Reference Manual

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8Shows one or more architecture table entries in the VDE *database. Each architecture table entry...

?ARCHITECTURE support is not fully implemented.



SHOW ARCHITECTURE arch-name [, arch-name...]



HThe name of the architecture to be displayed. This name may be up to 39 0characters long and must follow VDE name syntax.


&Under Construction...



&Under Construction...


&Under Construction...


&Under Construction...


&Under Construction...


&Under Construction...




&Under Construction...



<Displays information about one or more specified build jobs.



SHOW BUILD_JOB [stream-name [, stream-name...]]



FThe name of a development stream. Information about one or more build Gjobs in this stream is displayed. Use the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier to Cspecify the build jobs to be displayed. If you do not specify this Fqualifier, information about the most recent build job for the stream is displayed.

FYou can display build jobs for more than one stream by using wildcard Fcharacters in the stream name. The percent sign (%) in a name matches Fany single character in the position it occupies and the asterisk (*) Hmatches zero or more characters in the position it occupies. Build jobs Gare displayed for those streams whose names match the wildcard pattern.

<If you omit the stream-name parameter, VDE Bdisplays information about one or more build jobs for the default stream.


FThe SHOW BUILD_JOB command displays information about specified build Gjobs. You can specify build jobs with the stream-name Bparameter and the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier. By default, the SHOW GBUILD_JOB command displays information about the most recent build job belonging to the default stream.

GThe SHOW BUILD_JOB command displays the following information for each build job:

FOptionally, the command can also show all other information available 3in the VDE database about the build job, including:BThe command can also display the list of batch queues and process Gcounts used to run the build job, and it can show all build steps that make up the build job.



EDisplays only those build jobs created before the specified date and =time. The date and time can be stated using standard OpenVMS Edate-time format or can be one of the following keywords: YESTERDAY, ETODAY, or TOMORROW. If you use a space to separate the date from the Htime, remember to enclose the entire date-time string in double quotes. ;For further information about specifying OpenVMS date-time %format, see the OpenVMS DCL Concepts.

/BRIEF (default)



BDetermines the type of information displayed about each build job.

GThe /BRIEF qualifier displays the build-job identification number, the *stream name, and status of each build job.

GThe /SUMMARY qualifier displays the information provided by the /BRIEF Gqualifier, but it also displays the number of build steps currently in Geach state (that is, the number of steps that are not yet started, are Frunning, have completed with errors, and have completed successfully) Cso that you can follow the progress of the build job. The /SUMMARY Aqualifier also prints the total number of steps in the build job.

GThe /FULL qualifier displays all information in the database about the Gbuild job except queue information and build-step information. (To see Fqueue information, use the /QUEUE qualifier; to see step information, use the /STEP qualifier.)

ASee the Example section of this command for sample output of the G/BRIEF, /SUMMARY, and /FULL qualifiers. Of /BRIEF, /SUMMARY and /FULL, /BRIEF is the default.!


GSpecifies the build-job identification numbers of the build jobs to be Bdisplayed for the specified stream. The id-range Cparameter can be a single integer value, a range of integers, or a Gwildcard character. If the parameter is a single integer (for example, 0/IDENT=5), VDE displays the build job with that ?identification number. If the parameter is a range of integers H(specified as two build-job identification numbers separated by a colon 4as in /IDENT=3:5), VDE displays all build jobs with 6identification numbers in that range. Finally, if the Eid-range parameter is an asterisk (as in /IDENT=*), 5VDE displays all build jobs for the specified stream.

EIf you specify a zero or negative build-job identification number in Hthe id-range parameter, that number is relative to the Gidentification number of the most recent build job for the stream. For Aexample, if the most recent build job is job 5, then /IDENT=0 is @equivalent to /IDENT=5 and /IDENT=--1 is equivalent to /IDENT=4.

5If you do not use the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier, VDE <displays the most recent build job for the specified stream.


>Displays queue information for the specified build jobs. This Hinformation includes the name of each batch queue used to run the build Gjob, the process count for each queue, and the total process count for the build job.


