EMPEG_PLAY201, MOTIF_TOYS, Plays mpeg-1 encoded bitstreams using MOTIF- MPEG Video Software Decoder/ (Version 2.0.1; March 15, 1994)6 Lawrence A. Rowe, Ketan Patel, and Brian Smith< Computer Science Division-EECS, Univ. of Calif. at Berkeley;This directory contains a public domain MPEG video software:decoder. The decoder is implemented as a library that will=take a video stream and display it in an X window on an 8, 248or 32 bit deep display. The main routine is supplied to=demonstrate the use of the decoder library. Several dithering=algorithms are supplied based on the Floyd-Steinberg, ordered<dither, and half-toning algorithms that tradeoff quality and<performance. Neither the library nor the main routine handle+real-time synchronization or audio streams.