Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

Document Revision History

This table describes the changes to Text System Overview.

2009-11-30Corrected example code in "Building a Text Editor in 15 Minutes." Made editorial revisions.
2009-11-17Updated tutorial for Mac OS X v10.6.
2009-04-08Added link in "Building a Text Editor in 15 Minutes" to information explaining how to configure an application's document types settings.
2008-10-15Fixed problem with illustrations.
2007-10-02Made minor change to code snippet in "Simple Text Tasks" to set font trait.
2007-03-06Fixed bug in sample code in "Assembling the Text System by Hand."
2006-08-07Added Mac OS X v10.4 classes to "Class Hierarchy of the Cocoa Text System." Simplified setter method in tutorial.
2005-08-11Updated the tutorial for Mac OS X v10.4 and made minor revisions throughout. Changed title from Text System Architecture.

Made editorial revisions to previously unedited articles.


Updated introduction and tutorial, made minor editorial corrections throughout, and added an index.


Added five new articles and rewrote introduction.


Revision history was added to existing topic.

Last updated: 2009-11-30

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