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ADC Home > Documentation > Hardware > Device Managers and Drivers > Device Manager

The Device Manager controls the exchange of information between applications and hardware devices.

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    Inside Macintosh Documents
Inside Macintosh: Devices
(Chapter 1 - Device Manager)
This book describes how to write software that interacts with built-in and peripheral hardware devices. This book provides useful information for writing and debugging low-level software. Chapter 1
describes how your application can use the Device Manager to transfer information into and out of a Macintosh computer.

This chapter provides a brief introduction to devices and device drivers and explains how you can use the Device Manager functions to perform the following operations:
  • Open, close, and exchange information with device drivers
  • Write your own device driver that can communicate with the Device Manager
  • Provide a user interface for your device driver by making it a Chooser extension or desk accessory