iOS Reference Library Apple Developer

Document Revision History

This table describes the changes to Xcode User Default Reference.

2009-07-14Updated for Xcode 3.2.
2009-01-06Added and updated defaults information.

Added “XCSnapshotDiskImagePath.”


Udocumented PBXCVSToolPath.

2008-11-19Added information about source code formatting user default.

Added “XCCodeSenseFormattingOptions.”

2008-10-15Updated for Xcode 3.1 and fixed cross-references.

Added “Xcode User Default Overview.”


Added “PBXShowMatchingBrace.”


Changed “PBXIndentOnPaste” built-in defalult value to YES.


Undocumented XCSubversionToolPath.

2008-05-30Made corrections.

Corrected spelling of the NSRecentDocumentsLimit user default.

2007-05-11New document that describes the user defaults developers can use to customize Xcode behavior.

Last updated: 2009-07-14

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