M xautolock(l) NAME= xautolock - locks X display after a period of inactivity SYNOPSISB xautolock [-help] [-version] [-time minutes] [-locker locker]? [-notify margin] [-bell percent] [-corners xxxx]B [-cornerdelay secs] [-cornersize pixels] [-noclose] DESCRIPTIONM When xautolock is started, it monitors the user activity on the worksta-M tion. When no activity is detected within minutes minutes, the screen isM automatically locked, using the screen locker specified with the -lockerC option. xautolock is capable of managing multiheaded displays.K In the presence of the -notify option, a warning signal will be issuedJ margin seconds before starting the locker. The -bell option specifies+ the loudness of the signal in percent.K You can tell xautolock to take special actions when you move the mouseL into one of the corners of the display and leave it there, by using theL -corners, -cornerdelay and -cornersize options. This works as follows :M The xxxx argument to the -corners option must consist of exactly 4 char-M acters from the following set : '0', '+', '-'. Each one of these speci-L fies what xautolock should do when the mouse enters a small square areaM located in each of the corners of the screen. The corners are consideredM in the following order : top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right.J A '0' indicates that xautolock should ignore the corner. A '+' indi-L cates that xautolock should start the locker after secs seconds, unlessL the mouse is moved, or keyboard input is received. A '-' indicates thatM xautolock not start the locker at all. The pixels argument specifies the( size in pixels of the corner areas.M By default xautolock closes stdout and stderr. This prevents the screen-K locker from writing error messages to these files in case you manuallyI lock your display. The -noclose option causes xautolock not to close7 stdout and stderr. This can be used for debugging.L You can also disable xautolock by sending it a SIGHUP signal. When dis-K abled, it will not attempt to start the screenlocker. To re-enable it,K send it another SIGHUP. This method is preferable to using SIGSTOP andK SIGCONT, because while SIGHUPped, xautolock will still be emptying its event queue.M 1 xautolock(l) OPTIONS1 -help Print a help message and exit.5 -version Print the version number and exit.E -time Specifies the time-out interval. The default is 10H minutes, the minimum is 1 minute and the maximum is 1 hour.I -locker Specifies the screen locker to be used. The default isJ "xlock 2>&- 1>&-". Your PATH is used to locate the pro-J gram. Notice that if locker contains several words, it4 must be specified between quotes.K -notify Warn the user margin seconds before locking. The default+ is not to warn the user.I -bell Specifies the loudness of the notification signal. TheM default is 40 percent. This option is only usefull in con-) junction with -notify.K -corners Define special actions to be taken when the mouse entersJ one of the corners of the display. The default is 0000,A which means that no special actions are taken.M -cornerdelay Specifies the number of seconds to wait before reacting to: a '+' corner. The default is 5 seconds.H -cornersize Specifies the size in pixels of the corner areas. The( default is 10 pixels.1 -noclose Don't close stdout and stderr. RESOURCES1 time Specifies the time out period.M locker Specifies the screen locker. No quotes are needed, even ifE your screen locker command contains several words.5 notify Specifies the notification margin.7 bell Specifies the notification loudness.2 corners Specifies the corner behaviour.: cornersize Specifies the size of the corner areas. 2M xautolock(l)7 cornerdelay Specifies the delay of a '+' corner.1 noclose Don't close stdout and stderr.@ Resources can be specified in your ~/.Xdefaults file eitherL for class Xautolock, or for whatever name you renamed xautolock to. ForM example : if you have two copies of xautolock, one called "xfreeze", andE one called "xmonitor", then both will understand the following : Xautolock.corners: ++++- In addition, "xfreeze" will understand : xfreeze.cornersize: 10' while "xmonitor" will understand : xmonitor.cornersize: 5 KNOWN BUGS: xautolock does not check whether locker is available.4 The xautolock resources have no resource class. COPYRIGHT1 Copyright 1990, 1992 by S. De Troch and MCE.I Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and theL supporting documentation without fee is hereby granted, provided that :D 1 : Both the above copyright notice and this permission noticeF appear in all copies of both the software and the supporting documentation., 2 : You don't make a profit out of it.F THE AUTHORS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE,K INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NOJ EVENT SHALL THEY BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIALJ DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA ORL PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUSK ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE.M 3 xautolock(l) AUTHORSK Stefan De Troch (detroch@imec.be), Michel Eyckmans (eyckmans@imec.be). SPECIAL THANKS TO Kris Croes (croes@imec.be). 4