5MX V4.2, SOFTWARE, E-mail message exchanging software  [20-JUN-1994] D Message Exchange (MX) is electronic mail software for OpenVMS VAXI systems running VMS V5.0 or later, including OpenVMS V6.0, and OpenVMSF AXP systems running OpenVMS AXP V1.0 or later. It supports InternetE mail over CMU-OpenVMS TCP/IP, VMS/ULTRIX Connection, TGV MultiNet,D Process Software's TCPware, and Wollongong's WIN/TCP and PathWay;F BITNET mail over Wingra's Jnet; and UUCP mail over DECUS UUCP. AlsoF included is support for SMTP message transfers over DECnet and X.25E (using VAX P.S.I) and L-Soft International's LISTSERV software. MXC uses VMS Mail for local message entry and delivery, and includes9 support for mailing lists and mail-based file servers. Features: B * Users send and receive messages using VMS MAIL. Support forD "signature" files is included in the VMS MAIL interface. FullE support for automatic forwarding with the VMS MAIL SET FORWARDC command is included. User-defined alias databases for e-mailE addresses is supported. Binary files may be sent through MX to5 other VMS sites running MX, PMDF, or MultiNet. H * Provides SMTP (RFC 821) message transfers over CMU-OpenVMS TCP/IPA (aka CMU-Tek TCP/IP), DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS (akaA VMS/ULTRIX Connection), TGV MultiNet, TCPware from ProcessB Software, and PathWay and WIN/TCP from Wollongong. IncludesH support for Internet domain system MX records. Also supports SMTP/ over DECnet and X.25 (using VAX P.S.I.). F * Provides BSMTP message transfers with other BITNET mailers overH Jnet, compatible with the CU Mailer package for VM systems. FullyC supports BITNET-Internet gateways for non-Internet-connectedG systems. When combined with the SMTP support, can also provide a' BITNET/Internet gateway service. G * Interfaces with DECUS UUCP to provide a single mail interface toB all mail protocols. Can also gateway between UUCP and otherH networks. (Not supported under OpenVMS AXP yet because DECUS UUCP' has not been ported to AXP yet.) D * Provides a mailing list processor with automatic subscriptionE requests. Mailing lists can be configured to restrict postingsH only to subscribers or list owners, and to restrict the automaticE subscription handling. Internet mailing list conventions and a1 subset of LISTSERV commands are supported. I * Supports one or more file servers that can be set up by the systemD manager to handle automatic distribution of packages of filesD using mail as the distribution medium. Large transfers can beD deferred to off-hours, and daily per-user, per-system, and/or6 per-server limits can be placed on each server. H * Provides interfaces for a site-provided custom mail transport and* custom address processing routines. I * Provides its own message queueing subsystem. RMS block I/O is usedC to provide extremely fast queue access with little overhead.  CONTACTING THE AUTHORS A MX was written by Matt Madison and is now maintained by Hunter/ Goatley. To report bugs, please send mail toD MadGoat-Bugs@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU. Additional MadGoat mailing lists are available as well. I A mailing list for additional support of MX exists. To subscribe, send9 the following command in the body of a mail message to MXserver@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU:/ SUBSCRIBE MX-List "Your real name here"I The MX-List mailing list is gatewayed to the vmsnet.mail.mx newsgroup.