Mac OS X Reference Library Apple Developer

Document Revision History

This table describes the changes to Spotlight Importer Programming Guide.

2009-10-11Updated location of lsregister.
2006-11-07Added additional debugging information to the Troubleshooting article.
2006-04-04Added discussion of the kMDItemTextContent attribute to "Assigning Values to Metadata Attributes." Clarified that the GetMetdataForFile example is Objective-C.
2006-03-08Updated to reflect Spotlight compatibility with Rosetta.
2006-02-07Added note about recompiling as a universal binary.
2005-09-08Added new troubleshooting information about Spotlight importer bundle timestamps and document packaging UTI types.
2005-08-11Added discussion about localizing attribute values. Added template for UTExportedDeclarations. Added note about Objective-C use in importers.
2005-07-07Added additional Schema.xml attributes. Added package post-install script information for standalone importers.
2005-04-29Updated to reflect the current Xcode project template. Added troubleshooting information. Changed title from "Metadata Importers." First public version.

Corrected reference to MetadataImporterPluginFactory in “Writing a Spotlight Importer.”


Added schema.xml template listing to “Writing a Spotlight Importer.”


New document that describes the role of metadata importers and how to write them.

Last updated: 2009-10-11

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