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Enabling the Malloc Debugging Features

Debugging memory-related bugs can be time consuming if you do not know where to start looking. This is usually compounded by the problem that many memory bugs occur well after the memory in question was manipulated by the code. Fortunately, Mac OS X includes options for identifying memory problems closer to when those problems actually happen.

Enabling Guard Malloc

Guard Malloc is a special version of the malloc library that replaces the standard library during debugging. Guard Malloc uses several techniques to try and crash your application at the specific point where a memory error occurs. For example, it places separate memory allocations on different virtual memory pages and then deletes the entire page when the memory is freed. Subsequent attempts to access the deallocated memory cause an immediate memory exception rather than a blind access into memory that might now hold other data. When the crash occurs, you can then go and inspect the point of failure in the debugger to identify the problem.

To enable debugging using Guard Malloc, choose the Run > Enable Guard Malloc option in Xcode before running your project. Building and running your application with this option enabled runs your application using the Guard Malloc library automatically. You can use this option both Mac OS X applications and also for iPhone applications running in the simulator.

For more information about the types of memory problems that Guard Malloc can help you track down, see the libgmalloc man page in Mac OS X Man Pages.

Configuring the Malloc Environment Variables

The malloc library provides debugging features to help you track down memory smashing bugs, heap corruption, references to freed memory, and buffer overruns. You enable these debugging options through a set of environment variables. With the exception of MallocCheckHeapStart and MallocCheckHeapEach, the value for most of these environment variables is ignored. To disable a variable from Terminal, use the unset command. Table 1 lists some of the key environment variables and describes their basic function. For a complete list of variables, see the malloc man page.

Table 1  Malloc environment variables




If set, malloc remembers the function call stack at the time of each allocation.


This option is similar to MallocStackLogging but makes sure that all allocations are logged, no matter how small or how short lived the buffer may be.


If set, free sets each byte of every released block to the value 0x55.


If set, malloc sets each byte of a newly allocated block to the value 0xAA. This increases the likelihood that a program making assumptions about freshly allocated memory fails.


If set, malloc adds guard pages before and after large allocations.


Fine-grain control over the behavior of MallocGuardEdges: If set, malloc does not place a guard page at the head of each large block allocation.


Fine-grain control over the behavior of MallocGuardEdges: If set, malloc does not place a guard page at the tail of each large block allocation.


Set this variable to the number of allocations before malloc will begin validating the heap. If not set, malloc does not validate the heap.


Set this variable to the number of allocations before malloc should validate the heap. If not set, malloc does not validate the heap.

The following example enables stack logging and heap checking in the current shell before running an application. The value for MallocCheckHeapStart is set to 1 but is irrelevant and can be set to any value you want. You could also set these variables from your shell’s startup file, although if you do be sure to export each variable.

% MallocStackLogging=1
% MallocCheckHeapStart=1000
% MallocCheckHeapEach=100
% ./my_tool

If you want to run your program in gdb, you can set environment variables from the Xcode debugging console using the command set env, as shown in the following example:

% gdb
(gdb) set env MallocStackLogging 1
(gdb) run

Some of the performance tools require these options to be set in order to gather their data. For example, the malloc_history tool can identify the allocation site of specific blocks if the MallocStackLogging flag is set. This tool can also describe the blocks previously allocated at an address if the MallocStackLoggingNoCompact environment variable is set. The leaks command line tool will name the allocation site of a leaked buffer if MallocStackLogging is set. See the man pages for leaks and malloc_history for more details.

Detecting Double Freed Memory

The malloc library reports attempts to call free on a buffer that has already been freed. If you have enabled the MallocStackLoggingNoCompact option, you can use the logged stack information to find out where in your code the second free call was made. You can then use this information to set up an appropriate breakpoint in the debugger and track down the problem.

The malloc library reports information to stderr.

Detecting Heap Corruption

To enable heap checking, assign values to the MallocCheckHeapStart and MallocCheckHeapEach environment variables. You must set both of these variables to enable heap checking. The MallocCheckHeapStart variable tells the malloc library how many malloc calls to process before initiating the first heap check. Set the second to the number of malloc calls to process between heap checks.

The MallocCheckHeapStart variable is useful when the heap corruption occurs at a predictable time. Once it hits the appropriate start point, the malloc library starts logging allocation messages to the Terminal window. You can watch the number of allocations and use that information to determine approximately where the heap is being corrupted. Adjust the values for MallocCheckHeapStart and MallocCheckHeapEach as necessary to narrow down the actual point of corruption.

Detecting Memory Smashing Bugs

To find memory smashing bugs, enable the MallocScribble variable. This variable writes invalid data to freed memory blocks, the execution of which causes an exception to occur. When using this variable, you should also set the MallocStackLogging and MallocStackLoggingNoCompact variables to log the location of the exception. When the exception occurs, you can then use the malloc_history command to track down the code that allocated the memory block. You can then use this information to track through your code and look for any lingering pointers to this block.

Last updated: 2008-07-02

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