DDisplays only those build jobs created after the specified date and =time. The date and time can be stated using standard OpenVMS Edate-time format or can be one of the following keywords: YESTERDAY, ETODAY, or TOMORROW. If you use a space to separate the date from the Htime, remember to enclose the entire date-time string in double quotes. ;For further information about specifying OpenVMS date-time %format, see the OpenVMS DCL Concepts.'

/STATUS=(status [, status...])

EDisplays only those build jobs that have one of the specified status Bvalues. Each status parameter must be one of the Afollowing keywords: NOTQUEUED, QUEUED, RUNNING, SUCCESS, ERRORS, STOPPED, SUSPENDED, and TIMEOUT.

?If you specify only one status parameter, the parentheses may be omitted.(

/STEP [=(status [, status...])]

GDisplays build-step information for each specified build job. For each Ebuild step in the build job, this qualifier displays the type of the Dbuild step (such as compile, copy, or link), the name of the module Fthat the step is applied to, and the status of the step. If the /FULL Gqualifier is also specified, the /STEP qualifier additionally displays Dthe wait count of each step (the number of steps that must complete Hbefore this step can execute) and the names of the steps that must wait !for the current step to complete.

CIf you specify one or more status parameters, the E/STEP qualifier displays only those build steps that have one of the Hspecified status values. Each status parameter must be Gone of the following keywords: NOTSTARTED, RUNNING, SUCCESS, or ERRORS.

?If you specify only one status parameter, the Dparentheses may be omitted. If you omit the status Fparameters, all build steps in the specified build jobs are displayed.


>Shows the total number of build jobs that match the specified Gconstraints. These constraints are the stream name, the range of build Gjob identification numbers specified by the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier, Hthe build job status values specified by the /STATUS qualifier, and the Dtime constraints specified by the /BEFORE and /SINCE qualifiers. No Einformation about the individual build jobs is shown; only the total :count is displayed. A separate count is provided for each 'stream-name parameter.



VDEä SHOW BUILD_JOB6Build job 11 for stream MAIN has completed with errorsVDEä      

DThis example shows the brief form of the SHOW BUILD_JOB output. The Cbuild job identification number (11) and stream name (BL22) of the Gbuild job are displayed, along with the status of the job (suspended). FBecause no stream name or /IDENTIFICATION qualifier is specified with Athe command, the most recent build job for the default stream is displayed.


VDEä SHOW BUILD_JOB/SUMMARY6Build job 11 for stream MAIN has completed with errors7   Number of build steps not yet started:             07   Number of currently running build steps:           07   Number of build steps completed with errors:       17   Number of successfully completed build steps:      47   Total number of build steps in build job:          5VDEä      

HThis example shows the summary output of the SHOW BUILD_JOB command. In Gaddition to identifying the build job, the output shows how many build Esteps are in each state and gives the total number of build steps in Gthe job. In this example, one step completed with errors and all other steps completed successfully.


VDEä SHOW BUILD_JOB/FULL6Build job 11 for stream BL22 has completed with errors7   Number of build steps not yet started:             07   Number of currently running build steps:           07   Number of build steps completed with errors:       17   Number of successfully completed build steps:      47   Total number of build steps in build job:          5)   Remark: Build base level 22 once again$   Created by user JAMES (Jim James)$   Started by user JAMES (Jim James)%   Created on  9-NOV-1989 09:59:29.71%   Queued on  17-NOV-1858 00:00:00.00%   Started on  9-NOV-1989 10:00:18.72%   Stopped on  9-NOV-1989 10:00:35.15'   Build job is performing a full build%   Build job has been started 1 times2   Number of changed modules scanned for build: 17(   Number of target modules for build: 1/   Build-step delay interval:     0 00:00:05.00/   Build-job timeout interval:    0 01:00:00.00VDEä      

EThis example shows the full output of the SHOW BUILD_JOB command for +the build job used in the previous example.


(VDEä SHOW BUILD_JOB/QUEUE V2.0-3/IDENT=2=Build job 2 for stream V2.0-3 is not yet queued for execution7   Batch queues to run 20 processes for this build job:7      Submit 3 processes (scaled from 1) on queue QUE_A7      Submit 7 processes (scaled from 3) on queue QUE_B7      Submit 2 processes (scaled from 1) on queue QUE_C7      Submit 8 processes (scaled from 4) on queue QUE_D VDEä      

DThis example displays build job 2 (specified by the /IDENTIFICATION Fqualifier) for stream V2.0-3. The /QUEUE qualifier displays the names Dand process counts of the batch queues used to run the build job. A Dtotal of 20 processes will run the build job, distributed over four batch queues.


