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HModifies the attributes and membership of a source group or build group <in the VDE database. The attributes of a group that you can Cmodify are the group's name and remark string. The membership of a ;group is the list of modules that are members of the group.

+Requires CREGRP privilege.



MODIFY GROUP group-name [= mod-name [, mod-name...]]



HThe name of a group whose definition is to be modified. This group must Ebe defined in the default development stream. The group name may not contain wildcard characters.


AThe name of a module that should be added to or removed from the Gspecified group. If the group is a source group, this module must be a Esource module. The module name consists of an optional facility name Fenclosed in square brackets, a module name, and an optional type name Gpreceded by a period (for example, [FACNAM]MODNAM.MAR). If no facility Gname is specified, the default facility is assumed. If no type name is Gspecified, all source modules (for a source group) or all modules (for Da build group) with the given module name in the given facility are #added to or removed from the group.

GYou can add or remove more than one module at a time by using wildcard Bcharacters in any of the three components of the module name. The Hpercent sign (%) in a name matches any single character in the position Hit occupies and the asterisk (*) matches zero or more characters in the Cposition it occupies. Those source modules (for a source group) or Athose modules (for a build group) whose names match the wildcard /pattern are added to or deleted from the group.

HIf no module-name parameters are specified, the membership of the group is not changed.


DA group is always defined in a specific development stream. You can Bonly refer to the group from within that stream. As a result, the GMODIFY GROUP command only modifies the group definition in the default development stream.

FTo modify group definitions for more than one development stream, you Dmust use the MODIFY GROUP command for each stream. For each stream, Ffirst enter the SET STREAM command to set the development stream then Benter the MODIFY GROUP command to change the group in that stream.

DTo apply a qualifier to the command as a whole, place the qualifier ;immediately after the MODIFY GROUP keywords and before the Ggroup-name parameter. With this placement, qualifiers Fsuch as the /REMARK qualifier apply to the entire specified group or, Eas with such qualifiers as /ADD or /REMOVE, to all modules specified after the equal sign.

>Only the /ADD and /REMOVE qualifiers can modify an individual Hmodule-name parameter. To add or remove an individual module, place the G/ADD or /REMOVE qualifier immediately after the module-name parameter. EThe /ADD or /REMOVE qualifier placed after an individual module-name Gparameter overrides the command-level qualifier for that one parameter.


/ADD (default)


GControls whether the modules specified in the parameter list are added Dto or removed from the group. The /ADD qualifier adds the specified Emodules to the group and the /REMOVE qualifier deletes them from the Bgroup. To set the default for the command as a whole, specify the Hqualifier after the MODIFY GROUP keywords. To override that default for 1a single module, specify the qualifier after the Hmod-name parameter you choose to add or delete. If you Gdo not specify one of these qualifiers, modules are added to the group.

)Of /ADD and /REMOVE, /ADD is the default.


/SOURCE (default)

ASpecifies whether a source group or build group is modified. The =/SOURCE qualifier causes VDE to modify the source group with 7the specified name. The /BUILD qualifier causes VDE to Hmodify the build group with the specified name. If neither qualifier is 'specified, VDE modifies a source group.

.Of /BUILD and /SOURCE, /SOURCE is the default.


/NOCONFIRM (default)

;Controls whether VDE asks you to confirm that you want the =group definition modified. The /CONFIRM qualifier causes VDE Gto print a message for the group it is about to modify giving the name Eof the group and asking whether you want that group modified. If you Fanswer YES (or Y), the group definition is modified. If you answer NO G(or N), the group definition is not modified. The /NOCONFIRM qualifier =causes VDE to modify the group definition without asking for confirmation.

/LOG (default)


HControls whether log messages are printed after the group definition is Hmodified. The /LOG qualifier causes such messages to be printed and the G/NOLOG qualifier suppresses them. The messages indicate that the group Ehas been modified and that the database transaction has successfully committed.


FSpecifies a new name for the indicated group. After the group name is >changed, the group must be referred to by the new name in all 7subsequent VDE commands. The old name is lost from the Gdatabase. The new name can be up to 39 characters long and must follow normal VDE name syntax.


ESpecifies a remark string to be stored for the specified group. This Bremark string replaces the remark specified with the CREATE GROUP Fcommand that created the group. The quoted remark string can be up to E132 characters long and may contain any explanatory remark about the 1group that you want to store in the VDE database.



3VDEä MODIFY GROUP/REMARK="New remark string" GRPNAMD%VDE-I-GRPMOD, information for group GRPNAM modified in the database>%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committedVDEä      

EThis command modifies the remark string associated with source group HGRPNAM. The log messages confirm that the group definition was modified 9and that the database transaction successfully committed.



