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MESG(1)                                  BSD General Commands Manual                                 MESG(1)

     mesg -- display (do not display) messages from other users

     mesg [n | y]

     The mesg utility is invoked by a user to control write access others have to a terminal device.  Write
     access is allowed by default, and programs such as talk(1) and write(1) may display messages on the

     The first terminal device in the sequence of devices associated with standard input, standard output
     and standard error is affected.

     Options available:

     n     Disallows messages.

     y     Permits messages to be displayed.

     If no arguments are given, mesg displays the present message status to the standard output.

     Disallow messages from other users to the current terminal:

           mesg n

     Allow messages from other users to ttyp1 (assuming you are also logged in on that terminal):

           mesg y </dev/ttyp1

     The mesg utility exits with one of the following values:

            0    Messages are allowed.
            1    Messages are not allowed.
           >1    An error has occurred.

     Previous versions of the mesg utility wrote the message status to the standard error output and
     affected the terminal attached to standard error without first trying the standard input or output

     biff(1), talk(1), wall(1), write(1)

     The mesg utility conforms to IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 (``POSIX.1'').

     A mesg command appeared in Version 1 AT&T UNIX.

BSD                                              May 5, 2002                                             BSD

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