HThis is the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) posting for the comp.os.vmsIand vmsnet.misc newsgroups. (comp.os.vms is bidirectionally-gatewayed toHthe INFO-VAX mailing list - see below for further details.) It containsGanswers to frequently asked questions about Digital's OpenVMS operating1system and the computer systems on which it runs.0This FAQ is archived in the following locations:) comp.answers and news.answers newsgroups&,The archive name for this FAQ is dec-faq/vmsETo make suggestions for changes or additions to this Frequently AskedGQuestions list, send mail to the editor at #Answers are especially appreciated.Some general notes:HThe term "VMS" is synonymous with "OpenVMS". "Alpha" or "AXP" generallyIrefers to any system based on Digital's Alpha AXP processor architecture.LOpenVMS manual names mentioned are those as of V6.1 - names may be different-in earlier editions of the documentation set.HWorld-Wide Web Universal Resource Locator (URL) notation is used for FTP addresses.FMany people have contributed to this list, directly or indirectly. InGsome cases, an answer has been adapted from one or more postings on theDcomp.os.vms newsgroup. Our thanks to all of those who post answers.HThe name (or names) at the end of an entry indicate that the informationDwas taken from postings by those individuals; the text may have beenGedited for this FAQ. These citations are only given to acknowledge the contribution.CAlthough the editor of this FAQ is an employee of Digital EquipmentDCorporation, this posting is not an official statement from Digital Equipment Corporation. CAlpha AXP, AXP, DEC, OpenVMS, VAX and VMS are trademarks of DigitalNEquipment Corporation. Other names are properties of their respective owners.Changes since last edition(========================================(AXP2 page size corrected, text expanded.,DECW1 comment about DECNET node names added. DECW9 added.FILE3 text on fsync expanded.INTRO5 expanded.GPROG2 description of how to tell if you were invoked by a CLI expanded. PROG9 added.SOFT1 expanded UTIL1 added. Introduction(========================================*INTRO1. What is the scope of comp.os.vms?=INTRO2. What other newsgroups carry VMS-related information?INTRO3. What is INFO-VAX?<INTRO4. How do I subscribe to or unsubscribe from INFO-VAX?2INTRO5. How do I submit a question or a response?INTRO6. What is DECUS?General questions about OpenVMS(========================================.VMS1. What is OpenVMS? What is its history?7VMS2. What is the difference between VMS and OpenVMS?*VMS3. How do I port from VMS to OpenVMS?*VMS4. Which is better - OpenVMS or UNIX? Alpha AXP(========================================*AXP1. What do the letters AXP stand for?=AXP2. What are the OpenVMS differences between VAX and AXP?=AXP3. Are there Alpha AXP systems on the net I can try out?DAXP4. How do I join Digital's Independent Software Vendor program?!Documentation and other resources(========================================:DOC1. Where can I find online copies of OpenVMS manuals?:DOC2. What online information is available from Digital?2DOC3. What books and publications are available?System Management(========================================#MGMT1. What is an installed image?0MGMT2. Are there any known viruses for OpenVMS?1MGMT3. How do I mount an ISO-9660 CD on OpenVMS?MAIL(========================================$MAIL1. How do I send Internet mail?JMAIL2. How do I get IN% or MX% added automatically to Internet addresses?KMAIL3. How do I automatically append a signature file to my mail messages?AMAIL4. Do I have to use VMS MAIL? I like my Unix mailer better.LMAIL5. How can I forward my mail? Can I forward it to an Internet address?9MAIL6. How can I forward my mail to a list of addresses?JMAIL7. MAIL keeps saying I have new messages, but I don't. What do I do?Other Utilities(========================================4UTIL1. How do I play an audio CD on my workstation?DCL and command usage(========================================.DCL1. How do I run a program with arguments?/DCL2. How can I redefine control keys in DCL?*DCL3. How can I clear the screen in DCL?File System and RMS(========================================"FILE1. How can I undelete a file?BFILE2. Why does SHOW QUOTA give a different answer than DIR/SIZE?BFILE3. How do I make sure that my data is safely written to disk? Programming(========================================:PROG1. How do I call from ?9PROG2. How do I get the arguments from the command line?=PROG3. How do I get a formatted error message in a variable?BPROG4. How do I link against SYS$SYSTEM:SYS.STB on an AXP system?8PROG5. How do I do a SET DEFAULT from inside a program?KPROG6. How do I create a shareable image transfer vector on an AXP system?FPROG7. How do I turn my Fortran COMMON into a shareable image on AXP?<PROG8. How do I convert between IEEE and VAX floating data?=PROG9. How do I get the argument count in a Fortran routine? DECwindows(========================================FDECW1. How do I let someone else display something on my workstation?9DECW2. How do I create a display on another workstation?FDECW3. How can I get the information from SHOW DISPLAY into a symbol?0DECW4. How do I get a log of a DECterm session?EDECW5. Problem - the DELETE key deletes forward instead of backward!7DECW6. Problem - On a DEC2000-300, Motif doesn't start<DECW7. Problem - My LK401 keyboard unexpectedly autorepeatsIDECW8. Problem - My LK411 sends the wrong keycodes or some keys are dead3DECW9. How do I set the title on a DECterm window?Software(========================================;SOFT1. Where can I find lots of free software for OpenVMS?<------------------------------------------------------------*INTRO1. What is the scope of comp.os.vms?EThe comp.os.vms newsgroup is the primary newsgroup for discussion of GDigital's OpenVMS operating system and the computer systems on which itEruns. Questions about layered products which run on OpenVMS are alsoCwelcome, though many of them (in particular, language compilers andCdatabase systems) have more specific newsgroups. If a question has.some relationship to OpenVMS, it belongs here.<------------------------------------------------------------=INTRO2. What other newsgroups carry VMS-related information?DThe vmsnet.* hierarchy, run by DECUS, contains several newsgroups ofIinterest, including vmsnet.misc and vmsnet.alpha, the latter being mostly?devoted to Alpha AXP topics. There's also vmsnet.sources (and Jvmsnet.sources.d) to which sources for or pointers to freeware are posted.FSee the separate "What is VMSNET" monthly posting for further details.HThe comp.sys.dec newsgroup carries discussions about all Digital systems as well as about Digital itself.