FIn this example, the name of build group OLDNAM is changed to NEWNAM. DThe /NOLOG qualifier suppresses the log messages. A subsequent SHOW .GROUP command shows the new name of the group.


/VDEä MODIFY GROUP/SOURCE GRP1 = A, B.MAR/REMOVEB%VDE-I-GRPMOD, information for group GRP1 modified in the database8%VDE-I-GRPADD, module [CODE]A.PAS is added to group GRP1<%VDE-I-GRPREM, module [CODE]B.MAR is removed from group GRP1>%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committedVDEä      

BThis command adds module A.PAS to the source group named GRP1 and Hremoves module B.MAR from GRP1. No type name is specified for module A; Ghence all source modules named A in the default facility are added. As Dthe log messages indicate, there is only one such module, A.PAS, in this example.


0VDEä MODIFY GROUP/REMOVE GRP1 = A.PAS/ADD, B.MARB%VDE-I-GRPMOD, information for group GRP1 modified in the database8%VDE-I-GRPADD, module [CODE]A.PAS is added to group GRP1<%VDE-I-GRPREM, module [CODE]B.MAR is removed from group GRP1>%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committedVDEä      

EThis command also adds module A.PAS to group GRP1 and removes module DB.MAR. Because the /REMOVE qualifier immediately follows the MODIFY GGROUP keywords, all modules specified in the parameters are removed by @default. This default applies to module B.MAR because it is not Coverridden. However, the /ADD qualifier specified for module A.PAS Hoverrides the default for that module and A.PAS becomes a member of the group.



CModifies information in the database header record for the current ;VDE library. This command can modify the library name, the Flibrary remark string, the standard authorized and default privileges Gfor new users of the library, and various other library attributes. It Ecan also enable or disable after-image journalling for the library's VDE database.

,Requires MODLIB privilege. 








FSpecifies the default value for the delete attribute Ffor new modules, facilities, and streams. The /ALLOW_DELETE qualifier 4sets a library attribute that causes VDE to set the Hdelete attribute by default when users create new such Eentities. As a result, users can delete these entities without first Dhaving to set the delete attribute with a separate BMODIFY command. The /NOALLOW_DELETE qualifier clears this library 9attribute so that VDE clears the delete Dattribute by default for new modules, facilities, and streams. As a Dresult, it is harder for a user to delete an entity by mistake; the Gentity's delete attribute must be set with a separate GMODIFY command before the entity can be deleted with a DELETE command. EWhen creating new modules, facilities, and streams, you can override Hthis default setting with an explicit /DELETE or /NODELETE qualifier to the CREATE command.

GUse the /ALLOW_DELETE qualifier if you expect to make frequent changes Fto your library, often deleting modules, facilities, and streams. Use >the /NOALLOW_DELETE qualifier if you are more concerned about 0preventing accidental deletion of such entities.



ESpecifies whether the REPLACE command should by default ask the user Dwhether he or she wants to edit an information file when creating a @queued replacement. The /ASK_INFO_FILE qualifier sets a library Dattribute that causes the REPLACE command to ask for an information Dfile by default. The /NOASK_INFO_FILE qualifier clears this library Fattribute so that the REPLACE command does not ask for an information Hfile by default. This library attribute only affects queued replacementsH(not immediate replacements), and it only affects the REPLACE command's Edefault behavior; users can always use the command's /INFORMATION or ?/NOINFORMATION qualifier to explicitly request either behavior.



ESpecifies whether the REPLACE command should by default ask the user Ffor the "cause" of the replacement. The cause may be a fold Goperation, a Source Control Tracking (SCT) entry in a Notes conference,Bor some other cause. The /ASK_REPL_CAUSE qualifier sets a library Dattribute that causes the REPLACE command to query the user for the Fcause of the replacement. The /NOASK_REPL_CAUSE qualifier clears this Dlibrary attribute so that the REPLACE command does not ask for this information.+

/AUTH_PRIVILEGES=(priv [,priv...])

ASpecifies the standard authorized privileges of new users of the Hcurrent library. However, any privileges specified with the CREATE USER Bcommand override these privileges. Because the privilege list you Fcreate replaces the authorized privilege list of the current library, Fyou must specify all authorized privileges that you want new users of the library to have.

GEach parameter to this qualifier names a single privilege. If only one 7privilege is specified, the parentheses may be omitted.

₧For a list of privileges, see Table 3-5 in SET PRIVILEGES.&



DSpecifies whether new users should be added to the library database Eautomatically when they first access the library. The /AUTO_ADD_USER Bqualifier specifies that new users should be added to the library Bdatabase automatically when they first access the library. If the Drights-ident parameter is specified, new users are :only added to the library if they hold the OpenVMS rights Fidentifier specified by the parameter. The /NOAUTO_ADD_USER qualifier >specifies that new users not be added to the library database Gautomatically. In this case, new users can only be added with explicit CREATE USER commands.

