Reference Manual

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@In this example, the /TOTAL qualifier shows the total number of >source-module generations in facility RMS. There are 237 such generations. 



ADisplays the names, members, and other attributes of one or more specified groups.



SHOW GROUP [group-name [, group-name...]]



EThe name of a source group or build group in the default development ,stream whose attributes are to be displayed.

CYou can display more than one group using wildcard characters. The Epercent sign (%) in a group name matches any single character in the ?position it occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or more Gcharacters in the position it occupies. Those groups whose names match #the wildcard pattern are displayed.

:If no group name parameter is specified, VDE displays all )group definitions for the default stream.


HDepending on the qualifiers you select, the SHOW GROUP command displays Hthe names, members, and other attributes of the specified source groups Hor build groups. The /SOURCE or /BUILD qualifier determines whether the Fcommand displayes source groups or build groups. The command can also Gshow the total number of groups that match a group-name specification. =This command only displays group definitions for the default development stream.


/BRIEF (default)


FDetermines the type of information that is displayed for a group. The C/BRIEF qualifier lists only the names of the groups that match the Hgroup-name parameters. The /FULL qualifier lists the name of each group Fand also its creation date, its remark string, the stream to which it =belongs, and the name of the creator of the group definition.

+Of /BRIEF and /FULL, /BRIEF is the default.


/SOURCE (default)

CSpecifies whether source groups or build groups are displayed. The :/SOURCE qualifier causes VDE to display the source groups =with the specified names. The /BUILD qualifier causes VDE to Hdisplay the build groups with the specified names. If neither qualifier )is specified, VDE displays source groups.

.Of /BUILD and /SOURCE, /SOURCE is the default.


/NOMEMBERS (default)

EDetermines whether the members of the group are listed. The /MEMBERS Hqualifier prints the name of each module that is a member of the group. <If the /FULL qualifier is also used, the /MEMBERS qualifier Fadditionally shows who added the member to the group and the date the Bmember was added. The /NOMEMBERS qualifier suppresses this output.


GShows the total number of groups that match the group-name parameters. GOther information about the individual groups is not shown. A separate Bcount is provided for each group-name parameter. HWildcard characters are usually used in the group-name %parameters when using this qualifier.



VDEä SHOW GROUPSource group ALLMODSSource group GROUP-2Source group GRPNAMSource group GRP_1Source group GRP_2Source group GRP_3Source group GRP_4VDEä      

GThis example illustrates how the SHOW GROUP command without parameters Bor qualifiers lists the names of all source groups defined in the default development stream.



HIn this example, individual build-group names are used as parameters to Flist two build groups, both defined in the default stream. The second FSHOW GROUP command illustrates the use of a wildcard character (*) to list multiple build groups.


#VDEä SHOW GROUP/SOURCE ALLMODS/FULLSource group ALLMODS5   Group added to database on  4-AUG-1988 15:15:31.491   Group added to database by user DOE (John Doe)   Group defined in stream MAIN   Remark:  VDEä      

FHere the /FULL qualifier shows when source group ALLMODS was added to Athe database, the name of the user who added it, the name of the Bdevelopment stream in which the group was created, and the remark !string associated with the group.


$VDEä SHOW GROUP/BUILD/MEMBERS SYSGRPBuild group SYSGRP   Members of the group:      Module [BUILD_TEST]X.EXE      Module [BUILD_TEST]Y.EXE      Module [BUILD_TEST]Z.HLB VDEä      

DHere the /MEMBERS qualifier lists the names of all modules that are Cmembers of build group SYSGRP. The facility name, module name, and )module type of each member are displayed.


)VDEä SHOW GROUP/BUILD/FULL/MEMBERS SYSGRPBuild group SYSGRP5   Group added to database on  4-AUG-1988 15:15:31.491   Group added to database by user DOE (John Doe)   Group defined in stream MAIN,   Remark: All images for conversion program   Members of the group:      Module [BUILD_TEST]X.EXE5         Added by user DOE on  4-AUG-1988 15:15:31.49      Module [BUILD_TEST]Y.EXE5         Added by user DOE on  4-AUG-1988 15:15:31.49      Module [BUILD_TEST]Z.HLB7         Added by user SMITH on 19-OCT-1988 16:10:40.05 VDEä      

HThis example shows the output of the /FULL and /MEMBERS qualifiers used Htogether. The output shows all database information about the specified group.


VDEä SHOW GROUP/TOTAL *#Number of groups matching name *: 7VDEä      

CThis example shows how the /TOTAL qualifier displays the number of Csource groups for the default stream that match a given group-name Hspecification. In this case, a wildcard character (*) is specified that Gmatches all source group names. The default stream thus has a total of seven source groups defined.



