5RCARD, UTILITIES, Read Cardfiler cards on VT terminal7RCARD V1.4 - Read DECwindows/Motif Cardfiler card files9PCARD V1.0 - Print DECwindows/Motify Cardfiler card files7Copyright © 1998, Hunter Goatley. All rights reserved.FRCARD is a program that will read a DECwindows CardFiler card file andIdisplay it on non-DECwindows terminals using the SMG$ routines. It worksIwith the files produced by DECwindows v5.4 and Motif v1.x (yes, the filesare different).DRCARD can be compiled with either VAX C or DEC C. MMS or MMK shouldbe used to built it.CTo use it, just define a symbol and give the name of the card file: $ rcard :== $dev:[dir]rcard.exe. $ rcard phone !Defaults to SYS$DISK:[].CARDJOnce the file has been read into memory, a window will appear containing aGmenu of card subjects. You can scroll through the menu using up-arrow,Fdown-arrow, NextScreen, and PrevScreen. When the cursor is positionedHon the subject for the card you want to see, press RETURN. A new window,will pop up containing the text of the card.HYou can scroll through the card's contents and press either "Q" or ^Z toIexit the card and go back to the subject menu. You can also press "N" orJ"P" to move to the next or previous card, respectively without closing the card window.CTRL-W repaints the screen.&Please note the following limitations:K o The file format was based on observation only; I didn't have access toB the DECW$CARDFILER sources. RCARD could break in the future.I o Card files containing DDIF images *cannot* be viewed using RCARD. IJ never could figure out how the images were stored so that RCARD couldG skip over them. Instead, the program bombs with a horrible access; violation and stack dump. So much for error checking.J o Card files cannot be created or modified by RCARD (the "R" stands forF "read"). Since I couldn't identify all of the information in the< files, I didn't want to claim to be able to write them.I o Really large files could crash the program. The entire file is readD into memory, so it is limited by whatever process limits are in effect.II wrote the program because I was using the DECwindows CardFiler while atHwork and didn't have any easy way to look at the information while I wasIdialed in from home. The program isn't very robust; I never store images&in the files, so it works well for me.---------------EPCARD reads DECwindows/Motif Cardfiler card files and generates a TeXGoutput file that will produce two-column output showing the contents of;each card. The TeX source file NEWSLETTER.TEX is required. $ pcard :== $dev:[dir]pcard.exe" $ pcard phone !Creates PHONE.TEX) $ tex "\input newsletter \input phone"0Questions, comments, or suggestions are welcome.&Hunter Goatley, goathunter@PROCESS.COMP--------------------------------------------------------------------------------COPYRIGHT NOTICEMThis software is COPYRIGHT © 1991, 1998 Hunter Goatley. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.LPermission is granted for not-for-profit redistribution, provided all sourceMand object code remain unchanged from the original distribution, and that all copyright notices remain intact. DISCLAIMERJThis software is provided "AS IS". The author makes no representations orEwarranties with repsect to the software and specifically disclaim anyCimplied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particularpurpose.