5The owner information specified in the OpenVMS SYSUAF< database will be used as the owner of any new VDE username 8 created. VDE will ignore any leading numerics, leading I hyphens, leading space characters, and leading tilde characters, listed  in the SYSUAF owner field.



ASpecifies whether the library and its database are automatically :converted to the new library format when a new version of 8VDE is used on the library. The /AUTO_CONVERT qualifier Gspecifies that the library should be converted automatically the first =time a user uses a new version of VDE on the present library Hand its database. /NOAUTO_CONVERT specifies that the library should not Fbe converted automatically; instead a privileged user must explicitly Econvert the library with the CONVERT LIBRARY command. See the CREATE )LIBRARY and the CONVERT LIBRARY commands.



5Specifies whether VDE should automatically send mail @notification to the user who has queued a replacement when that Hreplacement is later performed. The /AUTO_MAIL qualifier sets a library Hattribute that causes the PERFORM REPLACEMENT command to send such mail Gnotification. The /NOAUTO_MAIL qualifier clears this library attribute Hso that the PERFORM REPLACEMENT command does not send such notification.



7Specifies whether VDE creates the CMS elements for new Gmodules with default CMS history and notes strings. The /CMS_ELEM_HIST qualifier causes VDE toGcreate the CMS elements for new modules with default history and notes 9strings and the /NOCMS_ELEM_HIST qualifier causes VDE to >create CMS elements with no default history or notes strings. >/NOCMS_ELEM_HIST is normally only used if you regularly fetch =VDE modules using the CMS FETCH command and you want to make 4sure you do not get CMS history or notes by default.*

/DEF_PRIVILEGES=(priv [,priv...])

FSpecifies the standard default privileges of new users of the current Hlibrary. However, any privileges specified with the CREATE USER command Aoverride these privileges. Because the privilege list you create Ereplaces the default privilege list of the current library, you must Fspecify all default privileges that you want new users of the library Bto have. Each default privilege specified also becomes a standard %authorized privilege for the library.

GEach parameter to this qualifier names a single privilege. If only one Fprivilege is specified, the parentheses may be omitted. For a list of Éprivileges, see Table 3-5 in SET PRIVILEGES.



8Specifies whether VDE's RESERVE command can produce CMS history or notesEinformation in its output files. The /HISTORY_NOTES qualifier allows Dthe RESERVE command to produce history and notes information and to ;accept the /HISTORY, /NOTES, and /POSITION qualifiers. The G/NOHISTORY_NOTES qualifier causes the RESERVE command to never produce Ahistory and notes information (even when such information is the Edefault for a module being reserved) and to not accept the /HISTORY, A/NOTES, and /POSITION qualifiers. In this case, you must use the :VDE FETCH command to get CMS history or notes information Hfor a module. Disabling history and notes information in reserved files Hmakes certain mistakes less likely where such information gets replaced 0into the VDE library as part of the module text.



8Enables or disables after-image journalling for the VDE Edatabase. The /JOURNAL qualifier enables after-image journalling and Hspecifies that a database after-image journal (.AIJ) file be created in >the directory location given by the dir-spec Aparameter. When used with the RMU backup and restore facilities, Fafter-image journalling allows you to recover the up-to-date contents Fof your database after a disk failure. The specified directory should Balways reside on a different physical disk than any of your other Fdatabase files so that the journal file cannot be damaged by the same $disk failure as the database itself.

BThe /NOJOURNAL qualifier disables after-image journalling for the :VDE database. However, Digital recommends that you always use journalling.



DThe /LOCK and /UNLOCK qualifiers provide a method by which RESERVE, DREPLACE, UNRESERVE, and other similar commands can be disabled on a 9copy of a VDE library. This mechanism is not intended to 0completely lock-out all access to a VDE library.

FSpecification of /LOCK write-locks the library, and the corresponding H/UNLOCK qualifier reverses the lock. The write-lock status is read only ?when the user initially accesses the library---once a user has Bconnected to the library, the lock status is not updated.

;A write-locked library can be used to prevent various user <modifications to the contents of the library during library 7maintenance, or to maintain a shadow copy of a library.

GUsers holding the MODLIB privilege are allowed to override the library write-lock.I An informational message will be displayed when the lock is overridden.

/LOG (default)


DControls whether log messages are printed after the database header Brecord of the library is modified. The /LOG qualifier causes such @messages to be printed and /NOLOG suppresses them. The messages Aindicate that library attributes have been modified and that the 0database transaction has successfully committed.


GSpecifies a new name for the current library. The new library name can <be up to 39 characters long and must follow normal VDE name syntax.

:This value is available to procedures calling VDE via the VDE$LIBRARY_MNEMONIC name,Cand the database manager should set this value to match the values 7associated with this library that are specified in the ,VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS_MNEMONICS logical name.