VDEä SHOW BUILD_JOB BL22/STEP<Build job 11 for stream BL22 is not yet queued for execution.   Build steps that are part of the build job:3      Compile step for [CODE]FOO.MAR is not started0      Link step for [CODE]FOO.EXE is not started'   Number of build steps displayed is 2 VDEä      

CThis example displays information for the most recent build job in Fstream BL22. The /STEP qualifier displays build step information. Two Hsteps are part of this build job: a compile step for module FOO.MAR and Ha link step for module FOO.EXE. The number of build steps is also shown.


,VDEä SHOW BUILD_JOB/TOTAL */IDENTIFICATION=*%Number of build jobs for stream *: 14VDEä      

FThe /TOTAL qualifier displays the number of build jobs that match the Eselection criteria, in this example, all build jobs for all streams. 1There are 14 such build jobs in the VDE database.



HDisplays the names and definitions of one or more specified contexts. A Gcontext can be used to specify the default development stream, default 4architecture and default facility for a VDE session.



SHOW CONTEXT [ctx-name [, ctx-name...]]



;The name of a context whose attributes are to be displayed.

EYou can display more than one context using wildcard characters. The Gpercent sign (%) in a context name matches any single character in the ?position it occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or more Ccharacters in the position it occupies. Those contexts whose names )match the wildcard pattern are displayed.

;If no parameter is specified for the command, VDE displays Hthe definitions of all contexts to which you have access. These include 5all public contexts and all of your private contexts.


EDepending on the qualifiers you select, the SHOW CONTEXT command can Hdisplay the following: the name only of each selected context; the name =and the default settings associated with the context; or all Cinformation about the context. The command also can show the total ;number of contexts that match a context name specification.


/ALL (default)



EControls whether public, private, or all contexts are displayed. The ;/PRIVATE qualifier causes VDE to display only your private Fcontexts that match the context-name parameter. The /PUBLIC qualifier :causes VDE to display only the public contexts that match =the parameter. The /ALL qualifier causes VDE to display both Gyour private contexts and the public contexts that match the parameter.

3Of /ALL, /PRIVATE and /PUBLIC, /ALL is the default.


/NORMAL (default)


EDetermines the information that is displayed about each context. The E/BRIEF qualifier lists only the type (public or private) and name of Aeach context. The /NORMAL qualifier displays the name, type, and Cdefault settings associated with each context. The /FULL qualifier Alists the same information as the /NORMAL qualifier and also the Hcreation date of the context, a remark string, and the name of the user who created the context.

5Of /BRIEF, /NORMAL and /FULL, /NORMAL is the default.


DShows the total number of contexts that match each parameter. Other Cinformation about the individual contexts is not shown. A separate @count is provided for each ctx-name parameter. FWildcard characters are usually used in the parameter when using this qualifier.



VDEä SHOW CONTEXT/BRIEF!Context BAR (public to all users)'Context DEFAULT (private to user SMITH)%Context DEFAULT (public to all users)#Context FOO (private to user SMITH)&Context NEWCTX (private to user SMITH)$Context PUBCTX (public to all users)VDEä      

GThis example shows the brief form of the SHOW CONTEXT output. Only the :context names and types (public or private) are displayed.


VDEä SHOW CONTEXT PUBCTX$Context PUBCTX (public to all users)   Default stream is V2.0-1   Default facility is EXEC VDEä      

CThis example shows the normal form of the SHOW CONTEXT output. The Fcommand displays the name and type of context PUBCTX and it shows the -default settings associated with the context.


$VDEä SHOW CONTEXT/FULL/PRIVATE V3RMS%Context V3RMS (private to user SMITH)   Default stream is V3.1-FT   Default facility is RMS7   Context added to database on 19-APR-1989 09:08:20.927   Context added to database by user SMITH (Jane Smith)"   Remark: Version 3.1 of RMS code VDEä      

FThe SHOW CONTEXT command displays the full output for private context V3RMS.


