!XSCREENSAVER V 1.26 under OpenVMS!=================================OYou can run XSCREENSAVER in demo mode via FREEWARE_DEMO.COM procedure. To quit,Lchoose "Reinitialize" in the Xscreensaver control window. The control windowMlet you choose a graphic demo to display. To abort the current demo, you needGto click, the control windows re-appears. The graphic demos are run via subprocesses.Demos available:H qix - Jamie's implementation of this, with many more options= than you would have thought qix could have.: helix - Generates spirally "stringart" patterns.= pedal - Draws a different kind of spirally pattern.* rorschach - Random inkblot patterns.E attraction - A bouncing ball demo, or a qix-like demo, or a wild; color-cycling thing, with some odd rules.5 greynetic - Random colored/stippled rectangles.3 rocks - Flying through an asteroid field.0 blitspin - Rotate a bitmap using bitblts.< imsmap - Generates random maps or cloud formations.I hypercube - 2d projection of a hypercube rotating on all four axes.M slidescreen - Divides the screen into a grid and plays a 16-puzzle on it.# decayscreen - A melting effect.+ halo - Random circular patterns.D pyro - Fireworks. Looks a lot like the version in xlock.@ hopalong - Fractals. Jamie snarfed this code from xlock.- flame - Fractals. Also from xlock.H noseguy - A guy with a big nose wanders around the screen saying? things. Jamie snarfed this code from xnlock.I maze - This is the X maze demo modified to take a -root option5 so that it works with xscreensaver.) lmorph - morphing line drawings.OSources are located into [.SRC] directory. AXPOBJS.ZIP and VAXOBJS.ZIP archives>contain object files for relink if you don't have a C compilerPatrick Moreaupmoreau@cena.dgac.frmoreau_p@decus.fr