You can create various custom subclasses of NSFormatter
. For example, you might want a custom formatter of telephone numbers, or a custom formatter of part numbers.
To subclass NSFormatter
, you must, at the least, override the three primitive methods:
In the first method you convert the cell’s object to a string representation; in the second method you convert the string to the object associated with the cell.
In the third method, attributedStringForObjectValue:withDefaultAttributes:
, you convert the object to a string that has attributes associated with it. For example, if you want negative financial amounts to appear in red, you have this method return a string with an attribute of red text. In attributedStringForObjectValue:withDefaultAttributes:
get the non-attributed string by invoking stringForObjectValue:
and then apply the proper attributes to that string.
If the string for editing must differ from the string for display—for example, the display version of a currency field shows a dollar sign but the editing version doesn’t—implement editingStringForObjectValue:
in addition to stringForObjectValue:
You can edit the textual contents of a cell at each keypress and prevent the user from entering invalid characters using isPartialStringValid:proposedSelectedRange:originalString:originalSelectedRange:errorDescription:
and isPartialStringValid:newEditingString:errorDescription:
. You can apply this dynamic editing to things like telephone numbers or social security numbers; the person entering data enters the number only once, since the formatter automatically inserts the separator characters.
Last updated: 2009-08-06