This manual page is for Mac OS X version 10.6.3

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Reading manual pages

Manual pages are intended as a quick reference for people who already understand a technology.

  • For more information about the manual page format, see the manual page for manpages(5).

  • For more information about this technology, look for other documentation in the Apple Reference Library.

  • For general information about writing shell scripts, read Shell Scripting Primer.

PODCHECKER(1)                         Perl Programmers Reference Guide                         PODCHECKER(1)

       podchecker - check the syntax of POD format documentation files

       podchecker [-help] [-man] [-(no)warnings] [file ...]

       -help   Print a brief help message and exit.

       -man    Print the manual page and exit.

       -warnings -nowarnings
               Turn on/off printing of warnings. Repeating -warnings increases the warning level, i.e. more
               warnings are printed. Currently increasing to level two causes flagging of unescaped "<,>"

       file    The pathname of a POD file to syntax-check (defaults to standard input).

       podchecker will read the given input files looking for POD syntax errors in the POD documentation and
       will print any errors it find to STDERR. At the end, it will print a status message indicating the
       number of errors found.

       Directories are ignored, an appropriate warning message is printed.

       podchecker invokes the podchecker() function exported by Pod::Checker Please see "podchecker()" in
       Pod::Checker for more details.

       podchecker returns a 0 (zero) exit status if all specified POD files are ok.

       podchecker returns the exit status 1 if at least one of the given POD files has syntax errors.

       The status 2 indicates that at least one of the specified files does not contain any POD commands.

       Status 1 overrides status 2. If you want unambigouus results, call podchecker with one single
       argument only.

       Pod::Parser and Pod::Checker

       Please report bugs using <>.

       Brad Appleton <>, Marek Rouchal <>

       Based on code for Pod::Text::pod2text(1) written by Tom Christiansen <>

perl v5.10.0                                     2009-06-24                                    PODCHECKER(1)

Reporting Problems

The way to report a problem with this manual page depends on the type of problem:

Content errors
Report errors in the content of this documentation to the Perl project. (See perlbug(1) for submission instructions.)
Bug reports
Report bugs in the functionality of the described tool or API to Apple through Bug Reporter and to the Perl project using perlbug(1).
Formatting problems
Report formatting mistakes in the online version of these pages with the feedback links below.

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