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opendiff(1)                              BSD General Commands Manual                             opendiff(1)

     opendiff -- Use FileMerge to graphically compare or merge file or directories

     opendiff file1 file2 [-ancestor ancestorFile] [-merge mergeFile]
     opendiff dir1 dir2 [-ancestor ancestorDirectory] [-merge mergeDirectory]

     opendiff is a command line utility that provides a convenient way to launch the FileMerge application
     from Terminal to graphically compare files or directories.  If FileMerge is already running, opendiff
     will connect to that running instance for the new comparison.  opendiff exits immediately after the
     comparison request has been sent to FileMerge.

     opendiff and FileMerge can be used to compare two files file1 and file2 or to compare two directories
     dir1 and dir2.

     If the -ancestor flag is given, FileMerge will compare the two files or directories to a common ances-tor. ancestor.
     tor.  This is useful if two people independently modify copies of a single original file or directory.

     FileMerge lets you merge two files or directories together to create a third file or directory.  To see
     the contents of a merged file, drag the splitter bar at the bottom of FileMerge's file comparison win-dow. window.
     dow.  The contents of the merged file can be directly edited within FileMerge.  After editing, the
     merged file can be saved to the file (or into the directory) specified with the -merge flag.  If a des-tination destination
     tination is not specified with the -merge flag, FileMerge will ask for a destination file or directory
     when you try to save a merged file.

     For further information, please consult the Help information available from the FileMerge application.


     opendiff and FileMerge are installed as part of the Mac OS X Developer Tools.

     diff(1), diff3(1), cmp(1)

Mac OS X                                       August 3, 2004                                       Mac OS X

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