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RSA_generate_key(3)                 OpenSSL                RSA_generate_key(3)

       RSA_generate_key - generate RSA key pair

        #include <openssl/rsa.h>

        RSA *RSA_generate_key(int num, unsigned long e,
           void (*callback)(int,int,void *), void *cb_arg);

       RSA_generate_key() generates a key pair and returns it in a newly
       allocated RSA structure. The pseudo-random number generator must be
       seeded prior to calling RSA_generate_key().

       The modulus size will be num bits, and the public exponent will be e.
       Key sizes with num < 1024 should be considered insecure.  The exponent
       is an odd number, typically 3, 17 or 65537.

       A callback function may be used to provide feedback about the progress
       of the key generation. If callback is not NULL, it will be called as

          While a random prime number is generated, it is called as described
           in BN_generate_prime(3).

          When the n-th randomly generated prime is rejected as not suitable
           for the key, callback(2, n, cb_arg) is called.

          When a random p has been found with p-1 relatively prime to e, it
           is called as callback(3, 0, cb_arg).

       The process is then repeated for prime q with callback(3, 1, cb_arg).

       If key generation fails, RSA_generate_key() returns NULL; the error
       codes can be obtained by ERR_get_error(3).

       callback(2, x, cb_arg) is used with two different meanings.

       RSA_generate_key() goes into an infinite loop for illegal input values.

       ERR_get_error(3), rand(3), rsa(3), RSA_free(3)

       The cb_arg argument was added in SSLeay 0.9.0.

0.9.7l                            2002-09-25               RSA_generate_key(3)
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