Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

Document Revision History

This table describes the changes to URL Loading System Programming Guide.

2010-03-24Restructured content and added discussions of new authentication functionality.
2009-08-14Added links to Cocoa Core Competencies.
2008-05-20Updated to include content about NSURLDownload availability in iOS.
2008-05-06Made minor editorial changes.
2007-07-10Corrected minor typos.
2006-05-23Added links to sample code.
2006-03-08Updated sample code.
2005-09-08Corrected connectionDidFinishLoading: method signature.
2005-04-08Added accessor method to sample code. Corrected minor typos.

Corrected minor typos.


Corrected table of contents ordering.


Corrected willSendRequest:redirectResponse: method signature throughout topic.


Added additional article outlining differences in behavior between NSURLDownload and NSURLConnection.


First release of conceptual and task material covering the usage of new classes in Mac OS X v10.2 with Safari 1.0 for downloading content from the Internet.

Last updated: 2010-03-24

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