iOS Reference Library Apple Developer

Document Revision History

This table describes the changes to QuartzDemo.

2010-06-25Changed deployment target back to iPhone OS 3.2 and added CFBundleIconFiles in Info.plist.
2010-06-18Upgraded project to build with the iOS 4.0 SDK.
2010-02-03Added masking and clipping demos. Made some of the demos dynamic. Cleaned up various inconsistencies in the code.
2009-05-21Changed the demo classes to be subclasses of the QuartzView class. Improved QuartzViewController to allow the user to zoom and pan the demo views, and to improve its low memory handling. Added a Blending demo.
2009-01-07Fixed a memory management error in the MainViewController.
2008-07-02First public release.

Last updated: 2010-06-25

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