VDEä SHOW CONTEXT/TOTAL *%Number of contexts matching name *: 6VDEä      

BThe /TOTAL qualifier displays the total number of contexts in the Cdatabase. Because the /ALL qualifier is specified by default, this Fcount includes both all private contexts for the current user and all public contexts.



3Displays the defaults for your current VDE session.






;The SHOW DEFAULTS command displays the name of the current 8VDE library, the current default directory, the current ?context, the default stream, and the default facility. You can Destablish the default stream and facility at one time using the SET CCONTEXT /DEFAULT command, you can create multiple default contexts Dusing CREATE CONTEXT and MODIFY CONTEXT, and you can set individual 7defaults with the commands SET STREAM and SET FACILITY.





VDEä SHOW DEFAULTS0Library LIBNAME in root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR]!Default directory is DEV$:[SMITH]'Context DEFAULT (private to user JONES)   Default stream is V2.0-1   Default facility is EXEC VDEä      

EThis example shows that the default stream is V2.0-1 and the current Fdefault facility is EXEC. These settings come from (and are identical Hto) context DEFAULT, a context private to the current user. The current 7VDE library and the current default directory are also displayed.


VDEä SHOW DEFAULTS0Library LIBNAME in root directory DEV$:[PROJDIR]!Default directory is DEV$:[SMITH]Current session context:   Default stream is V2.0-1   Default facility is RMS VDEä      

EThis command shows that the default stream is V2.0-1 and the default Hfacility in the current session is RMS. These settings do not come from Ba specific named context because individual settings have changed Deither since the last SET CONTEXT command or since the start of the VDE session.



2Shows the current settings of the developer flags.

HUse this command only under the explicit direction of, and with ,the assistance of, a VDE developer.




&Under Construction...



VDEä SHOW DEVELOPER&Under Construction...VDEä      



GDisplays directory templates for the default stream or for the current VDE library's delta files.




AThe SHOW DIRECTORY command displays directory templates from the ;VDE database. Directory templates are defined with the SET 8DIRECTORY command and specify the names that VDE should Hassign to disk directories when creating directories for new streams or Gfacilities. The SHOW DIRECTORY command displays the directory creation >flags for the default stream, the template for the stream (or Bdelta-file or staging-area) root directory, the template for each Cstream subdirectory, the template each facility root directory (if Gany), and the template for each facility subdirectory. You can use the G/FACILITY qualifier to limit the display to those templates that apply to a specified facility.

CFor additional information on directory creation, and on directory Csymbols (dir-symbol) and directory symbol processing, see ╤CANCEL DIRECTORY, SET DIRECTORY, and Script Functions.


/BRIEF (default)


@Determines the information that is displayed for each directory Htemplate. The /BRIEF qualifier displays the directory specification and Fthe directory symbol for each template. The /FULL qualifier lists the sameFinformation as the /BRIEF qualifier, but also shows the creation date Aof each directory template, the name of the user who created the +template, and the template's remark string.

/Of /BRIEF and /FULL, the former is the default.



/STREAM (default)

FDetermines whether directory templates for the library's delta files, Hits staging area, or the default stream are displayed. The /DELTA_FILES 9qualifier specifies that directory templates for the VDE Alibrary's delta files (CMS libraries) be displayed. The /STAGING qualifier specifies thatHthe directory template for the library's staging-area root directory be Bdisplayed. (Staging areas hold files for queued replacements.) TheE/STREAM qualifier specifies that directory templates for the default stream be displayed.

>Of /DELTA_FILES, /STAGING and /STREAM, /STREAM is the default.


@Specifies that only those directory templates that apply to the Hfacility given by the fac-name parameter be displayed. 5If this qualifier is omitted, VDE displays directory templates for all facilities.

EYou can display directory templates for multiple facilities by using Dwildcard characters in the fac-name parameter. The Hpercent sign (%) in a name matches any single character in the position Hit occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters in the Eposition it occupies. Directory templates for those facilities whose /names match the wildcard pattern are displayed.