<------------------------------------------------------------INTRO3. What is INFO-VAX?DINFO-VAX is a mailing list which is bidirectionally gatewayed to theCcomp.os.vms newsgroup. This means that postings to comp.os.vms getLautomatically sent to INFO-VAX subscribers and messages sent to the INFO-VAXKlist are automatically posted to comp.os.vms. INFO-VAX can be a useful wayFto participate in the newsgroup if you can't access the group directlythrough a news reader.HAn important point to keep in mind is that propagation delays vary, bothDwithin the newsgroup and with INFO-VAX mailings. It's possible thatIpostings may not be delivered for several days and some may appear out oforder.<------------------------------------------------------------<INTRO4. How do I subscribe to or unsubscribe from INFO-VAX?HThe address for subscription requests, as well as notes intended for theOmoderator, is Info-VAX-Request@Mvb.Saic.Com. Subscription requests are handledNautomatically by a mail server. This mail server ignores the subject line andLprocesses each line of the message as a command. The syntax for subscribing5and unsubscribing to this mailing list is as follows: 0SUBSCRIBE INFO-VAX (ADD is a valid synonym)GUNSUBSCRIBE INFO-VAX (REMOVE, SIGNOFF, and SIGN-OFF are valid synonyms) KCase is irrelevant and attempts to fetch a copy of the mailing list will beJrejected (I consider the information to be confidential). Any message notIunderstood by the mailserver will be forwarded to a human (allegedly) formanual processing. [Mark.Berryman@Mvb.Saic.Com]>If you are on Bitnet, send a mail message containing the text L"SUBSCRIBE INFO-VAX" to LISTSERV@(nearest listserv system). To unsubscribe,Lsend a message containing the text "SIGNOFF INFO-VAX" to the *SAME* listserv address. CIf you are on the Internet in the UK, send a message containing theFword SUBSCRIBE (or UNSUBSCRIBE) to<------------------------------------------------------------2INTRO5. How do I submit a question or a response?JIf you are using a news reader, post your question to comp.os.vms. If youKwant to submit through INFO-VAX, send the message to posting, please use available local resources, such as the manuals,LHELP and this FAQ first. Also make a point of reading the release notes forJthe product you're using, generally placed in SYS$HELP. Often you'll find;the answer and will save time and effort for all concerned.8When posting, please consider the following suggestions:E 1. Include a valid e-mail address in the text of your posting orD in a "signature" appended to the end. Reply-to addresses in headers often get garbled.F 2. If you are submitting a question, please be as specific as youJ can. Include relevant information such as processor type, product< versions (VMS and layered products that apply) and a short,A reproducible example of problems. Say what you've tried so far,E so that effort isn't duplicated. Keep in mind that there's not yet ? a telepathy protocol for the Internet - the more detailed your- description, the better people can help you.I 3. If responding to a posting, include in your reply only as much ofF the original posting as is necessary to establish context. AsE a guideline, consider that if you've included more text than you've E added, you've possibly included too much. Never include signatures  and other irrelevant material.E 4. Be polite. If the question isn't worded the way you think isC correct or doesn't include the information you want, try to> imagine what the problem might be if viewed from the poster's< perspective. Requests for additional information are often> better sent through mail rather than posted to the newsgroup.E 5. If you have a problem with Digital (or any vendor's) product,? use the appropriate support channel. Don't assume thatD newsgroup postings will get read or responded to by the appropriate developers. <------------------------------------------------------------INTRO6. What is DECUS?DDECUS, the Digital Equipment Computer Users Society, is a World WideForganization of Information Technology professionals interested in theIproducts, services, and technologies of Digital Equipment Corporation andrelated vendors. JMembership in the Chapter is free and provides participants with the meansIto enhance their professional development, forums for technical training,Gmechanisms for obtaining up-to-date information, advocacy programs, andGopportunities for informal disclosure and interaction with professionalcolleagues of like interest.MFor further information, see the separate monthly "What is DECUS" posting, or7refer to the DECUS WWW server at .<------------------------------------------------------------.VMS1. What is OpenVMS? What is its history?NOpenVMS, originally called VMS (Virtual Memory System), was first conceived inM1976 as a new operating system for Digital's new, 32-bit, virtual memory lineNof computers, eventually named VAX (Virtual Address eXtension). The first VAXImodel, the 11/780, was code-named "Star", hence the code name for the VMSMoperating system, "Starlet", a name that remains to this day the name for theIsystem library files (STARLET.OLB, etc.). VMS version X0.5 was the firstNreleased to customers, in support of the hardware beta test of the VAX-11/780,Din 1977. VAX/VMS Version V1.0 shipped in 1978, along with the firstrevenue-ship 11/780s.HOpenVMS was designed entirely within Digital Equipment Corporation. TheNprincipal designers were Dave Cutler and Dick Hustvedt. OpenVMS was conceivedKas a 32-bit, virtual memory successor to Digital's RSX-11M operating systemJfor the PDP-11. Many of the original designers and programmers of OpenVMSMhad worked previously on RSX-11M, and many concepts from RSX-11M were carriedover to OpenVMS.KOpenVMS is a 32-bit, multitasking, multiprocessing virtual memory operatingKsystem. Current implementations run on Digital's VAX and Alpha AXP computersystems." []GFor more details on OpenVMS and its features, read the OpenVMS SoftwareProduct Descriptions at:I (OpenVMS VAX)I (OpenVMS AXP)<------------------------------------------------------------7VMS2. What is the difference between VMS and OpenVMS?IVMS and OpenVMS are two names for the same operating system. Originally,Dthe operating system was called VAX-11/VMS; it changed to VAX/VMS atEaround VAX/VMS V2.0. When the VMS operating system was ported to theIAlpha AXP platform, it was renamed OpenVMS, for both VAX and AXP, in partDto signify the high degree of support for industry standards such asHPOSIX, which provides many features of UNIX systems. An OpenVMS licenseHallows you to install and run POSIX for OpenVMS at no additional charge;Eall you need is the media and documentation which can be found on theFConsolidated Distribution and On-Line Documentation CD-ROMs. For more!information on POSIX for VMS see:? became confusing is that the OpenVMS name was introduced firstFfor OpenVMS AXP V1.0 causing the widespread misimpression that OpenVMSDwas for AXP only, while "regular VMS" was for VAX. In fact, DigitalCofficially changed the name of the VAX operating system as of V5.5,Fthough the name did not start to be actually used in the product untilV6.0.CThe proper names for OpenVMS on the two platforms are "OpenVMS VAX"and "OpenVMS AXP".<------------------------------------------------------------*VMS3. How do I port from VMS to OpenVMS?9You already did. Wasn't that easy? (See question VMS2.)