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LOCALEDEF(1)                             BSD General Commands Manual                            LOCALEDEF(1)

     localedef -- define locale environment

     localedef [-c] [-f charmap] [-i sourcefile] name

     The localedef utility reads source definitions for one or more locale categories belonging to the same
     locale from the file named in the -i option (if specified) or from standard input.

     The name operand identifies the target locale. The localedef utility supports the creation of public,
     or generally accessible locales, as well as private, or restricted-access locales.

     Each category source definition is identified by the corresponding environment variable name and termi-nated terminated
     nated by an END category-name statement.

           LC_CTYPE     Defines character classification and case conversion.
           LC_COLLATE   Defines collation rules.
           LC_MONETARY  Defines the format and symbols used in formatting of monetary information.
           LC_NUMERIC   Defines the decimal delimiter, grouping, and grouping symbol for non-monetary
                        numeric editing.
           LC_TIME      Defines the format and content of date and time information.
           LC_MESSAGES  Defines the format and values of affirmative and negative responses.

     The following options are supported:

     -c       Create permanent output even if warning messages have been issued.

     -f charmap
              Specify the pathname of a file containing a mapping of character symbols and collating element
              symbols to actual character encodings.

     -i sourcefile
              The pathname of a file containing the source definitions. If this option is not present,
              source definitions will be read from standard input.

     The following operand is supported:

     name     Identifies the locale.  If the name contains one or more slash characters, name will be inter-preted interpreted
              preted as a pathname where the created locale definitions will be stored.  If name does not
              contain any slash characters, the locale will be public.  This capability is restricted to
              users with appropriate privileges.  (As a consequence of specifying one name, although several
              categories can be processed in one execution, only categories belonging to the same locale can
              be processed.)

     The following environment variables affect the execution of localedef:

     LANG        Provide a default value for the internationalization variables that are unset or null.  If
                 LANG is unset or null, the corresponding value from the implementation-dependent default
                 locale will be used.  If any of the internationalization variables contains an invalid set-ting, setting,
                 ting, the utility will behave as if none of the variables had been defined.

     LC_ALL      If set to a non-empty string value, override the values of all the other internationaliza-tion internationalization
                 tion variables.

     LC_COLLATE  (This variable has no effect on localedef; the POSIX locale will be used for this cate-gory.) category.)

     LC_CTYPE    Determine the locale for the interpretation of sequences of bytes of text data as charac-ters characters
                 ters (for example, single- as opposed to multi-byte characters in arguments and input
                 files).  This variable has no effect on the processing of localedef input data; the POSIX
                 locale is used for this purpose, regardless of the value of this variable.

                 Determine the locale that should be used to affect the format and contents of diagnostic
                 messages written to standard error.

     NLSPATH     Determine the location of message catalogues for the processing of LC_MESSAGES.

     The following exit values are returned:

     0        No errors occurred and the locales were successfully created.

     1        Warnings occurred and the locales were successfully created.

     2        The locale specification exceeded implementation limits or the coded character set or sets
              used were not supported by the implementation, and no locale was created.

     >2       Warnings or errors occurred and no output was created.

Darwin                                        September 9, 2004                                       Darwin

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