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CSREQ(1)                                 BSD General Commands Manual                                CSREQ(1)

     csreq -- Expert tool for manipulating Code Signing Requirement data

     csreq [-v] -r requirement-input -t
     csreq [-v] -r requirement-input -b outputfile

     The csreq command manipulates Code Signing Requirement data.  It reads one requirement from a file or
     command arguments, converts it into internal form, checks it, and then optionally outputs it in a dif-ferent different
     ferent form.

     The options are as follows:

     -b path
             Requests that the requirement read be written in binary form to the path given.

     -r requirement-input
             Specifies the input requirement. See "specifying requirements" below. This is exactly the same
             format as is accepted by the -r and -R options of the codesign(1) command.

     -t      Requests that the requirement read be written as text to standard output.

     -v      Increases the verbosity of output. Multiple instances of -v produce increasing levels of com-mentary commentary
             mentary output.

     In the first synopsis form, csreq reads a Code Requirement and writes it to standard output as canoni-cal canonical
     cal source text.  Note that with text input, this actually compiles the requirement into internal form
     and then converts it back to text, giving you the system's view of the requirement code.

     In the second synopsis form, csreq reads a Code Requirement and writes its binary representation to a
     file. This is the same form produced by the SecRequirementCopyData API, and is readily acceptable as
     input to Code Signing verification APIs. It can also be used as input to subsequent invocations of
     csreq by passing the filename to the -r option.

     The requirement argument (-r) can be given in various forms. A plain text argument is taken to be a
     path to a file containing the requirement. This program will accept both binary files containing prop-erly properly
     erly compiled requirements code, and source files that are automatically compiled for use.  An argument
     of "-" requests that the requirement(s) are read from standard input.  Again, standard input can con-tain contain
     tain either binary form or text.  Finally, an argument that begins with an equal sign "=" is taken as a
     literal requirements source text, and is compiled accordingly for use.

     To compile an explicit requirement program and write its binary form to file "output":
           csreq -r="identifier" -b output.csreq

     To display the requirement program embedded at offset 1234 of file "foo":
           tail -b 1234 foo | csreq -r- -t

     The csreq program exits 0 on success or 1 on failure. Errors in arguments yield exit code 2.


     The csreq command first appeared in Mac OS 10.5.0 .

BSD                                             June 1, 2006                                             BSD

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