<------------------------------------------------------------*VMS4. Which is better - OpenVMS or UNIX?MThis question comes up periodically, usually asked by new subscribers who areMlong-time UNIX users. Sometimes, it is ignored totally; other times, it leadsNto a long series of repetitive messages that convince no one and usually carryDlittle if any new information. Please do everyone a favor and avoid-re-starting this perpetual, fruitless debate. []FSeriously, OpenVMS and the better implementations of UNIX are all fineEoperating systems, each with its strengths and weaknesses. If you'reEin a position where you need to choose, select the one that best fitsCyour own requirements, considering, for example, whether or not the@layered products or specific OS features you want are available.JSee also question VMS2 for information on POSIX for OpenVMS which provides*significant UNIX functionality on OpenVMS. []<------------------------------------------------------------*AXP1. What do the letters AXP stand for?IWhile there are many fanciful "definitions" which have circulated widely,Hthe truth is that AXP is not an abbreviation nor an acronym; the lettersCdo not mean anything. They are just three letters chosen to form a trademark.EWhen it came time to chose a "marketing name" for the Alpha AXP line,EDigital was in a quandary. The internal "code name" for the project,KAlpha, was widely known and would seem the ideal choice, but it was alreadyJin common use by a number of other companies and could not be trademarked.GA well-known "name search" firm was hired and was asked to come up withFtwo lists of possible names. The first list was intended to evoke theCfeeling of "extension to VAX", while the second list was to suggestG"not a VAX". Unfortunately, none of the choices offered were any good;Ifor example, "VAX 2000" was found on the first list while the second list<contained "MONDO" (later to be used for a kids' soft drink).JShortly before announcement, a decision was made to name the new line ARA,Ffor Advanced RISC Architecture. However, a Digital employee in IsraelJquickly pointed out that this name, if pronounced in the "obvious" manner,Msounded very much like an Arabic word with decidely unfortunate connotations.FEventually, AXP was selected; the architecture would be referred to as="Alpha AXP" whereas products themselves would use just "AXP".IDespite all this, everyone went on calling the new line "Alpha". DigitalIhas recognized this by coining a new "AlphaGeneration" trademark to applyJto all products (hardware, software and services) related to the Alpha AXPline.<------------------------------------------------------------=AXP2. What are the OpenVMS differences between VAX and AXP?GVery few. As of OpenVMS V6.1, the VAX and AXP platforms are very closeBto "feature parity". Most applications can just be recompiled and&run. Some differences to be aware of:? - The default double-precision floating type on OpenVMS AXPD is VAX G_float, whereas on VAX it is usually D_float. D_float> is available on AXP, but D_float values are converted toA G_float for computations and then converted back to D_floatE when stored. Because the G_float type has three fewer fractionE bits than D_float, some applications may get different results.9 IEEE float types are also available on OpenVMS AXP.C - Data alignment is extremely important for best performance on= AXP. This means that data items should be allocated atC addresses which are exact multiples of their sizes. Quadword? alignment will offer the best performance, especially forA character values and those smaller than 32 bits. CompilersB will naturally align variables where they can and will issue3 warnings if they detect unaligned data items.A - DEC C is the only C compiler Digital offers on OpenVMS AXP.A It is compatible with DEC C on OpenVMS VAX, but is somewhatL different from the older VAX C compiler most people are familiar with.D Read up on the /EXTERN_MODEL and /STANDARD qualifiers to avoid the most common problems.I - The page size on AXP systems is variable, but is at least 8K bytes.E This can have some effect on applications which use the $CRMPSCB system service as well as on the display of available memoryF pages. The page size is available from $GETSYI(SYI$_PAGE_SIZE).BThere are also a number of manuals which discuss migration to AXP.H - "A Comparison of System Management on OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX"B - "Migrating to an OpenVMS AXP System: Planning for Migration"B - "Migrating to an OpenVMS AXP System: Porting VAX MACRO Code"E - "Migrating to an OpenVMS AXP System: Recompiling and Relinking"LThese are part of the "AXP Migration Kit" (which is part of the "ProgrammingNKit" - which in turn is part of the "Standard Set" if ordering documentation.)NCheck out the "Overview of OpenVMS Documentation" book on the Bookreader-basedLdoc set included on the OpenVMS AXP V6.1 distribution CD for part numbers of/both assorted "kits" and/or individual manuals.<------------------------------------------------------------=AXP3. Are there Alpha AXP systems on the net I can try out?HYes. Two OpenVMS AXP and two DEC OSF/1 AXP systems are available. EachHhas a wide variety of layered products installed and they can be used toDtest or port applications or just to "try it out". The systems are: OpenVMS: OSF/1: axposf.stanford.eduDTo apply for a free account, telnet to the system of your choice and-log in as axpguest; no password is required. <------------------------------------------------------------DAXP4. How do I join Digital's Independent Software Vendor program?MDigital Equipment Corporation is evaluating a new service for members of our$Independent Software Vendor Program. LThis potential new service will provide technical assistance to IndependentOSoftware Vendors who are porting their applications to the Alpha AXP platform. <For more information, send mail to<------------------------------------------------------------:DOC1. Where can I find online copies of OpenVMS manuals?@Digital's OpenVMS documentation is copyrighted and is not freely>available on the net. Documentation is offered in CD-ROM formIthrough a subscription to the Consolidated On-Line Documentation (ConOLD)Gproduct. ConOLD manuals are readable with Bookreader, a viewer that isJsupplied with DECwindows Motif. VTBOOK, a viewer for Bookreader documentsFwhich is usable from character-cell terminals (eg. VTxxx) is availableGfrom the WKU VMS Freeware file server - see question SOFT1 for details.