4PUZZLES, GAMES, Collection od Puzzles under X WindowThe collection includes:SLIDING BLOCK PUZZLESxcubes: expanded 15 puzzle(xtriangles: same complexity as 15 puzzleDxhexagons: 2 modes: one ridiculously easy, one harder than 15 puzzle ROTATIONAL 3D PUZZLES, hold down control key to move whole puzzle; letters that represent colors can be changed in mono-mode6xrubik: a nxnxn Erno Rubik's Cube(tm) (or Magic Cube)/ auto-solves 2x2x2 and 3x3x3 (non-orient mode)Dxpyraminx: a nxnxn Uwe Meffert's Pyraminx(tm) (and Senior Pyraminx),M a tetrahedron with Period 2, Period 3, and Combined cut modes7 and it also has a sticky mode to simulate a Halpern's' Tetrahedron or a Pyraminx TetrahedronCxoct: a nxnxn Uwe Meffert's Magic Octahedron (or Star Puzzler) and< Trajber's Octahedron with Period 3, Period 4, and Combined. cut modes and it also includes a sticky modeCxskewb: a Meffert's Skewb (or Pyraminx Cube), a cube with diagonal; cuts, each face is cut with a diamond shape?xdino: a Triangle - 4 Cube - Dinosaur, (or Triangle - 4 Cube -= 6 Colors) a cube with different diagonal cuts, each face is< cut with a "X" with Period 3 corner turning, Period 2 edge, turning (Bosch's Cube), and Combined modesFxmball: a variable cut Masterball(tm), variable number of latitudinalN and longitudinal cuts on a sphere, where the longitudinal cuts, permit only 180 degree turns-COMBINATION ROTATIONAL AND SLIDING 3D PUZZLES* hold down shift key to move whole puzzle; letters that represent colors can be changed in mono-mode,xmlink: a nxm Erno Rubik's Missing Link(tm)Future directions:K Sorry about the lack of auto-solvers, but I would rather write the puzzle than the tedious solution.< Currently the saved files are cryptic (not intentionally).M Also xmlink and xmball need better algorithms for drawing sectors than just2 a series of arcs. If you know of any, tell me.L The rest of the platonic solids (the dodecahedron and the icosahedron), asK well as Square-1(tm), seem too hard for me. (Square-1, by the way, was& the hardest puzzle I ever solved).M A combined xrubik 2x2x2 and xskewb (Longridge's Super Skewb) is possible as= well but xskewb as it stands, seems hard enough (for me).K A Billion Barrel would be nice but only with a auto-solver (the puzzle is- too hard (I confess, I never solved it)).B A Panex Puzzle with a Tower of Hanoi mode would be nice as well.Gxrubik is currently the only one in this collection with a auto-solver.=X Window Puzzles port under OpenVMS: Nov 1995#===================================HPuzzle programs were already ported under OpenVMS, I have only made some#adjustments to the make procedures:OEach program has its own MAKE.COM procedure to compile, as previously, with VAXEC on VAX platform. I have added automatic DECW/Motif 1.2/1.1 support.MEach program has now a MAKE_DECC.COM procedure to compile with DEC C compilerMon VAX platform and a MAKE_AXP.COM procedure to compile under Alpha platform.;All references to DEC/TCPIP libraries (aka UCX) are removed+Each program has now an .HLP VMS help file.Ressource files:---------------LEach program has an PROGRAM.DAT ressource file. You can either copy it underLyout home directory (SYS$LOGIN) or under a system location for a system-wide definition:C$ copy program.dat sys$common:[decw$defaults.user]* /lo/prot=(w:re)Exe and obj provided--------------------&VAX : VMS 5.5-2 , VAX C 3.2, Motif 1.1(Alpha: VMS 6.1-1H2, DEC C 5.0, Motif 1.2Enjoy,)Patrick MOREAU - CENA/Athis-Mons - FRANCEpmoreau@cena.dgac.frmoreau_p@decus.decus.fr