iOS Reference Library Apple Developer


Demonstrates how to implement a headsUp or HUD-like user interface over the app's primary view controller.  This essentially mimics the behavior of the MPMoviePlayerController's hovering controls for controlling movie playback.  Developers can refer to this sample for best practices in how to implement this translucent kind of interface complete with animation and timer support.
This sample implements two basic UIViews: one for intercepting a user tap to show the hover UI, the other for rendering the translucent appearance.  The app's primary UIViewController handles the control clicks on this UI as well as implements a NSTimer that automatically hides the controls after 5 seconds.  The sample uses the UIViewAnimation category to achieve a fade-in and fade-out effect.
Build Requirements
iOS 4.0 SDK
Runtime Requirements
iPhone OS 3.2 or later
Using the Sample
Launch the HeadsUpUI project using Xcode 3.1.
To run in the simulator, set the Active SDK to Simulator. To run on a device, set the Active SDK to the appropriate Device setting.  When launched tap anywhere on the screen.  The hover user interface will appear with a fade-in effect at your touch point.  You can then tap the forward or backward buttons.  If you do not tap them, the interface will automatically fade away after 5 seconds.
Packaging List
main.m - Main source file for this sample.
AppDelegate.h/.m - The application's delegate to setup its window and content.
MyViewController.h/.m - The main UIViewController the parent view for the HoverView.
HoverView.h/.m - The view hosting the translucent button tools: play/pause.
MainView.h/.m - The background picture view for this application (embeds HoverView).
Changes from Previous Versions
1.0 - First release.
1.1 - Upgraded project to build with the iOS 4.0 SDK.
Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.

Last updated: 2010-06-24

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