ADisplays the key definitions created with the DEFINE/KEY command.


SHOW KEY [key-name]



GThe name of the key whose definition is to be displayed. For a list of ,valid key names, see the DEFINE/KEY command.


GThe SHOW KEY command lists the key definitions created with DEFINE/KEY Hcommand. When used with the /DIRECTORY qualifier, the command lists the Fstates associated with those key definitions. Use the SET KEY command to change key states.



EDisplays all of the key definitions for the current state or for the @states specified with the /STATE qualifier. If you use the /ALL %qualifier, do not specify a key name.

/BRIEF (default)


FThe /BRIEF qualifier displays the key name, key definition, and state Gassociated with the specified key. The /NOBRIEF qualifier displays any Fqualifiers associated with the key definition. The /BRIEF and /NOFULL qualifiers are equivalent.


GDisplays the names of all the states for which keys have been defined. BIf you have not defined any keys, SHOW KEY/DIRECTORY displays the CDEFAULT, GOLD, and BLUE states (the states used by the initial key definitions on the VDE keypad).

@You cannot use the /DIRECTORY qualifier with any other SHOW KEY Hqualifiers. The key-name parameter is ignored if you use the /DIRECTORY qualifier.


/NOFULL (default)

BThe /FULL qualifier displays all qualifiers associated with a key Hdefinition. By default, only the name, definition, and state of the key @are displayed. The /FULL and /NOBRIEF qualifiers are equivalent."


/NOSTATE (default)

DDisplays the key definitions associated with the specified state or =states. If you specify only one state name, you can omit the Eparentheses. State names can be any alphanumeric string. State names (are created with the DEFINE/KEY command.

FIf you omit the /STATE qualifier or use /NOSTATE, key definitions for the current state are displayed.



VDEä SHOW KEY KP4/FULLDEFAULT keypad definitions:9  KP4 = "SHOW DEFAULTS" (echo,terminate,nolock)      

GIn this example, the SHOW KEY command displays the complete definition Gof the KP4 key. Using the /FULL qualifier lists the qualifiers (/ECHO, H/TERMINATE, and /NOLOCK) entered, either explicitly or by default, with 7the SHOW DEFAULTS command when the KP4 key was defined.



FIn this example, the first SHOW KEY command is the default version of Dthe command: it displays both the definition of the COMMA key (SHOW DLIBRARY) and the state in which it is defined (DEFAULT). The second FSHOW KEY command (with the /FULL qualifier) additionally displays all Equalifiers associated with the key definition, which in this example Aare /TERMINATE, /ECHO, and /NOLOCK; the qualifiers either can be Dexplicitly stated when the key is defined (as /TERMINATE) or can be :defaults (as /ECHO and /NOLOCK) of the DEFINE/KEY command.


VDEä SHOW KEY/ALLDEFAULT keypad definitions:9  PF1 = "" (echo,noterminate,nolock,state=GOLD)0  PF2 = "Help" (echo,terminate,nolock)6  PF3 = "SET VERIFY" (echo,terminate,nolock)9  PF4 = "" (echo,noterminate,nolock,state=BLUE)9  KP4 = "SHOW DEFAULTS" (echo,terminate,nolock)@  COMMA = "SET CONTEXT BUGFIX" (echo,terminate,nolock)      

FThis example the SHOW KEY command displays all of the key definitions -that you created with the DEFINE/KEY command.



3Displays the attributes of the current VDE library.






EThe SHOW LIBRARY command displays the name and root directory of the :current library and optionally shows information from the Cdatabase-header record of the library. This additional information Hincludes the creation date of the library, a remark string, the name of Bthe user who created the library, and the standard authorized and 0default privileges for new users of the library.


/BRIEF (default)


GDetermines what information about the library is displayed. The /BRIEF Equalifier lists the name and the root directory of the library only. @The /FULL qualifier lists the name, the root directory, and all Einformation available from the database-header record of the library.

+Of /BRIEF and /FULL, /BRIEF is the default.



VDEä SHOW LIBRARY0Library LIBNAME in root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR]VDEä      

CThis example illustrates the brief form of the SHOW LIBRARY output.


VDEä SHOW LIBRARY/FULL0Library LIBNAME in root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR]3   Created by user SMITH on  4-APR-1989 14:52:58.62   Remark: Test library#   Created using VDE Version X0.1-1'   Automatic library conversion enabled,   Initial default privileges for new users:      CREMOD CRESTEP RESREP/   Initial authorized privileges for new users:"      CREMOD CRESTEP CREUSR RESREPVDEä      

<This example shows the full form of the SHOW LIBRARY output.



