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extcheck(1)                                                                                      extcheck(1)

       extcheck - jar conflict detection utility

       extcheck [ -verbose ] [ -Joption ] targetfile.jar

       The  extcheck utility checks a specified jar file for title and version conflicts with any extensions
       installed in the JDK software.  Before installing an extension, you can use this utility  to  see  if
       the same or a more recent version of the extension is already installed.

       The  extcheck utility compares the Specification-title and Specification-version headers in the mani-fest manifest
       fest of targetfile.jar file against the corresponding headers in all Jar files currently installed in
       the  extension  directory.  (The extension directory is jre/lib/ext by default.) The extcheck utility
       compares version numbers in the same way as the method java.lang.Package.isCompatibleWith.

       If no conflict is detected, the return code is 0.

       If the manifest of any jar file in the extensions directory has the same Specification-title and  the
       same  or  a  newer  Specification-version number, a non-zero error code is returned. A non-zero error
       code is also returned if targetfile.jar does not have the Specification-title  or  Specification-ver-sion Specification-version
       sion attributes in its manifest.

       The following options are supported:

       -verbose       Lists  jar  files in the extension directory as they are checked.  Additionally, mani-fest manifest
                      fest attributes of the target  jar  file  and  any  conflicting  jar  files  are  also

       -Joption       Pass  option to the Java virtual machine, where option is one of the options described
                      on the man page for the java application launcher, java(1).   For  example,  -J-Xms48m
                      sets the startup memory to 48 megabytes.


                                                13 June 2000                                     extcheck(1)

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