<------------------------------------------------------------:DOC2. What online information is available from Digital?MOn your OpenVMS system, the HELP command can provide a wealth of information,Jnot only on DCL commands but on system services (HELP System_Services) andJRun-Time Library routines (HELP RTL_Routines). The introduction displayedKwhen you type the HELP command with no additional keywords provides further pointers.FIn SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP.VMSDOC] (OpenVMS V6.0 or later) you'll find the following three files:6 VMSDOC_GLOSSARY.TXT - Glossary of OpenVMS terminology8 VMSDOC_OVERVIEW.TXT - Overview of OpenVMS documentation@ VMSDOC_MASTER_INDEX.TXT - Master index of OpenVMS documentationLThese files are optionally installed; some system managers may have selectedFnot to install them or to put them in another location. If you cannot%locate them, ask your system manager.HProduct information for just about everything Digital sells is availableHfrom Digital's Internet servers. If you're using a World-Wide-Web (WWW)Hbrowser, use For anonymous FTP access,Flog in to Software Product Descriptions, performanceDdata, product infosheets, release notes and much more are available.BDigital's Multivendor Customer Services organization also hosts anHInternet server. If you have a software support contract you can obtainFpatches from here - even without a contract you can browse through the4"readme" files for correction kits. The WWW URL is " For ftp access use;A WWW version of the DECdirect catalog is also available at5's Electronic Connection, also called "E-store", provides productEinformation, prices and even lets you order online. For free access,GTELNET to or connect via modem at 800-234-1998.FIf you're on TYMNET, connect to ECONN. If you need to get pricing forJDigital software licenses for your configuration, this is the place to getthem.BInformation on Digital and on Digital hardware, software, products<and services is available through various telephone numbers:B 1-800-DIGITAL : voice : DECdirect products, books and servicesB 1-800-PCBYDEC : voice : Digital PC hardware and software9 1-800-DECINFO : voice : General Corporate Information9 1-603-884-0924 : voice : (alternate number for above)> 1-800-234-1998 : modem : The Digital Electronic Connection0 1-800-DEC-2717 : voice : The DECchip Hotline9 1-508-568-6868 : voice : (alternate number for above)<------------------------------------------------------------2DOC3. What books and publications are available?<DEC Professional is alive and well. It's a monthly magazine Hthat help you manage your Digital systems in a multivendor environment. 2Subscriptions are free to qualified Digital sites.CDigital Systems Journal is a bimonthly magazine that contains more ?in-depth, hands-on, how-to information. Subscriptions are paid.HIf you're interested in acquiring a subscription to DEC Professional or 6Digital Systems Journal, contact Omeda Communications: 800-306-6332 708-564-1385%They'll send you everything you need." []<------------------------------------------------------------#MGMT1. What is an installed image?NThe term "install" has two distinct meanings in OpenVMS. The first relates toN"installing a product", which is done with either the SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL.COMIcommand procedure or the POLYCENTER Software Installation (PCSI) utility H(PRODUCT command). The second meaning relates to the use of the INSTALL(utility, which is what concerns us here.HThe INSTALL utility is used to identify to OpenVMS a specific copy of anGimage, either executable or shareable, which is to be given some set ofKenhanced properties. For example, when you issue the SET PASSWORD command,Ithe image SYS$SYSTEM:SETP0.EXE is run. That image needs to have elevated#privileges to perform its function.JThe other important attribute is /SHARED. This means that shareable partsGof the image (typically read-only code and data) are loaded into memoryHonly once and are shared among all users on a system. Executable imagesHcan be installed /SHARED as well as shareable library images. (The termE"shareable" has dual meanings here, too. See the OpenVMS Programming%Concepts Manual for further details.)MIt's important to note that there is no such thing as "installing a shareableHimage with privileges". The INSTALL utility will let you do it, but theLprivileges you specify will be ignored. To have a callable routine run withLenhanced privileges that are not available to its caller, you must constructIyour routines as "user-written system services" and install the shareableHimage with the /PROTECT qualifier. See the OpenVMS Programming ConceptsGManual for more information on user-written system services. Note alsoKthat in many cases the need to grant privileges to an image can be replacedGwith the use of the "Protected Subsystems" feature that grants a rightsEidentifier to an image. See the OpenVMS Guide to System Security for$information on Protected Subsystems.<------------------------------------------------------------0MGMT2. Are there any known viruses for OpenVMS?NViruses are very common on PCs because the PC operating systems such as MS-DOSMand MacOS do not implement any sort of scheme to protect the operating systemJor the file system against hostile action by programs. On these operatingKsystems, any running program can subvert the operating system and take overKthe hardware, at which point it can do anything it wishes, including hiding9copies of itself in other programs or in the file system.HThis is not possible on VMS, Unix, MVS, and Windows NT, for two reasons.GFirst, the operating system runs in a privileged mode in memory that isHprotected against modification by normal user programs. Any old programKcannot take over the hardware as it can on PC operating systems. Secondly,CVMS, Unix, MVS, and NT have file systems that can be set up so thatNnon-privileged programs cannot modify system programs and files on disk. BothMof these protection schemes mean that traditional PC virus schemes don't workon these OSes.JIt is possible for VMS, etc., to be infected by viruses, but to do so, theEprogram containing the virus must be run from a user account that hasJamplified privileges. As long as the system administrator is careful thatKonly trusted applications are run from such accounts (and this is generally+the case), there is no danger from viruses.# []GTo protect against viruses and other attempts at system interference orOmisuse, follow the recommendations in the "OpenVMS Guide to System Security". JYou may also want to consider optional software products which can monitorEyour system for intrusion or infection attempts. Digital offers the following products in this area: DECinspect Intrusion Detector( POLYCENTER Security Reporting Facility( POLYCENTER Security Compliance Manager%[Contributions to this list welcomed]<------------------------------------------------------------1MGMT3. How do I mount an ISO-9660 CD on OpenVMS?5ISO-9660 support was added in the following releases: OpenVMS VAX V6.0 OpenVMS AXP V1.5: OpenVMS VAX V5.5, use F11CD kit from InfoServer CD, orG Consolidated Distribution CD under InfoServer, or2 Digital Customer Support - CSCPAT #1071012Here's how to do it:= $ MOUNT/MEDIA_FORMAT=CDROM device-name[:] [volume-label]HPlease refer to the OpenVMS MOUNT Utility Manual, especially the section.regarding the MOUNT qualifier /UNDEFINED_FAT. From the OpenVMS release notes:K Because ISO-9660 media can be mastered from platforms that do not supportL semantics of files containing predefined record formats, you may encounterM ISO-9660 CD-ROMs with files that contain records for which no record format was specified.