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APPRES(1)                                                                                          APPRES(1)

       appres - list X application resource database

       appres [class [instance]] [-1] [toolkitoptions]

       The  appres  program  prints the resources seen by an application (or subhierarchy of an application)
       with the specified class and instance names.  It can be used to determine which resources a  particu-lar particular
       lar program will load.  For example,

            % appres  XTerm

       will  list the resources that any xterm program will load.  If no application class is specified, the
       class -AppResTest- is used.

       To match a particular instance name, specify an instance name explicitly after the class name, or use
       the normal Xt toolkit option.  For example,

            % appres  XTerm  myxterm
            % appres  XTerm  -name  myxterm

       To  list  resources  that  match  a  subhierarchy  of  an application, specify hierarchical class and
       instance names.  The number of class and instance components must be equal,  and  the  instance  name
       should not be specified with a toolkit option.  For example,

            % appres  Xman.TopLevelShell.Form  xman.topBox.form

       will  list  the resources of widgets of xman topBox hierarchy.  To list just the resources matching a
       specific level in the hierarchy, use the -1 option.  For example,

            % appres  XTerm.VT100  xterm.vt100  -1

       will list the resources matching the xterm vt100 widget.

       X(7), xrdb(1), listres(1)

       Jim Fulton, MIT X Consortium

X Version 11                                    appres 1.0.1                                       APPRES(1)

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