Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

Binding Options

Many bindings allow you to specify additional options that modify their default behavior. This can be done both in Interface Builder and programmatically.

When creating a binding in Interface Builder, the Bindings pane of the inspector displays the available options for the binding. Bindings created programmatically pass an NSDictionary containing the option keys and corresponding values.

Allows Editing Multiple Values Selection

A Boolean value that determines if the binding allows editing when the value represents a multiple selection.

If YES, the content is editable and any edits will be applied to all the selected values. If the option is NO, editing of the content is disabled.


Value class


NSNumber (Boolean)

Allows Null Argument

A Boolean value that determines if the argument binding allows passing argument values of Null.

If YES, then Null arguments are allowed, otherwise they are prohibited.


Value class


NSNumber (Boolean)

Always Presents Application Modal Alerts

A Boolean value that determines if validation and error alert panels displayed as a result of this binding are displayed as application modal alerts.

If YES, then the alerts are displayed application modal, otherwise they are displayed as sheets.


Value class


NSNumber (Boolean)

Conditionally Sets Editable

A Boolean value that determines if the editable state of the user interface item is automatically configured based on the controller's selection.

If YES, the item's editable state is configured automatically. The user interface item will not be editable when the value represents a multiple selection, unless the selected objects are considered equal.


Value class


NSNumber (Boolean)

Conditionally Sets Enabled

A Boolean value that determines if the enabled state of the user interface item is automatically configured based on the controller's selection.

If YES, the item's enabled state is configured automatically. The user interface item is disabled for editing when the value represents a multiple selection unless the selected objects are considered equal.


Value class


NSNumber (Boolean)

Conditionally Sets Hidden

A Boolean value that determines if the hidden state of the user interface item is automatically configured based on the controller's selection.

If YES, the item's hidden state is configured automatically. The user interface item is hidden when the value represents a multiple selection unless the selected objects are considered equal.


Value class


NSNumber (Boolean)

Content Placement Tag

An integer value that specifies where the menu content provided by the binding will be inserted in the bound menu. For example, setting the content placement tag to a value of six will result in the bounds menu items being inserted in place of the menu item with the tag ID 6. This allows a menu to have both static menu items and dynamically bound menu items.


Value class


NSNumber (Integer)

Continuously Updates Value

A Boolean value that determines whether the value of the binding is updated as edits are made to the user interface item or is updated only when the user interface item resigns as the responder.

If YES, the bound object is updated continuously; otherwise the update is made only when the user interface item resigns as the responder.


Value class


NSNumber (Boolean)

Creates Sort Descriptor

A Boolean value that determines if NSTableColumn can be sorted by clicking on the column’s header cell.

If YES, the table column will sort when the user clicks in the column header cell; otherwise the column remains unsorted.


Value class


NSNumber (Boolean)

Deletes Objects on Remove

A Boolean value that determines whether objects removed from the controller are removed just from the relationship, or from the relationship and the object graph. This option is only relevant when the contentSet of the controller is a to-many relationship.

If YES, objects removed from the controller are removed from the relationship and the object graph; otherwise the objects are removed from the relationship only.


Value class


NSNumber (Boolean)

Display Name

An NSString that is used as the content of the search field pop-up menu item corresponding to the multi-value predicate binding. See “Predicate Binding” for further information.


Value class



Display Pattern

An NSString that specifies a format string used to construct the final value of a string.

The value of the displayPatternValue bindings replaces the corresponding %{valueX}@ pattern in the display pattern string. See “Value With Pattern Bindings” for further information.


Value class



Handles Content As Compound Value

A Boolean value that determines if the content is treated as a compound value.

Model objects can store relationship-like data in "compound" values and it may be necessary to use a reversible value transformer to translate those compound values temporarily into smaller pieces, that can be displayed and edited individually. See “Bindings Message Flow” in “Cocoa Bindings Programming Topics” for more information.

If YES, the content of a controller is treated as a compound value and—by using a reversible value transformer—will apply changes as a single value to the master model object if anything changes (edits, additions, removals).


Value class


NSNumber (Boolean)

Inserts Null Placeholder

A Boolean value that determines if an additional item which represents Null is inserted into a matrix or pop-up menu before the items in the content array.

If YES, an additional item is inserted into the matrix or pop-up menu—before the items in the content array—that returns Null as the selectedObject or selectedValue. The item is labeled using the null placeholder specified for the content binding or the contentValue binding.


Value class


NSNumber (Boolean)

Invokes Separately With Array Objects

A Boolean value that determines whether the specified selector is invoked with the array as the argument or is invoked repeatedly with each array item as an argument.

If YES, clicking the user interface item causes the specified selector to be invoked for every item in the array, passing each item in turn as the argument. Otherwise, the selector is invoked once, passing the array instance as the argument.


Value class


NSNumber (Boolean)

Multiple Values Placeholder

An object that is used as a placeholder when the key path of the bound controller returns the NSMultipleValuesMarker marker for a binding.


Value class


The value class is dependent on the particular binding.

No Selection Placeholder

An object that is used as a placeholder when the key path of the bound controller returns the NSNoSelectionMarker marker for a binding.


Value class


The value class is dependent on the particular binding.

Not Applicable Placeholder

An object that is used as a placeholder when the key path of the bound controller returns the NSNotApplicableMarker marker for a binding.


Value class


The value class is dependent on the particular binding.

Null Placeholder

An object that is used as a placeholder when the key path of the bound controller returns NULL for a binding.


Value class


The value class is dependent on the particular binding.

Predicate Format String

An NSString that is used as the predicate search string of the search field pop-up menu item corresponding to the multi-value predicate binding. See “Predicate Binding” for further information.


Value class



Raises for Not Applicable Keys

A Boolean value that specifies if an exception is raised when a binding is bound to a key that does not exist.

If YES, an exception is raised when the bound key is not applicable, otherwise the NSNotApplicableMarker is returned..


Value class


NSNumber (Boolean)

Selector Name

An NSString that specifies the method selector invoked by the target binding when the user interface item is clicked.


Value class



Selects All When Setting Content

A Boolean value that specifies if all the items in the array controller are selected when the content is set.

If YES, all the items are selected when the contentObject or contentArray binding is set.


Value class


NSNumber (Boolean)

Validates Immediately

A Boolean value that determines if the contents of the binding are validated immediately.

If YES, the value is validated as it is entered. Otherwise, the content is validated only when the user interface item attempts to resign as the responder.


Value class


NSNumber (Boolean)

Last updated: 2010-03-24

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