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rebase(1)                                BSD General Commands Manual                               rebase(1)

     rebase -- Changes base address of dylibs and bundles

     rebase [-low_address addr] [-high_address addr] [-arch arch] [-v] file(s)

     The base address of an image (dylib or bundle) is the preferred address for it to be loaded.  By
     default all images are built with a base address of zero.  At runtime, if the preferred memory range is
     already occupied, dyld will "slide" the image to a new address range.  There is a small cost to the
     slide, as dyld must do some fix ups.  The rebase tool takes a list of images and adjust their base
     address to be non-overlapping. If no low or high address is specified, the a suitable address range is
     choosen for the architecture.

     The options are as follows:

     -low_address addr
             Force the base address for the first image to be addr (specified in hex). Each subsequent file
             gets the next available base address.

     -high_address addr
             Force the base address for the last image to be such that when that image is loaded it occupies
             memory up to addr (specified in hex). Each preceeding file gets the previous available base

     -arch arch
             Only rebase the specified architecture.  Other architectures in a universal image are left as

     -v      Verbose. Print information about rebasing done.


Darwin                                          June 6, 2006                                          Darwin

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