I1541.A Copyright 1994-96 by L.G.Software III 1 555555 4 1 I 11 5 44 11 I 1 1 5 4 4 1 1 I 1 55555 4 4 1 I 1 5 444444 1 I 1 5 4 1 I 1 5 5 4 1 III 11111 5555 444 11111 Version 1.0 The purpose of this code is to supply a user interface to read and write data on the IEC bus of Commodore C64 devices. You can copy and distribute this software. If you modify it, please write a note on what and why you have modified, and send a well-documented copy to me. If you have any problems with this program contact me to fix the bugs, possibly with a detailed explanation of the kind of problem you have experienced and a complete description of your machine. I DECLINE ALL RESPONSABILITIES ABOUT MISFUNCTION OR DAMAGES CAUSED BY THIS SOFTWARE. ******************************************************************************** WARNING: This software uses the timer interrupt when running. This may delay the system clock (the DOS clock is stopped during some operations). In any case the CMOS clock is not affected by the operations. ******************************************************************************** For installing the interface as a device driver, add this line in your CONFIG.SYS file: device c:\dos\i1541.com The directory name c:\dos\ is an example and has to be replaced with the path containing the i1541.com file. If you don't want to install the program as a device driver, simply run the program at the command line or from within your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. If the connector cable has the connection between pin 2 and pin 15, the detection routine will automatically find the cable. If you don't have this connection or if you have two or more cables with this properties on your LPT ports, you must specify on which port the I1541 has to work on. The program accepts one numeric parameter (in the range 1 to 3), intended to force usage of a specific LPT port. Example: device c:\dos\i1541.com 3 forces usage of LPT port 3 or, for command line users i1541.com 2 forces usage of LPT port 2 This parameter overrides auto detection. If you have any troubles in installation (older versions of DOS cannot handle a EXE or COM file in CONFIG.SYS), simply rename the program to I1541.SYS. ren I1541.COM I1541.SYS If the problem persists, edit the code file with a binary editor and replace the four first bytes (at offset 0) of the SYS code with four 0FFH bytes. With this modification the code cannot run in COM mode, but only in SYS mode. replace E9 23 05 00 (* decimal 233 035 005 000 *) with FF FF FF FF (* decimal 255 255 255 255 *) If you appreciate this software (and all the work behind it), please send $10(US) to: SWISS BANK CORPORATION, bank account number F4-702,550.0 mail: Ghielmetti Leopoldo Via Castelrotto 20 6600 Locarno (Switzerland) e-mail: Leopoldo.Ghielmetti@epfl.ch