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SPLITFORKS(1)                            BSD General Commands Manual                           SPLITFORKS(1)

     /usr/bin/SplitForks -- Divide a two-fork HFS file into AppleDouble format resource and data files.

     /usr/bin/SplitForks [-s] [-v] file

     SplitForks takes a Macintosh HFS or HFS Extended ("HFS+") two-fork file and converts it into AppleDou-ble AppleDouble
     ble format, with the data fork in one file and the resource fork and file system metadata in another.

     /usr/bin/SplitForks takes the following flags and arguments:

     [s]      Strip the resource fork from the original file.  The default is to leave the resource file in
              place after copying it to its AppleDouble metadata file.

     [v]      Produce verbose diagnostics to standard output.

     file     The file to split.

     foo     Data fork of file 'foo'

     SplitForks will fail with error 2 if the designated file is not on an HFS or Extended HFS file system

     FixupResourceForks(1), MvMac(1), CpMac(1)

     Consult RFC 1740 for details on AppleSingle/AppleDouble formats.

Mac OS X                                       April 12, 2004                                       Mac OS X

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