CDisplays the names of the disk directories that contain either the Hfiles of the default development stream, the delta files of the current 6library, or the staging areas for queued replacements.






=The SHOW LOCATION command displays the locations of the disk Hdirectories that contain the modules that make up your software system. DYou can display the directory locations of all files in the default Hdevelopment stream, of the current library's delta files (stored in the (form of CMS libraries), or of the queued%replacement "staging area."

CThe directories for the default development stream contain derived 'files and clear copies of source files.:VDE uses these directories when it builds your system. By =default, the SHOW LOCATION command displays the names of all #directories for the default stream.

EEach source module in your software system has a delta file. A delta Bfile is a compact representation for storing all past and present Bgenerations of a source module. A delta file is the same as a CMS @element. The SHOW LOCATION command can display the names of all delta-file directories.

FEach facility has a separate disk directory tree for both the default Estream and the delta files. You can specify that you want to display /only those directories for a specific facility.

.The VDE library also has a root directory for Fqueued-replacement staging areas. Each time a user queues modules for 6replacement, VDE creates a new subdirectory (called a Gstaging area) for that queued replacement and copies the modules to be Ereplaced to the staging area. The SHOW LOCATION command can show the 'root directory for these staging areas.




/STREAM (default)

=Specifies whether to display directory locations for the VDE Blibrary's delta-files, the library's staging area, or the default Bdevelopment stream. The /DELTA_FILES qualifier displays directory @locations of the library's delta-files (its CMS libraries). The /STAGING qualifierFdisplays the root directory of the library's staging areas for queued Ereplacements. The /STREAM qualifier displays directory locations for the default development stream.

>Of /DELTA_FILES, /STAGING and /STREAM, /STREAM is the default.


HSpecifies that only those directory locations that hold modules for the ?indicated facility be displayed. If this qualifier is omitted, 5directory locations for all facilities are displayed.



VDEä SHOW LOCATION/FACILITY=RMS$Directory locations for stream V2.0:-   Stream root directory: DEV$:[PROJDIR.V2_0]B      Subdirectory:   DEV$:[PROJDIR.V2_0.VDE$BLD] (symbol VDE$BLD) (   Directory locations for facility RMS:-      Root directory: DEV$:[PROJDIR.V2_0.RMS]>      Subdirectory:   DEV$:[PROJDIR.V2_0.RMS.OBJ] (symbol OBJ)>      Subdirectory:   DEV$:[PROJDIR.V2_0.RMS.SRC] (symbol SRC)F      Subdirectory:   DEV$:[PROJDIR.V2_0.RMS.VDE$COM] (symbol VDE$COM)F      Subdirectory:   DEV$:[PROJDIR.V2_0.RMS.VDE$LOG] (symbol VDE$LOG) VDEä      

GThis example displays the disk directory locations for facility RMS in !the default stream (stream V2.0).


+VDEä SHOW LOCATION/FACILITY=RMS/DELTA_FILES$Directory locations for delta files:4   Delta-file root directory: DEV$:[PROJDIR.VDE$CMS] (   Directory locations for facility RMS:0      Root directory: DEV$:[PROJDIR.VDE$CMS.RMS] VDEä      

GThis example displays the disk directory locations for the delta-files for facility RMS.



8Shows whether VDE input and output is recorded in a log Gfile. If logging is enabled, the name of the log file is displayed. To (enable logging, use the SET LOG command.









VDEä SHOW LOG4Output logging on file: DEV$:[MYDIR]VDELOGFILE.LOG;1VDEä      

HThis command shows that output logging is enabled and gives the name of the log file.


VDEä SHOW LOGNo output loggingVDEä      

3This command shows that output logging is disabled.



.Displays information about VDE's memory usage.






DThe SHOW MEMORY command displays information about the memory pools ;that VDE uses. It displays information about the following memory areas:

<If you run out of virtual memory when running VDE, the SHOW CMEMORY command can be helpful in determining where memory is being <consumed. It is of course also helpful to VDE developers in identifying how memory is used.





