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Inside Macintosh: Files /
Chapter 3 - Standard File Package / Standard File Package Reference
Data Structures

Enhanced Standard File Reply Record

When you use one of the procedures StandardPutFile, StandardGetFile, CustomPutFile, or CustomGetFile, you pass a reply record of type StandardFileReply.

TYPE StandardFileReply =
   sfGood:        Boolean;    {TRUE if user did not cancel}
   sfReplacing:   Boolean;    {TRUE if replacing file with same name}
   sfType:        OSType;     {file type}
   sfFile:        FSSpec;     {selected file, folder, or volume}
   sfScript:      ScriptCode; {script of file, folder, or volume name}
   sfFlags:       Integer;    {Finder flags of selected item}
   sfIsFolder:    Boolean;    {selected item is a folder}
   sfIsVolume:    Boolean;    {selected item is a volume}
   sfReserved1:   LongInt;    {reserved}
   sfReserved2:   Integer;    {reserved}
Field Description
Reports whether the reply record is valid. The value is TRUE after
the user clicks Save or Open; FALSE after the user clicks Cancel. When the user has completed the dialog box, the other fields in the reply record are valid only if the sfGood field contains TRUE.
Reports whether a file to be saved replaces an existing file of the same name. This field is valid only after a call to the StandardPutFile or CustomPutFile procedure. When the user assigns a name that duplicates that of an existing file, the Standard File Package asks for verification by displaying a subsidiary dialog box (illustrated in Figure 3-4, page 3-7). If the user verifies the name, the Standard File Package sets the sfReplacing field to TRUE and returns to your application; if the user cancels the overwriting of the file, the Standard File Package returns to the main dialog box. If the name does not conflict with an existing name, the Standard File Package sets the field to FALSE and returns.
Contains the file type of the selected file. (File types are described in the chapter "Finder Interface" in Inside Macintosh: Macintosh Toolbox Essentials.) Only StandardGetFile and CustomGetFile return a file type in this field.
Describes the selected file, folder, or volume with a file system specification record, which contains a volume reference number, parent directory ID, and name. (See the chapter "File Manager" in this book for a complete description of the file system specification record.) If the selected item is an alias for another item, the Standard File Package resolves the alias and places the file system specification record for the target in the sfFile field when the
user completes the dialog box. If the selected file is a stationery
pad, the reply record describes the file itself, not a copy of the file.
Identifies the script in which the name of the document is to be displayed. (This information is used by the Finder and by the Standard File Package.) A script code of smSystemScript (-1) represents the default system script.
Contains the Finder flags from the Finder information record in the catalog entry for the selected file. (See the chapter "Finder Interface" in Inside Macintosh: Macintosh Toolbox Essentials for a description of the Finder flags.) This field is returned only by StandardGetFile and CustomGetFile. If your application supports stationery, it should check the stationery bit in the Finder flags to determine whether to treat the selected file as stationery. Unlike the Finder, the Standard File Package does not automatically create a document from a stationery pad and pass your application the new document. If the user opens a stationery document from within an application that does not support stationery, the Standard File Package displays a dialog box warning the user that the master copy is being opened.
Reports whether the selected item is a folder (TRUE) or a file or volume (FALSE). This field is meaningful only during the execution of a dialog hook function.
Reports whether the selected item is a volume (TRUE) or a file or folder (FALSE). This field is meaningful only during the execution of a dialog hook function.

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© Apple Computer, Inc.
2 JUL 1996