---------------------------------------- Welcome to GANGSTA'S PARADISE ftp site ---------------------------------------- This is the official internet headquarter of CHROMANCE and ONSLAUGHT. Maintained by Lion of Chromance and Rough of Chromance. FILE FORMATS: .prg - Runnable c64 files. .prg.gz - Gzip compressed c64 program, use gunzip (c64), gzip -d (Unix). .lnx - The one-two filer releases are being stored in this format to save the 16 character filename. Use Ultimate lynx (64), Starlynx (Windows), cbmconvert (Unix) or similar to dissolve these files. .zip - The full disk sides are ZipCoded and packed with ZIP.Use UNZIP/PKUNZIP to depack. The result will be a Zipcoded disk such as 1!name..4!name. Use ZipCollection(64), StarZip(PC), zip2disk (Unix) or some similar program to rebuild the disk or disk image. .d64.gz - gzipped D64 emulator disk image. Use "gzip -d" to depack, and then you can convert the .d64 to zipcode by disk2zip, cbmconvert (Unix) or Starzip (PC,MS-DOS). On c64 with large disks, you can use "gunzip" to depack the file, id64 (on IDE64) to quick write to the 1541 drive. 1!name,2!name,3!name,4!name - see ".zip" .rar - Use unrar(Unix), WinRar(Windows) to decompress. No c64 tool available. To dissolve these archive formats you can find utiltiies for C64 in the Tools/Archiver directory and Tools/MSDOS,Tools/UNIX dirs for those patforms and IDE64/Compression, IDE64/Image, IDE64/Plugins for C64 with IDE64 card. Preferred file formats for uploads: - prg.gz for onefilers - d64.gz for disk images. We will recompress/uncompress uploads as we like. CONTACTING MAINTAINERS: If you have any suggestion how to make the site cooler, or if you might have any problem then don't delay to drop me a line under: LION@c64.rulez.org