HJPI, UTILITIES, Selective Listing Of Processes Across Clusters And Wan'sH JPI is an OpenVMS wide-area network tool which is used to create a oneH line per process static information display for all processes matchingJ specified selection criteria, displaying the output according to displayE criteria. JPI utilizes the $process_scan and $getjpi OpenVMS SystemJ Services to accomplish the scanning. Scanning can be targeted to a localJ node, a remote node, a local OpenVMS Cluster or a remote OpenVMS clusterH or any combination of these. JPI V2.1 will execute on OpenVMS VAX V5.3+ and later and OpenVMS AXP V6.1 and later.E This utility uses the DCLTABLES CLI for a command named JPI. JPI is@ NOT a DEC registered command and therefore may, in the future,- conflict with a DEC registered DCL command.E The kit is in a VMSINSTAL saveset. Sources are contained within theG kit. The kitinstal self-detects VAX or AXP and builds the appropriate images.+ The following is a sample display output: $ JPI/USER=SYSTEMA Job/Process Information from VAX/VMS T6.1-5Z0N From node MYNODE (VAXstation 3100/GPX) at 22-MAR-1994 15:42:41.73NPID Term Username Process Name Image Name PriB Work State M NodeP--------------------------------------------------------------------------------P00000085 SYSTEM...... IPCACP....... IPCACP...... 8 2052 HIB O MYNODEP00000086 SYSTEM...... ERRFMT....... ERRFMT...... 7 516 HIB O MYNODEP00000087 SYSTEM...... OPCOM........ OPCOM....... 6 516 HIB O MYNODEP00000089 SYSTEM...... JOB_CONTROL.. JBC$JOB_CONT 8 1028 HIB O MYNODEP0000008A SYSTEM...... QUEUE_MANAGER QMAN$QUEUE_M 8 1482 HIB O MYNODEP0000008B SYSTEM...... SECURITY_SERV SECURITY_SER 8 1628 HIB O MYNODEP0000008C SYSTEM...... TP_SERVER.... TPSERV...... 8 2052 HIB O MYNODEP00000090 SYSTEM...... REMACP....... REMACP...... 8 516 HIB O MYNODEP00000092 SYSTEM...... DQS$NOTIFIER. DQS$NOTIFIER 4 516 LEF O MYNODEP00000094 SYSTEM...... SYMBIONT_2... DQS$SMB..... 4 1032 HIB O MYNODEP00000095 SYSTEM...... SYMBIONT_3... DQS$SMB..... 4 1032 HIB O MYNODEP00000096 SYSTEM...... LATACP....... LATACP...... 12 666 HIB O MYNODEP00000098 SYSTEM...... SYMBIONT_5... DCPS$SMB.... 4 1032 HIB O MYNODEP00000099 SYSTEM...... SYMBIONT_6... DCPS$SMB.... 4 1032 HIB O MYNODEP0000009F SYSTEM...... DNS$ADVER.... DNS$ADVER... 4 516 HIB O MYNODEP000000A2 SYSTEM...... NSCHED....... NSCHED...... 6 1716 LEF O MYNODEP000000A5 SYSTEM...... SCHED_REMOTE. SCHED_REMOTE 3 812 LEF O MYNODEP000000A9 SYSTEM...... SYMBIONT_7... VTXWPSSMB... 4 516 HIB O MYNODEP000000AA SYSTEM...... VTXSRV....... VTXSRV...... 6 1112 HIB O MYNODEP000000AB SYSTEM...... VTX$WBSRV.... VTX$WBSRV... 6 1112 HIB O MYNODEP000001AC SYSTEM...... SYMBIONT_8... DCPS$SMB.... 4 2682 HIB O MYNODEP000001CF SYSTEM...... SYMBIONT_9... PRTSMB...... 4 1032 HIB O MYNODEBTotal of 22 Processes using 24598 pages (12 mb) of physical memory O Please read the release notes on JPI for information on qualifiers allowed on the JPI command line.C This utility was written using COBOL simply because this was the F developers language of choice and not necessarily the most efficient coding mechanism.C Files modified or created by the supplied installation kit are as follows:* SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE updated SYS$SYSTEM:JPI.EXE created+ SYS$HELP:HELPLIB.HLB updated# JPI.COB created (optionally)) SYS$MANAGER:JPI012.RELEASE_NOTES created