will be updated once every 10 samples.  Specifying -i 1  will  re-sult result
       sult in the most accurate display, at the expense of system resources.

N/A - Not Available
       When this occurs in a stat it's caused by the memory object map reporting being disabled.  Memory ob-ject object
       ject map reporting is disabled by default in delta mode, but may be optionally enabled via -r or  the
       interactive r command.  To enable the -r option use it after any -c mode options.

       top -o cpu -O +rsize -s 5 -n 20
              Sort  the  processes according to CPU usage (descending) and resident memory size (ascending),
              sample and update the display at 5 second intervals, and limit the display to 20 processes.

       top -c d
              Run top in delta mode.

       top -stats pid,command,cpu,th,pstate,time
              Display only the specified statistics, regardless of any growth of the terminal.  If the  ter-minal terminal
              minal is too small, only the statistics that fit will be displayed.

       kill(2), vm_stat(1), signal(3), vmmap(1)

                                                     top                                              top(1)

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