ASpecifies a new remark string for the library. The quoted remark @string, which can be up to 132 characters long, may contain any Aexplanatory remark about the library that you want stored in the Blibrary database. This string replaces the remark string from the Doriginal CREATE LIBRARY command or from any previous MODIFY LIBRARY command.

:This value is available to procedures calling VDE via the VDE$LIBRARY_LABEL name,Cand the database manager should set this value to match any values 7associated with this library that are specified in the )VDE$LIBRARY_DEFAULTS_LABELS logical name.



<Specifies whether VDE should maintain a history of all past 3source code replacements into the VDE library. The C/REPL_HISTORY qualifier specifies that such history information be 4maintained in the VDE database. The /NOREPL_HISTORY Fqualifier specifies that such information not be maintained. When you Fmaintain replacement history, you can display past replacements using 7the /HISTORY qualifier to the SHOW REPLACEMENT command.



=Specifies whether VDE should send mail notification messages ;for those VDE operations that normally send such messages. ?The /SEND_MAIL qualifier sets a library attribute that enables ;VDE to send such mail messages. The /NOSEND_MAIL qualifier 5clears that attribute, thus suppressing all VDE mail Hmessages. The /NOSEND_MAIL qualifier is useful when you want to test or =play with a private VDE library without sending notification Bmessages to other people. However, for normal production use, you #should always enable mail messages.



FSpecifies whether the architecture name is displayed as part of every 9module name in VDE output. The /SHOW_ARCH_NAME qualifier ;sets a library attribute that causes VDE to always include Gthe architecture name in every module name it displays. This attribute =also causes the SHOW DEFAULTS command to display the default Barchitecture. The /NOSHOW_ARCH_NAME qualifier clears this library 8attribute so that VDE omits the architecture names when Hdisplaying module names. You normally only want to see the architecture =name if you have defined multiple architectures for your VDE library.

/This qualifier is not yet implemented.



FSpecifies whether the expected replace-time CMS generation expression Hfor each module is displayed by the RESERVE command. The /SHOW_GEN_EXPR Fqualifier sets a library attribute that causes the RESERVE command to ;compute and display the CMS generation expression that the Gcorresponding REPLACE command is most likely to use for the new module ;generation. You can use this value as an "audit trail Didentifier" in your code if your project uses this convention. CThis library attribute also causes the SHOW RESERVATION command to Adisplay the expected CMS generation expression and it causes the AREPLACE or PERFORM REPLACEMENT command to print an informational Amessage if the actual CMS generation expression for the replaced @generation turns out to be different than the expected one. The ;/NOSHOW_GEN_EXPR qualifier disables this library attribute.

<Please note that VDE cannot guarantee that the expected CMS Cgeneration expression will actually be used. It is not possible to Fdetermine at RESERVE time whether a CMS variant letter should be used Gwhen the module is eventually replaced; that decision can only be made @at REPLACE time and depends on propagation decisions and stream @successor relationships at that time. However, the expected CMS Ageneration expression is generally the one that is actually used.


HEnables statistics collection on the specified library. This will cause Cvarious extra questions to be asked during replacement and related Foperations. This includes the addition of questions around the reason Hfor the change, the number of defects fixed, and the particular project a change is associated with.



GSpecifies whether wildcard characters are allowed in the parameters to @the INSERT GENERATION command when the /GENERATION qualifier is Especified. The /WILD_INS_GEN qualifier sets a library attribute that ;causes VDE to allow wildcard characters in such parameters Dwhile the /NOWILD_INS_GEN qualifier clears this attribute. When the D/GENERATION qualifier to INSERT GENERATION specifies a specific CMS Fgeneration expression, it is unlikely that this generation expression Fcould apply to more than one module. As a result, it is unlikely that Gthe use of wildcard characters in the module-name parameters will give 7the result the user intended. To prevent mistakes, VDE Htherefore does not allow such wildcard usage by default. However, there Fare some situations when such usage might be correct (for example, if Hthe specified CMS generation expression is 1). For such situations, you Acan enable the use of wildcard characters with the /WILD_INS_GEN qualifier.



1VDEä MODIFY LIBRARY/DEF_PRIVILEGES=(BUILD,CREMOD)6%VDE-I-LIBMOD, library attributes modified in database>%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed      

FIn this example, the standard default privileges for new users of the Clibrary are modified to consist of the BUILD and CREMOD privileges.EThe log messages confirm that the library has been modified and that 0the database transaction successfully completed.


.VDEä MODIFY LIBRARY/REMARK="New remark string"6%VDE-I-LIBMOD, library attributes modified in database>%VDE-I-COMMIT, database transaction has successfully committed      

@This example modifies the remark string for the current library.

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