+An example which works for most CD-ROMs is:G $ MOUNT/MEDIA_FORMAT=CDROM/UNDEFINED_FAT=STREAM:2048 DUA0: FREEWAREMThis /UNDEFINED_FAT qualifier states, "For any file whose file attributes areM'undefined', return file attributes of 'stream', maximum record length 2048". []<------------------------------------------------------------$MAIL1. How do I send Internet mail?IThere is no one answer to this question. Internet mail is built upon theGTCP/IP protocols, which are not directly supported by VMS. A number ofLimplementations of TCP/IP for VMS are available, from Digital, from a numberJof other vendors, and even in a free "support it yourself" form. The MAILMprogram that comes with VMS does not directly support the mail format used onMthe Internet, but various programs have been written that use MAIL's "foreignKprotocol" facility to provide such support. To send mail through a foreignLprotocol by using an address syntax like IN%"". YouM*must* include the quotation marks Between them is the address in the formatNused by mail programs that support the Internet directly. The IN% - short forMINternet - names the foreign protocol. On some systems, you use MX% or SMTP%Minstead. (MX is a widely used, free, mail handler; see question SOFT1. SMTP%Jis used by Digital's UCX TCP/IP product) Other systems may use some otherNname. If none of these prefixes work, ask your system manager for assistance. []<------------------------------------------------------------JMAIL2. How do I get IN% or MX% added automatically to Internet addresses?JGet the MAILSHR_PATCH package (there's one each for VAX and AXP) from the )WKU FILESERV server (see question SOFT1.)<------------------------------------------------------------KMAIL3. How do I automatically append a signature file to my mail messages?KThe basic MAIL utility which is shipped with VMS does not have an intrinsicGmechanism for adding signature files. If you're using an enhanced mailGhandling package (e.g PMDF), however, it may have provisions for addingHsignature files to all messages it handles - check the documentation forFdetails. In addition, it's common practice to use an editor to handleKaddition of `quotation marks' (e.g. >) and signature files to mail messagesKand news postings. There are several implementations of this for differentHeditors available on the net; for one example, see the MAIL_EDIT package available at + []FDefine the logical MAIL$EDIT to a COM-file, which looks something likethe following:$ IF P1 .NES. ""$ THEN#$ COPY 'P1', 'P2'$ ELSE$ COPY 'P2'$ ENDIF$$ DEFINE/NOLOG SYS$INPUT SYS$COMMAND$ 'P2'$ EXITLWhere is the name of the signature-file (including directoryMand disk) and is EDIT/EDT or EDIT/TPU (or your favorite editor). []<------------------------------------------------------------AMAIL4. Do I have to use VMS MAIL? I like my Unix mailer better.MSeveral Unix mailers have been ported to VMS, some by the vendors of specificLTCP/IP packages, some by users who have made them freely available. See theFdocumentation for your TCP/IP package, and refer to question SOFT1 for5information about the availability of the free ports. []<------------------------------------------------------------LMAIL5. How can I forward my mail? Can I forward it to an Internet address?MYou can use the SET FORWARD command within MAIL to specify where you want allMyour mail forwarded to. Use SHOW FORWARD to see your current forwarding. To*cancel all forwarding, type SET NOFORWARD.LYou can forward your mail to an Internet address, but you have to be carefulLbecause of the way MAIL handles special characters, such as quotation marks.MFirst, determine the address you would use to send mail to the place you wantIto forward to - say, IN%"". Take that string andL*double all the quotation marks*, producing IN%"""".LFinally, wrap quotation marks around the outside and use the the result with SET FORWARD:3 MAIL>SET FORWARD "IN%"""""+If you do SHOW FORWARD, you should now see:? Your mail is being forwarded to IN%"". []<------------------------------------------------------------9MAIL6. How can I forward my mail to a list of addresses?HVMS MAIL does not support forwarding a message to more than one address.L(Older versions of MAIL allowed you to specify such forwarding, but it neverworked correctly.)MMany of the TCP/IP mail packages support forwarding to mailing lists, as doesJthe free MX mail handling system and the DELIVER mail "extender". See the8documentation of your TCP/IP package and question SOFT1. []<------------------------------------------------------------JMAIL7. MAIL keeps saying I have new messages, but I don't. What do I do?GThe count of new mail messages is kept separately from your mail folderIin SYS$SYSTEM:VMSMAIL_PROFILE.DATA. It sometimes happens that this countGdiffers from what's in your mail folder. If this happens, go into MAILIand repeat the READ/NEW command until you see no new mail messages. ThenGenter the command one more time. This will resynchronize the counters.<------------------------------------------------------------4UTIL1. How do I play an audio CD on my workstation?8If you've installed the DECwindows examples, you'll findDDECW$CDPLAYER.C, .DAT, .EXE, .UIL, and .UID. Copy the .UID and .DATLfiles to DECW$USER_DEFAULTS: (typically SYS$LOGIN:), define the logical nameHDECW$CD_PLAYER to be the device name of your CD-ROM drive (eg. DKA400:),Hgive yourself PHY_IO and DIAGNOSE privileges, and run the .EXE. You canAalso install the image with these privileges. See the source forBadditional details - note that the comments regarding the need forDSYSGEN CONNECT are no longer applicable (at least as of VMS V5.5-2).FThere's also SYS$EXAMPLES:CDROM_AUDIO.C and .EXE, a non-Motif program.<------------------------------------------------------------.DCL1. How do I run a program with arguments?KThe RUN command does not accept arguments. To pass arguments to a program,>you must use what is called a "foreign command". For example:' $ uudecode :== $disk:[dir]uudecode.exe $ uudecode filespecJThe leading $ in the symbol definition is what makes it a foreign command.IIf the device and directory is omitted, SYS$SYSTEM: is assumed. For more?information on foreign commands, see the OpenVMS User's Manual.See also question PROG2.<------------------------------------------------------------/DCL2. How can I redefine control keys in DCL?CThe DCL DEFINE/KEY command allows you to define function and keypadFkeys, but not control keys. Also, keys you define with DEFINE/KEY areDnot recognized inside applications. Many applications which use the:SMG$ routines for input have a similar DEFINE/KEY feature.GThe terminal driver line-editing control keys, including the use of DELfor delete, are not modifiable.<------------------------------------------------------------*DCL3. How can I clear the screen in DCL?!The simplest way is TYPE/PAGE NL:<------------------------------------------------------------"FILE1. How can I undelete a file?GOpenVMS doesn't have an "undelete" function. However, if you are quickHto write-protect the disk (or if you can guarantee that no new files getCcreated or existing files extended), your data is still on the diskGand it may be possible to retrieve it. The FLORIAN tool available fromEthe WKU Fileserver claims to be able to do this (see question SOFT1.)