Axis Example (VBScript)
ADO 2.5 MD

Axis Example (VBScript)

This Active Server Page displays OLAP data from an MDX Query string and writes the resulting cellset to an HTML table structure.

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
'*** Active Server Page displays OLAP data from default
'*** MDX Query string and writes resulting cell set to HTML table
'*** structure.
<META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">
<BODY bgcolor=Ivory>
<FONT FACE=Verdana>


Dim cat,cst,i,j,strSource,csw,intDC0,intDC1,intPC0,intPC1

'*** Set Connection Objects for Multidimensional Catalog and Cellset
Set cat = Server.CreateObject("ADOMD.Catalog")
Set cst = Server.CreateObject("ADOMD.CellSet")

'*** Use default settings of a known OLAP Server
'*** for Server Name for Connection Set Server Name Session Object
'*** to default value
'*** Must set OLAPServerName to OLAP Server that is
'*** present on network
   OLAPServerName = "Please set to present OLAP Server"
   cat.ActiveConnection = "Data Source='" & OLAPServerName & _
      "';Initial Catalog='FoodMart';Provider='msolap';"

'*** Use default MDX Query string of a known query that works
'*** with default server Set MDXQuery Session Object to default value
   strSource = strSource & "SELECT "
   strSource = strSource & "{[Measures].members} ON COLUMNS,"
   strSource = strSource & _
      "NON EMPTY [Store].[Store City].members ON ROWS"
   strSource = strSource & " FROM Sales"

'*** Set Cell Set Source property to strSource to be passed on cell set '*** open method
    cst.Source = strSource

'*** Set Cell Sets Active connection to use the current Catalogs Active 
'*** connection
Set cst.ActiveConnection = cat.ActiveConnection

'*** Using Open method, Open cell set

'*** Set Dimension Counts minus 1 for Both Axes to intDC0, intDC1
'*** Set Position Counts minus 1 for Both Axes to intPC0, intPC1
intDC0 = cst.Axes(0).DimensionCount-1
intDC1 = cst.Axes(1).DimensionCount-1

intPC0 = cst.Axes(0).Positions.Count - 1
intPC1 = cst.Axes(1).Positions.Count - 1

'*** Create HTML Table structure to hold MDX Query return Record set
      Response.Write "<Table width=100% border=1>"

'*** Loop to create Column header
      For h=0 to intDC0
         Response.Write "<TR>"

'*** Loop to create spaces in front of Column headers
'*** to align with Row header
         For c=0 to intDC1
            Response.Write "<TD></TD>"

'*** Iterate through Axes(0) Positions writing member captions to table 
'*** header
         For i = 0 To intPC0
            Response.Write "<TH>"
            Response.Write "<FONT size=-2>"
            Response.Write cst.Axes(0).Positions(i).Members(h).Caption
            Response.Write "</FONT>"
            Response.Write "</TH>"
         Response.Write "</TR>"
'*** Use Array values for row header formatting to provide
'*** spaces under beginning row header titles
      For j = 0 To intPC1
         Response.Write "<TR>"
         For h=0 to intDC1
            Response.Write "<TD><B>"
            Response.Write "<FONT size=-2>"
            Response.Write cst.Axes(1).Positions(j).Members(h).Caption
            Response.Write "</FONT>"
            Response.Write "</B></TD>"
         For k = 0 To intPC0
            Response.Write "<TD align=right bgcolor="
            Response.Write csw
            Response.Write ">"
            Response.Write "<FONT size=-2>"
            Response.Write cst(k, j).FormattedValue
            Response.Write "</FONT>"
            Response.Write "</TD>"
         Response.Write "</TR>"
      Response.Write "</Table>"


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