VDEä SHOW MEMORYMemory usage statistics:2   Number of bytes in VDE memory pool:       655362   Number of areas in VDE memory pool:           12   Number of allocated bytes in VDE pool:     19602   Number of allocated blocks in VDE pool:      332   Number of free bytes in VDE pool:         635642   Number of free blocks in VDE pool:           172   Number of bytes in VDE pool free list:    635482   Number of blocks in VDE pool free list:      162   Number of bytes of temporary memory:       12642   Number of blocks of temporary memory:        126   Number of successful LIB$GET_VM calls:          2756   Number of successful LIB$FREE_VM calls:         1416   Number of LIB$GET_VM bytes now allocated:    5671206   Number successful LIB$GET_VM_PAGE calls:         136   Number successful LIB$FREE_VM_PAGE calls:         06   Number of LIB$GET_VM_PAGE pages allocated:     18366   Number of LIB$GET_VM_PAGE bytes allocated:   9400326   First free address at end of P0 space:     0063EE006   First free address at end of P1 space:     7FDD62006   Number of pages available for expansion:     182835 VDEä      

DThis example shows the output of the SHOW MEMORY command. The first =part of the output contains information about VDE's internal Ememory pool. This includes the total size of the pool, the amount of Ememory that is allocated, the amount that is free, the length of the Hfree list (which should be the same as the amount of free memory except <for a 16-byte list head), and the amount of "temporary Ememory" allocated. Temporary memory is allocated memory that is 9automatically released at the end of the current command.

@The middle section of the output displays information about the DLIB$GET_VM and LIB$GET_VM_PAGE memory pools. This information comes Gfrom library routine LIB$STAT_VM. Finally, the last few lines give the <sizes of the VDE utility's P0 and P1 address spaces and the @number of pages by which the virtual address space can still be @expanded before reaching the virtual page limit for the process.



9Displays the attributes of one or more specified modules.



SHOW MODULE [mod-name [, mod-name...]]



FThe name of a module whose attributes are to be displayed. The module Hname consists of an optional facility name enclosed in square brackets, Ba module name, and an optional type name preceded by a period. An Bexample is [FACIL]MOD1.PAS. If no facility name is specified, the Gdefault facility is assumed. If no type name is specified, all modules Cwith the specified module name in the given facility are displayed.

EYou can display more than one module by using wildcard characters in Hany of the three components of the module name. The percent sign (%) in Ha name matches any single character in the position it occupies and the @asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters in the position it Coccupies. Those modules whose names match the wildcard pattern are displayed.

9If you omit the mod-name parameter, VDE -displays all modules in the default facility.


@Depending on the qualifiers you select, the SHOW MODULE command Fdisplays the name of each selected module, the name and remark string Eof each module, or the name and all other attributes of each module. CThe command can also show the total number of modules that match a Gmodule name specification or certain statistics about the modules that "match a module name specification.

ETo obtain generation-related information on one or more modules, use |the SHOW GENERATION command. See SHOW GENERATION for further information.



/SOURCE (default)


EControls whether source modules, derived modules, or all modules are <displayed. The /SOURCE qualifier causes VDE to display only Csource modules that match the module-name parameters. The /DERIVED :qualifier causes VDE to display only derived modules that 7match the parameters. The /ALL qualifier causes VDE to Bdisplay both source and derived modules that match the parameters.

6Of /ALL, /SOURCE and /DERIVED, /SOURCE is the default.


/NORMAL (default)


BDetermines the information that is displayed for each module. The C/BRIEF qualifier displays the name of each module that matches the Cmodule-name parameter. The /NORMAL qualifier displays the name and ?remark string of each module. The /FULL qualifier displays all Fattributes of each module, including its name, creation date, history Gand notes attributes, and remark string. It also indicates whether the .module is a source module or a derived module.

5Of /BRIEF, /NORMAL and /FULL, /NORMAL is the default.


DDirects the printed output of this command to a specified file. The Efile-spec parameter specifies the name of the file. =VDE creates a new file with that name, directs the command's Hprint output to that file, and prints nothing on your terminal. If this 9qualifier is omitted, all output appears on the terminal.-

/STATISTICS=(keyword [, keyword...])

GComputes and displays certains statistics about the modules that match Dthe module-name parameters. The keyword parameters Gspecify what statistics to display and how to sort them. The qualifier )accepts the following keyword parameters:GIf you specify only one of these keywords, the surrounding parentheses may be omitted.

DWhen this qualifier is used, other information about the individual Amodules is not shown. Use wildcard characters in the module-name >parameters to select the module population for which you want statistics.


=Shows the total number of modules that match the module-name Bparameters. Other information about the individual modules is not Gshown. A separate count is provided for each mod-name Cparameter. Wildcard characters are usually used in the module-name %parameters when using this qualifier.



VDEä SHOW MODULE/SOURCE *.*7Module [CODE]FOO.BAR                  "Nonsense module"<Module [CODE]MOD1.FOR                 "First Fortran module"=Module [CODE]MOD2.FOR                 "Second Fortran module"<Module [CODE]MOD3.FOR                 "Third Fortran module"8Module [CODE]MOD4.FOR                 "Sorting routines"CModule [CODE]MOD5.FOR                 "Random scrambling algorithm"@Module [CODE]MOD6.FOR                 "Destabilization routines"VDEä      

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