<------------------------------------------------------------BFILE2. Why does SHOW QUOTA give a different answer than DIR/SIZE?EDIR/SIZE doesn't take into account the size of file headers which areJcharged to your quota. Also, unless you use DIR/SIZE:ALL, you'll see onlyFthe "used" size of the file, not the allocated size which is what getsKcharged against your quota. Also, you may have files in other directories. []!$ DIR/SIZ=ALL/GRAND [username...]6Grand total of D1 directories, F1 files, B1/B2 blocks.#$ DIR/SIZ=ALL/GRAND [-]username.DIR1Grand total of 1 directory, 1 file, B3/B4 blocks. $ SHOW QUOTA3 User [username] has B5 blocks used, B6 available,? of B7 authorized and permitted overdraft of B8 blocks on diskFIf the user has no files in other directories and all file-headers are.only 1 block, then the following should apply: B5=B2+B4+F1+1MIf the diskquota is out of synch, then the system-manager can make a rebuild. []<------------------------------------------------------------BFILE3. How do I make sure that my data is safely written to disk?EIf your application must absolutely guarantee that data is available,Kno matter what, there's really no substitute for RMS Journalling. However,Jyou can achieve a good degree of data integrity by issuing a SYS$FLUSH RMSDcall at appropriate times (if you're using RMS, that is.) If you'reMusing a high-level language's I/O system, check that language's documentationFto see if you can access the RMS control blocks for the open file. InCC you can use fflush followed by fsync. Note that fsync, which wasKundocumented for VAX C but is documented for DEC C, takes a file descriptoras an argument, not a *FILE.<------------------------------------------------------------:PROG1. How do I call from ?FMost OpenVMS system services and RTL routines pass string arguments byDdescriptor. Languages which support native string data types createKdescriptors automatically; those which do not (eg., C) require that you setthem up explicitly. []FThere is a lot of information available on how to call system servicesHand Run-Time Library routines, including examples in numerous languages.The best references are: Your language's User Manual' OpenVMS Programming Environment Manual$ OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual9 OpenVMS Programming Interfaces: Calling a System Routine OpenVMS Calling StandardHIn addition, if you are a subscriber to the Digital Software InformationGNetwork (available to those with a software support contract), the DSINHdatabase contains hundreds of worked examples of calling system servicesJand RTL routines, including the one that seems to trip up almost everyone,SMG$CREATE_MENU. []<------------------------------------------------------------9PROG2. How do I get the arguments from the command line?GIf you're writing a program and want to accept arguments from a foreignFcommand, you can use LIB$GET_FOREIGN to get the command line and parseDit yourself, or if you're programming in C, use the normal argc/argvmethod.JTo write an application which uses the normal DCL verb/qualifier/parameterFsyntax for invocation, see the description of the CLI$ routines in the3OpenVMS Callable Utility Routines Reference Manual.IIt is possible to write an application which can be used both ways; if a LDCL verb isn't used to invoke the image, the application parses the command Hline itself. One way to do this is to call CLI$GET_VALUE for a required=parameter. If it is not present (or you get an error), call @LIB$GET_FOREIGN to get the command line and do the manual parse.See also question DCL1.<------------------------------------------------------------=PROG3. How do I get a formatted error message in a variable?DUse the SYS$PUTMSG system service with an action routine that storesGthe message line(s) in the variable of your choice. Be sure the actionKroutine returns a "false" (low bit clear) function value so that SYS$PUTMSGIdoesn't then try to display the message (unless you want it to.) See theEdescription of $PUTMSG in the System Services Reference Manual for an#example of using an action routine.<------------------------------------------------------------BPROG4. How do I link against SYS$SYSTEM:SYS.STB on an AXP system?ELINK/SYSEXE is the OpenVMS AXP equivalent of linking against SYS.STB.<------------------------------------------------------------8PROG5. How do I do a SET DEFAULT from inside a program?HThe problem is that SYS$SETDDIR only changes the default directory - NOTIthe default disk. The default disk is determined by the logical SYS$DISK.BIf you want to change the default disk within a program, then callJLIB$SET_LOGICAL to change the logical SYS$DISK. You will need to call bothKLIB$SET_LOGICAL and SYS$SETDDIR to change both default disk and the default directory! [] <------------------------------------------------------------KPROG6. How do I create a shareable image transfer vector on an AXP system?IThis is something that was greatly simplified for OpenVMS AXP. You don'tLneed to create a separate transfer vector module; just use the SYMBOL_VECTORIstatement in a linker options file. For example, if your shareable imageJhas two routines named FOO and BAR, the linker options file should containthe following line:- SYMBOL_VECTOR=(FOO=PROCEDURE, BAR=PROCEDURE)+The Linker manual has more details on this.<------------------------------------------------------------FPROG7. How do I turn my Fortran COMMON into a shareable image on AXP?MYou need to add SYMBOL_VECTOR=(=PSECT) to your options file. OnGOpenVMS VAX all OVR/REL/GBL psects were automatically exported into theKshareable image's Global Symbol Table. On OpenVMS AXP you have to tell theClinker that you want this done by means of the PSECT keyword in the%SYMBOL_VECTOR options file statement.NThis has several advantages over OpenVMS VAX. First, you don't have to worry Fabout the address of the psect when you try to create a new, upwardly Hcompatible version of the shareable image. Second, you can control which=psects, if any, are made visible outside the shareable image.IBy default, COMMON PSECTs in DEC Fortran for OpenVMS AXP (as well as mostJother OpenVMS AXP compilers) are NOSHR. On VAX, the default was SHR whichGrequired you to change the attribute to NOSHR if you wanted your COMMONGto be in a shareable image but not write-shared by all processes on the,system. If you do want write-sharing, use:  CDEC$ PSECT common-name=SHRMin the Fortran source code (the CDEC$ must be begin in column 1) or a linker Koptions file PSECT_ATTR statement to set the COMMON PSECT attribute to SHR./For further information, see the Linker manual.