iOS Reference Library Apple Developer


This application demonstrates use of UIScrollView's paging functionality to use horizontal scrolling as a mechanism for navigating between different pages of content. Each page is managed by its own view controller which is loaded only when it is needed. A UIPageControl is displayed at the bottom of the window as an alternative interface for moving between pages.
Build Requirements
iOS 4.0 SDK
Runtime Requirements
iPhone OS 3.2 or later
Packaging List
Launches the application and specifies the class name for the application delegate.
Application and scroll view delegate. This object manages the view controllers which are the pages in the scroll view.
A controller for a single page of content. For this application, pages simply display text on a black background.
Changes from Previous Versions
1.3 Upgraded project to build with the iOS 4.0 SDK.
1.2 Fixed issue where scrolling by dragging the UIScrollView did not update the UIPageControl.
1.1 Added a check to eliminate flicker of the UIPageControl when it is used to change pages.
1.0 Initial version.
Copyright (C) 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.

Last updated: 2010-06-23

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