Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

BNF Definition of Cocoa Predicates

This article defines Cocoa predicates in Backus-Naur Form notation.


NSPredicate ::= NSComparisonPredicate | NSCompoundPredicate


NSCompoundPredicate ::= NSPredicate "AND" NSPredicate
    | NSPredicate "OR" NSPredicate
    | "NOT" NSPredicate


NSComparisonPredicate ::= expression operation expression
    | aggregate_qualifier NSComparisonPredicate


CONTAINS and IN serve both as aggregate operators and string operators, depending on the types of their arguments.

operation ::= "=" | "!=" | "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">="
    | aggregate_operations [ "[" string_options "]" ]
aggregate_operations ::= CONTAINS | IN | string_operations
string_operations ::= BEGINSWITH | ENDSWITH | LIKE | MATCHES
string_options ::= c | d | cd

Aggregate Qualifier

aggregate_qualifier ::= ANY | ALL | NONE | SOME


expression ::= "(" expression ")"
    | binary_expression
    | function_expression
    | assignment_expression
    | index_expression
    | keypath_expression
    | value_expression

Value Expression

value_expression ::= literal_value | literal_aggregate

Literal Value

literal_value ::= string_value
    | numeric_value
    | predicate_argument
    | predicate_variable
    | NULL
    | TRUE
    | FALSE
    | SELF

String Value

string_value ::= "text" | 'text'

Predicate Argument

predicate_argument ::= "%" format_argument

Format Argument

format_argument ::= "@" | "%" | "K"
    printf style conversion character

Predicate Variable

predicate_variable ::= "$" identifier

Keypath Expression

keypath_expression ::= identifier | "@" identifier
    | expression "." expression

Literal Aggregate

literal_aggregate ::= "{" [ expression [ "," expression ... ] ] "}"

Index Expression

index_expression ::= array_expression "[" integer_expression "]"
    | dictionary_expression   "[" expression "]"
    | aggregate_expression "[" FIRST "]" 
    | aggregate_expression "[" LAST "]" 
    | aggregate_expression "[" SIZE "]" 

Aggregate Expression

aggregate_expression ::= array_expression | dictionary_expression

Assignment Expression

assignment_expression ::= predicate_variable ":=" expression

Binary Expression

binary_expression ::= expression binary_operator expression
    | "-" expression

Binary Operator

binary_operator ::= "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "**"

Function Expression

function_expression ::= function_name "(" [ expression [ "," expression ... ] ] ")"

Function Name

function_name ::= "sum" | "count" | "min" | "max"
    | "average" | "median" | "mode" | "stddev"
    | "sqrt" | "log" | "ln" | "exp"
    | "floor" | "ceiling" | "abs" | "trunc"
    | "random" | "randomn" | "now"

Array Expression

array_expression ::= any expression that evaluates to an NSArray object

Dictionary Expression

dictionary_expression ::= any expression that evaluates to an NSDictionary object

Integer Expression

integer_expression ::= any expression that evaluates to an integral value

Numeric Value

numeric_value ::= C style numeric constant


identifier ::= C style identifier | "#" reserved_word

Last updated: 2010-06-14

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