<------------------------------------------------------------<PROG8. How do I convert between IEEE and VAX floating data?GIn OpenVMS V6.1 there is a routine CVT$CONVERT_FLOAT, documented in theELIB$ Run-Time Library Reference Manual, which can perform conversionsCbetween any two of the following floating datatypes: VAX (F,D,G,H),Klittle-endian IEEE (single, double, quad), big-endian IEEE (single, double,quad), CRAY and IBM System\370.FDEC Fortran (all platforms) has a feature which will perform automaticKconversion of unformatted data during input or output. See the DEC FortranAdocumentation for information on "non-native data in I/O" and the CONVERT= OPEN statement keyword.<------------------------------------------------------------=PROG9. How do I get the argument count in a Fortran routine?EOn VAX, many programmers would use a MACRO routine which accessed theEAP register of the caller to get the address of the argument list andFhence the argument count. This was not guaranteed to work on VAX, butFusually did. However, it doesn't work at all on OpenVMS AXP, as thereHis no AP register. On Alpha systems, you must use a language's built-inDfunction to retrieve the argument count, if any. In Fortran this isAIARGCOUNT, which is also available in DEC Fortran on OpenVMS VAX.GNote that omitting arguments to Fortran routines is non-standard and isGunsupported. It will work in many cases - read the DEC Fortran release!notes for additional information.<------------------------------------------------------------FDECW1. How do I let someone else display something on my workstation?MOn a workstation, you go into "Customize" menu of the session manager utility@and select "Security". When the pop-up box appears, you can putKnode/user/tranport to allow who can launch an application to the display onthat workstation." []M> Yah, but this doesn't seem to work with non-VMS systems. What do I put in I> for the transport? I tried "TCPIP" just for kicks, but it didn't work.& You need a checklist of sorts:D 1) Make sure that you've specified the X-windows "display"D correctly on the remote side. For DECNET it's somethingD like NODE::0.0, for TCP/IP it's Node.Domain:0.0, etc. On aA unix system, define the DISPLAY environment variable so:& # setenv DISPLAY myvax.domain:0.0D 2) If you've verified 1) and things still aren't working, makeD sure the Security settings on the VMS side will allow theD connection: Pull down the "Options" menu in the SessionD Manager, select "Security..." near the bottom. If youD don't find your host (and username) listed on the leftD under "Authorized Users", go to the right side of the menuD and fill in the three fields, "Node", "Username",D "Transport". Then click on the Add botton, then the ApplyD and OK buttons to add the new host to the security database.@ a) There are various transports: LOCAL, DECNET, LAT,@ TCPIP, etc. Select the one appropriate to the< client machine's connection to the VMS machine.9 b) If the connection is DECNET, do *NOT* add :: to the node name!@ c) If the connection is TCPIP, "Username" _must_ be an@ asterisk (*) because the TCP/IP protocol used does- not provide the remote username.@ d) If the connection is TCPIP, it's best to use a full@ domain name, e.g., Node.Subd.Domain. However, you@ _may_ have to use the IP address itself, rather@ than the domain name (EWS requires this). I@ generally add two entries for each TPCIP host, the@ first using the domain name, the second the IP address.@ e) There are a various 3rd party vendors who supply@ TCP/IP packages for VMS, including but not limited@ to TGV (Multinet) and Wollongong (Pathway ?).@ Multinet (and DEC's own UCX) call the transport@ "TCPIP", Wollongong, at least in some incarnations,< uses "WINTCP". You need to use the appropriate@ vendor's package transport name in the "Transport" field.D 3) If things _still_ aren't working, make sure the transportD you want has been activated for DECwindows. This is aD system manager job, but you can do the ground work yourself8 before bothering the sysmgr. Do the following:4 $ DIR SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PRIVATE_SERVER_SETUP.COM& If that file exists, then do:9 $ SEARCH SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PRIVATE_SERVER_SETUP.COM -( $_ DECW$SERVER_TRANSPORTS' You sould find something like:9 $ decw$server_transports == "DECNET,LOCAL,LAT,TCPIP"D If the transport you want, e.g., TCPIP, isn't listed, haveD your system manager make the appropriate changes andD restart DECwindows. If the file doesn't exist, the sysmgrD will have to create it by copying the correspondingD .TEMPLATE file to .COM and uncommenting the line that( defines decw$server_transports.@ a) If you're wanting to use TCP/IP to connect, make@ sure TCP/IP is available on the VMS host. TCP/IP@ is _not_ native to VMS. You need to be running@ either Digital's UCX or a 3rd party vendor's TCP/IP@ product. If you're not, none of the above will help.% [Fairfield@Slac.Stanford.Edu]KThere is a log file created in SYS$MANAGER which tells you which transportsLare loaded, and also tell you what connect attempts were rejected, including:showing what the presented credentials were. This file isNSYS$MANAGER:DECW$SERVER_0_ERROR.LOG, although the 0 could be another number ifKyou have multiple servers on the workstation. I have found this file to beIvery useful for tracking down what needs to be put in the Session ManagerSecurity entries. []<------------------------------------------------------------9DECW2. How do I create a display on another workstation?@$ SET DISPLAY /CREATE /TRANSPORT=net_transport /NODE=remote_node)for LAT the command might look like this:6$ SET DISPLAY /CREATE /TRANSPORT=LAT /NODE=REMOTE_NODE for DECnet:2$ SET DISPLAY /CREATE /TRANSPORT=DECNET /NODE=NODE for TCP/IP9$ SET DISPLAY /CREATE /TRANSPORT=TCPIP /NODE= that LAT is typically used for X terminals but can be used fromGOpenVMS to OpenVMS systems on OpenVMS AXP V6.1 (if you have setup the XKserver to allow the LAT transport - check the docs). LAT will be supportedDon OpenVMS VAX as a transport for DECwindows in a future OpenVMS VAXrelease." []<------------------------------------------------------------FDECW3. How can I get the information from SHOW DISPLAY into a symbol?HUse the undocumented SHOW DISPLAY/SYMBOL, and then reference the symbolsCDECW$DISPLAY_NODE, DECW$DISPLAY_SCREEN, DECW$DISPLAY_SERVER and/orDECW$DISPLAY_TRANSPORT." [Fairfield@Slac.Stanford.Edu]<------------------------------------------------------------0DECW4. How do I get a log of a DECterm session?LIf you are working from a Decterm, you can use the AutoPrint feature. ChooseDthe "Printer..." menu item from the "Options" menu, set the printingHdestination to the name of the file you want, and set "Auto Print Mode".You are now free to continue.MIt should be noted that ALL the characters and escape sequences are captured,Obut if you display the log file on a DECterm you will get EXACTLY what you had. []<------------------------------------------------------------EDECW5. Problem - the DELETE key deletes forward instead of backward!NThis has to do with Motif's virtual bindings. When a Motif application startsDup, it looks at the vendor string returned in the display connectionLinformation and attempts