>NEWSRDR V4.8-6, NETWORKING, A VMS Mail-like USEnet NEWS reader'  [20-JUN-1995] D NEWSRDR is an NNTP client program for VMS systems running CMU-TekC TCP/IP, TGV MultiNet, DEC's VMS/ULTRIX Connection, or any TCP/IP= package supported by the NETLIB network interface library. ? NNTP is the Network News Transfer Protocol, which is used toH communicate USENET news over TCP/IP. Since many systems cannot affordI the disk space to store all net news locally, this program can be usedH to communicate with a cooperating news server system to read and postD net news. News articles are fetched on an as-needed basis and are> stored on the client system only while they are being read. B NEWSRDR is not a port of UNIX-based news readers. It is writtenH strictly for VMS and provides an interface that VMS users should findD reasonably comfortable. Most of the commands in NEWSRDR should be familiar to VMS MAIL users. H NEWSRDR is written entirely in C. NEWSRDR can be used with any TCP/IPI package that supports a Berkeley socket library interface, or with anyF package supported by the provided NETLIB network interface library.G NEWSRDR requires VAX/VMS V5.0 or later, or OpenVMS Alpha AXP V1.0 or later. F Support for Japanese sites using Kanji in news articles is providedD through the use of an installable library of character conversionF routines which can be mapped in at run-time by NEWSRDR. C source isI provided for the Kanji character code conversion routines. Support forG username and mail address conversion routines is also provided, also* through the use of shareable libraries. B Refer to the NEWSRDR documentation for specific system and user requirements. F _________________________________________________________________  CONTACTING THE AUTHOR H NEWSRDR was written by Matt Madison. To report bugs, please send mailG to MadGoat-Bugs@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU. Additional MadGoat mailing lists are available as well.