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javap(1)                                                                                            javap(1)

       javap - Java class file disassembler

       javap [ options ] class ...

       The  javap  command disassembles a Java class file.  The options determine the output.  If no options
       are used, javap prints out the package, protected, and public  fields  and  methods  of  the  classes
       passed  to  it.  The javap command displays its output to stdout.  For example, compile the following
       class declaration:
              import java.awt.*;
              import java.applet.*;

              public class DocFooter extends Applet {
                        String date;
                        String email;

                        public void init() {

                             date = getParameter("LAST_UPDATED");
                             email = getParameter("EMAIL");

                        public void paint(Graphics g) {
                             g.drawString(date + " by ",100, 15);

       The output from javap DocFooter yields:

              Compiled from
              public class DocFooter extends java.applet.Applet {
                   java.lang.String date;
                   java.lang.String email;
                   public void init();
                   public void paint(java.awt.Graphics);
                   public DocFooter();

       The following options are supported:

       -b             Ensures backward compatibility with javap in JDK 1.1.

       -bootclasspath path
                      Specifies path from which to  load  bootstrap  classes.   By  default,  the  bootstrap
                      classes  are the classes implementing the core Java platform located in jre/lib/rt.jar
                      and jre/lib/charsets.jar.

       -c             Prints out disassembled code, that is, the instructions that comprise the  Java  byte-codes, bytecodes,
                      codes, for each of the methods in the class.  These are documented in the Java Virtual
                      Machine Specification.

       -classpath path
                      Specifies the path javap uses to look up classes.  Overrides the default or the CLASS-PATH CLASSPATH
                      PATH  environment  variable  if  it  is set.  Directories are separated by colons (:).
                      Thus the general format for path is:


                      For example:


       -extdirs dirs  Overrides location at which installed extensions are searched.  The  default  location
                      for extensions is jre/lib/ext.

       -help          Prints out help message for javap.

       -Jflag         Passes flag directly to runtime system.

                      javap -J-version


       -l             Displays line and local variable tables.

       -package       Shows only package, protected, and public classes and members. This is the default.

       -private       Shows all classes and members.

       -protected     Shows only protected and public classes and members.

       -public        Shows only public classes and members.

       -s             Displays internal type signatures.

       -verbose       Prints stack size, number of locals, and args for methods.

       CLASSPATH      Used  to provide the system with a path to user-defined classes. Directories are sepa-rated separated
                      rated by colons.  For example:


       java(1), javac(1), javadoc(1), javah(1), jdb(1)

                                                13 June 2000                                        javap(1)

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