to match the string to a table of virtual bindings.NYou can override the default bindings in your decw$xdefaults.dat file. Here is9the entry you would make to get the default VMS bindings. *defaultVirtualBindings:\ osfCancel : F11 \n\ osfLeft : Left \n\ osfUp : Up \n\ osfRight : Right \n\ osfDown : Down \n\ osfEndLine :Alt Right \n\! osfBeginLine :Alt Left \n\ osfPageUp : Prior \n\ osfPageDown : Next \n\" osfDelete :Shift Delete \n\ osfUndo :Alt Delete \n\ osfBackSpace : Delete \n\ osfAddMode :Shift F8 \n\ osfHelp : Help \n\ osfMenu : F4 \n\ osfMenuBar : F10 \n\ osfSelect : Select \n\! osfActivate : KP_Enter \n\! osfCopy :Shift DRemove \n\ osfCut : DRemove \n\ osfPaste : Insert To merge: $ xrdb :== $decw$utils:xrdb.exe( $ xrdb -nocpp -merge decw$xdefaults.dat# []<------------------------------------------------------------7DECW6. Problem - On a DEC2000-300, Motif doesn't startNCheck for a GQ device by doing a SHOW DEVICE G at the DCL prompt. If there isno GQA0 device:La) VMS failed to find the appropriate IRQ information for the Compaq QVisionK and did not autoconfigure it. Run the correct ECU (for OSF and VMS) and reboot.Mb) You do not have a Compaq QVision video card. This card should have CompaqM printed on it, and identifies itself as a CPQ3011 or a CPQ3111. If it is N not one of these 2 devices (as of 7/1/94 and version 6.1) then VMS does not support it.If there is a GQA0 device:Ia) There may have been a severe error in the DECwindows startup. Type theI contents of SYS$MANAGER:DECW$SERVER_0_ERROR.LOG for any information on errors starting the server.Lb) The sysgen parameter WINDOW_SYSTEM is not set to 1. This is a common way5 used by system managers to disable server startup.Mc) You may not have a valid Motif license. To check for the Motif license,I type LICENSE LIST DW-MOTIF/FULL and examine the information displayed.2 Make sure that it is present, valid and active.# []<------------------------------------------------------------<DECW7. Problem - My LK401 keyboard unexpectedly autorepeats#There are several modes of failure:Ka) Pressing 2 and 3 keys at the same time causes one key to autorepeat whenL released. Check the hardware revision level printed on the bottom of theM keyboard. If the revision level is C01, the keyboard firmware is broken. L Call field service to replace the keyboard with any revision level other than C01.Jb) Pressing certain keys is always broken. Typical sympypoms are: delete N always causes a autorepeat, return needs to be pressed twice, etc. This isI frequently caused by having keys depressed while the keyboard is beingL initialized. Pressing ^F2 several times or unplugging and replugging theL keyboard frequently fix this problem. There is a patch available to fix K this problem [contact the CSC for information - a CSCPAT number will be ' included here when available. - Ed.]Lc) A key that was working spontaneously stops working correctly. This may beN either (a) or (b) or it may be bad firmware. Ensure that you have the mostJ recent firmware installed on your CPU. An old version of the DEC 3000 4 firmware had a bug that could cause this symptom.# []<------------------------------------------------------------IDECW8. Problem - My LK411 sends the wrong keycodes or some keys are deadNCheck the firmware revision on the keyboard. Hardware revision B01 introducedMan incompatability with the device driver which causes the keyboard to not beFrecognized correctly. There is a patch available to fix this problem:L[CSCPAT number TBS - Ed.]. The rev A01 keyboard, and the LK450 should work without problems.# []<------------------------------------------------------------3DECW9. How do I set the title on a DECterm window?0If you are creating a new DECterm window, check )HELP CREATE /TERMINAL /WINDOW_ATTRIBUTES.HIf you want to change the title of an existing window, use the followingMcontrol sequences, where is the ANSI escape code, value decimal 27, and# is what you want to display:4To set the DECterm title, send ]21;\4To set the icon label, send ]2L;\6For example, DCL to display "My DECterm" in title bar: $ ESC[0,8]=27/$ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "``ESC`21;My DECterm``ESC`\" []FYou can also change the title and the icon using the<------------------------------------------------------------;SOFT1. Where can I find lots of free software for OpenVMS?IThe best starting point for free software for OpenVMS is Hunter Goatley's@WKU FILESERV server. If you're using a WWW browser, the URL is:3 FILESERV packages are also available via anonymous FTP from:*, under [.VMS.FILESERV]. 8, under [.MACRO32.SAVESETS] and [.MX]. 9, under [.WKU.VMS.FILESERV]. <, under pub/vms/mx and pub/vms/utilities. ,, under /mirror/vms/spc. :, under /pub/unsupported/vms/spc. For via e-mail from FILESERV@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU. Send the commands HELP and> DIR ALL in the body of a mail message for more information.LIf you get the packages via WWW or FTP, they're in ZIP format which requiresKthe UNZIP (note: this is not Gnu gunzip!) tool to unpack. You can get thisfrom:- ! VAX- ! AXPEor you can request the FILESERV_TOOLS package from the e-mail server.GMosaic 2.1 is available here, but there's also a VMS port of Mosaic 2.4Davailable at file:// which wasFbuilt for use with DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS (UCX) V3.0 or V3.1.JSome people have reported success using this with "UCX emulation" on otherTCP/IP implementations.HAnother source of free software is the vmsnet.sources newsgroup (and theJcorresponding vmsnet.sources.d discussion group). See the monthly postingG"vmsnet.sources archives" for a list of sites which archive submissionsto vmsnet.sources. []GA good source of software for DEC boxes (and anything else pretty much)Cis the DECUS library. online catalogs are available as well as some4software via; there's a gopher server  gopher:// FTP server: a WWW server: for orders is 508 841 3502. Lots of good stuff from lots of good2folks, and copies on media (tapes, CDs) are cheap. []4The sources for ZMODEM from the DECUS CD Rom are at:. []CThere's also []LThe links described below were current at one time; your guess is as good as!mine if they're still valid. ;-) J MPJZ's Hyper-Software-List for OpenVMS is Martin P.J. Zinser's list of  additional software. - Chris Higgins's VMS Software List II 5 DECUS SIG Tape collections are available on Mark Berryman's system, M David Jones's DECthreads-based HTTP_SERVER World-Wide Web server for VMS. ;$ [goathunter@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU]?Lynx (a character-cell World-Wide-Web reader) is available from$ []>An archive of DECwindows and Xwindows software can be found at []9ImageMagick is an X11 package for display and interactive7manipulation of images. The package includes tools for9image conversion, annotation, compositing, animation, and:creating montages. ImageMagick can read and write many of:the more popular image formats (e.g. JPEG, TIFF, PNM, XPM,LPhoto CD, etc.). []:BULLETIN, GHOSTSCRIPT, GHOSTVIEW and XV are available from [End of FAQ]