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DIFFPP(1)                                          DIFFPP                                          DIFFPP(1)

       diffpp - pretty-print diff outputs with GNU enscript

       diffpp currentfile < diff-file

       Diffpp  converts  diff(1)-program's  output  files  to  a  format  suitable  to  be  printed with GNU
       enscript(1).  Program annotates the changes with enscript's special escapes so enscript can highlight
       the  modified  portions  of  the file.  All changed and added lines are printed with gray-background,
       deleted lines are marked with minus (`-') characters; diffpp prints  one  minus  character  for  each
       deleted line.

       The  easiest  way  to use diffpp is to use it as an input filter for enscript.  If an input filter is
       specified for enscript it is used to pre-process the incoming data-stream.  Filtering does not  alter
       any  header  strings or file-timestamps which might be printed on enscript headers; only the incoming
       data is modified.

       enscript -G2re --filter='rcsdiff %s | diffpp %s' *.c *.h
               Print the changes between current source files and their latest RCS-versions.

       enscript -G2re --filter='diff %s~ %s | diffpp %s' *.c *.h
               Print changes between source files and the corresponding backup-files.

       diff(1), enscript(1)

       Markku Rossi <> <>

DIFFPP                                          Jan 29, 1997                                       DIFFPP(1)

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