VDEä SHOW DIRECTORY/Directory-creation templates for stream V2.1-1:   Directory creation flags:<      Do not defer creation of directory tree for substreams5      Do not prompt for root directory for substreams 0   Stream root directory is [.V2_1-1] by default1      Subdirectory:   [.VDE$BLD] (symbol VDE$BLD) 2   Directory templates for unspecified facilities:)      Subdirectory:   [.OBJ] (symbol OBJ))      Subdirectory:   [.SRC] (symbol SRC)1      Subdirectory:   [.VDE$COM] (symbol VDE$COM)1      Subdirectory:   [.VDE$LOG] (symbol VDE$LOG) 4   All other directories created using default rules VDEä      

HThis example shows the brief output of the SHOW DIRECTORY command. This Ecommand shows the directory templates for the default stream because ,the /STREAM qualifier is assumed by default.


VDEä SHOW DIRECTORY/DELTA_FILES-Directory-creation templates for delta files:5   Delta-file root directory is [.VDE$CMS] by default 4   All other directories created using default rules VDEä      

GThis example shows the brief output of the SHOW DIRECTORY command when ?the /DELTA_FILES qualifier is specified. The command shows the ;directory templates for the VDE library's delta files (its CMS libraries).


 VDEä SHOW DIRECTORY/FACILITY=RMS/Directory-creation templates for stream V2.1-1:   Directory creation flags:<      Do not defer creation of directory tree for substreams5      Do not prompt for root directory for substreams 0   Stream root directory is [.V2_1-1] by default1      Subdirectory:   [.VDE$BLD] (symbol VDE$BLD) 2   Directory templates for unspecified facilities:)      Subdirectory:   [.OBJ] (symbol OBJ))      Subdirectory:   [.SRC] (symbol SRC)1      Subdirectory:   [.VDE$COM] (symbol VDE$COM)1      Subdirectory:   [.VDE$LOG] (symbol VDE$LOG) (   Directory templates for facility RMS:!      Root directory: [MYDIR.RMS]/      Subdirectory:   [.ANA] (symbol ANA_FILES))      Subdirectory:   [.COM] (symbol COM))      Subdirectory:   [.SRC] (symbol SRC)1      Subdirectory:   [.VDE$COM] (symbol VDE$COM)1      Subdirectory:   [.VDE$LOG] (symbol VDE$LOG) 4   All other directories created using default rules VDEä      

DThis example shows those directory templates that apply to facility ?RMS. Note that all generic information is shown, including the Htemplates for the stream root directory and for unspecified facilities, Gbefore the templates specific to facility RMS are displayed. Templates Gspecific to facilities other than RMS are not displayed. In this case, Ffacility RMS has templates for an explicitly specified root directory =and a different set of subdirectories than other facilities. :VDE uses these templates to create the directory tree for 5facility RMS when you create new development streams.


VDEä SHOW DIRECTORY/FULL/Directory-creation templates for stream V2.1-1:   Directory creation flags:<      Do not defer creation of directory tree for substreams5      Do not prompt for root directory for substreams 0   Stream root directory is [.V2_1-1] by default1      Subdirectory:   [.VDE$BLD] (symbol VDE$BLD)>         Template added to database on  9-DEC-1989 20:27:58.02>         Template added to database by user SMITH (Jane Smith)         Remark:  2   Directory templates for unspecified facilities:)      Subdirectory:   [.OBJ] (symbol OBJ)>         Template added to database on 11-DEC-1989 20:37:30.45>         Template added to database by user JONES (John Jones))         Remark: Remark string shown here)      Subdirectory:   [.SRC] (symbol SRC)>         Template added to database on 12-DEC-1989 20:45:22.37>         Template added to database by user SMITH (Jane Smith)&         Remark: Another remark string1      Subdirectory:   [.VDE$COM] (symbol VDE$COM)>         Template added to database on  9-DEC-1989 20:27:58.02>         Template added to database by user SMITH (Jane Smith)         Remark: 1      Subdirectory:   [.VDE$LOG] (symbol VDE$LOG)>         Template added to database on  9-DEC-1989 20:27:58.02>         Template added to database by user SMITH (Jane Smith)         Remark:  4   All other directories created using default rules VDEä      

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