Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

Deprecated SBApplication Methods

A method identified as deprecated has been superseded and may become unsupported in the future.

Available in Mac OS X v10.5 through Mac OS X v10.5


Returns a dictionary mapping four-character class codes to the names of their corresponding Objective-C classes. (Available in Mac OS X v10.5 through Mac OS X v10.5.)

- (NSDictionary *)classNamesForCodes

Return Value

A dictionary whose keys are four-character class codes of the external application (as NSNumber objects), and whose values are the names of the corresponding SBObject subclasses.


The default implementation returns an empty dictionary. Application-specific subclasses return dictionaries tailored to the types of objects they support.

You should never call this method directly.

  • Available in Mac OS X v10.5 through Mac OS X v10.5.
Declared In


Returns a dictionary mapping property keys to their corresponding four-character codes. (Available in Mac OS X v10.5 through Mac OS X v10.5.)

- (NSDictionary *)codesForPropertyNames

Return Value

A dictionary whose keys are the keys of properties of the external application, and whose values are the corresponding four-character codes (as NSNumber objects).


The default implementation returns an empty dictionary. Application-specific subclasses return dictionaries tailored to the types of objects they support.

You should never call this method directly.

  • Available in Mac OS X v10.5 through Mac OS X v10.5.
Declared In

Last updated: 2007-05-29

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