Glycolysis - What should I know about it?! You should thoroughly understand where the free energy change comes from which allows production of ATP. You should understand what individual processes are taking place in the pathway and how they contribute to the final outcome. Last (and least) you should have a reasonable familiaity with names of substrates, products, enzymes etc. This is not an end in itself but will help you communicate your understanding.his is not an end in itself but will help you communicate your understanding.standing.hardly any molecular oxygen present in the atmosphere and so the second function would be a later development. This tutorial concentrates on glycolysis taking place in anaerobic conditions. Glycolysis Step by Step Glycolysis Pathway Alternatives Glycolysis Control Systemshways Hexokinase Glucose Glucose 6-phosphate ADP + H This Section Not Yet Available 4sysPlayMovies MMPlay B"animator" MMIdle enterpage enterpage MMPlay animator sysPlayMovies MMIdle animator sysPlayMovies playarea slider group id 88 of page id 0 KeepAspectRatio false ClipToRectangle false AutoLoop fileName pentane.avi playpos Animator autoloop ClipToRectangle filename glycolys.avi OutputObject rectangle playarea playpos The Button Anaerobic glycolysis takes a six carbon sugar (glucose), splits it into two molecules of three carbon sugar (glyceradehyde) and then rearranges the atoms (to lactate)..angement of atoms provides energy to make ATP which is the principle energy 'currency' in the cell.e ATP which is the principle energy 'currency' in the cell.with the generation of much ATP. The pathway is named for this function - lysis of glucose=glycolysis. Glycolysis probably evolved billions of years ago when there was hardly any molecular oxygen present in the atmosphere and so the second function would be a later development. This tutorial concentrates on glycolysis taking place in anaerobic conditions. MMPlay Banimator buttonup buttonup MMPlay animator Animate mmload Banimator buttonup buttonup mmload animator just a 'carrier' code. xintended user click on This allows % important be kept {which easily pasted. remain moved via clipboard. Display values benefit "Status Animator Bfollows" "Current file ( oFileName) : " & StartFrame StopFrame "Play frames G& " "Output ( oOutputObject) : " & "Slider ( : " & "Clipping ( oClipToRectangle) : " & "Autoloop ( oAutoLoop) : " & Most often used find playing Will "", " ", "seeking" etc. MMMode tbkMCI("status aniFile ready","") mode","") "closed" Loads animation driver displays a sub- ,toolbook realise that Uimage NOT a {but painting directly Toolbook Window parasitically. has several implications. redrawn part a paused may be messed up disappear totally. Also, xspecifically removed moves another will over MMLoad 4s_aniHandle, sysLogX, sysLogY ZhDC, DestRect, FileRect, OutputRect userlinked linkDLL USER BYTE MoveWindow( WORD, INT, GetDC( ReleaseDC( gdilinked Z GetDeviceCaps( Much following concerned fconverting units pixel order output front notes came explanation. -- Pixels per inch untranslateAllWindowMessages ","") tbkMCIchk(" " && ofileName && "alias style child " && 8,"",1) ","",1) 1","",1) ,"",1) state ","",1) dimensions "where source", "" ) width )*1440) height )*1440) y1440)+1 y1440)+1 )" && "",1) --centre W area -- y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 translating emessages ","",1) x, y, , 1 ) translateWindowMessage animateWindowClose Speaks itself MMUnload ","") Seeks MMPlay ","") = length","") ","") ","",1) ","") >= ,"",1) ,"",1) yieldApp() MMPause ","") MMStepReverse ","",1,1) H1","",1) MMStepForward ","",1,1) H1","",1) slider MMSeek ,1,1) sliderPosition " && ,"",1) Check needs be repositioned be rewound ( property MMidle Zoffst, ","") ( myStartFrame oplaypos oautoloop -- timer efinish Fclean finished unTranslateAllWindowMessages tbkTimerStart("single",500,100, tbkMMTimer ","") suggested your outputobject playarea" AnimationSlider" filename mmload mmplay mmunload mmidle buttonup MMStepReverse MMUnload MMStepForward MMSeek MMPlay MMidle MMLoad animateWindowClose MMPause tbkMMTimer MMMode buttonup Status of Animator button follows Current file (my FileName) is: FileName Play all of file. Play frames from StartFrame StopFrame Output (my OutputObject) is to: OutputObject Slider (my Slider) is: Slider Clipping (my ClipToRectangle) is: ClipToRectangle Autoloop (my AutoLoop) is: Autoloop StopFrame StartFrame MMMode status aniFile ready tbkMCI status aniFile mode tbkMCI closed MMLoad MoveWindow GetDC ReleaseDC GetDeviceCaps GetDC GetDeviceCaps GetDeviceCaps ReleaseDC status aniFile ready tbkMCI close aniFile tbkMCI fileName alias aniFile style child parent tbkMCIchk set aniFile time format frames tbkMCIchk StartFrame StopFrame seek aniFile to 1 tbkMCIchk seek aniFile to StartFrame tbkMCIchk window aniFile state show tbkMCIchk where aniFile source tbkMCI OutputObject ClipToRectangle put aniFile source at tbkMCIchk status aniFile window handle tbkMCIchk MoveWindow animateWindowClose height width gdilinked userlinked DestRect FileRect OutputRect s_aniHandle sysLogX sysLogY MMUnload status aniFile ready tbkMCI close aniFile tbkMCI s_aniHandle MMPlay StartFrame StopFrame status aniFile position tbkMCI status aniFile length tbkMCI seek aniFile to start tbkMCIchk play aniFile tbkMCIchk status aniFile position tbkMCI StopFrame play aniFile from StartFrame StopFrame tbkMCIchk play aniFile to StopFrame tbkMCIchk yieldApp MMPause pause aniFile tbkMCIchk MMStepReverse step aniFile reverse by 1 tbkMCIchk MMStepForward step aniFile by 1 tbkMCIchk MMSeek slider status aniFile length tbkMCIchk slider sliderPosition seek aniFile to tbkMCIchk MMidle status aniFile position tbkMCI slider slider sliderPosition StopFrame status aniFile length tbkMCI StopFrame StartFrame StartFrame playpos playpos slider slider sliderPosition autoloop MMPlay myStartFrame offst length animateWindowClose single tbkTimerStart s_aniHandle tbkMMTimer close aniFile tbkMCI 4sysPlayMovies MMPlay B"animator" MMIdle enterpage enterpage MMPlay animator sysPlayMovies MMIdle animator sysPlayMovies playarea playpos fileName pentane.avi AutoLoop ClipToRectangle false KeepAspectRatio false slider group id 88 of page id 0 Animator playpos OutputObject rectangle playarea filename glycolys.avi ClipToRectangle autoloop The Button The rearrangement of atoms provides energy to make ATP which is the principle energy 'currency' in the cell.hyde) and then rearranges the atoms (to lactate). The rearrangement of atoms provides energy to make ATP which is the principle energy 'currency' in the cell.e ATP which is the principle energy 'currency' in the cell.with the generation of much ATP. The pathway is named for this function - lysis of glucose=glycolysis. Glycolysis probably evolved billions of years ago when there was hardly any molecular oxygen present in the atmosphere and so the second function would be a later development. This tutorial concentrates on glycolysis taking place in anaerobic conditions. MMPlay Banimator buttonup buttonup MMPlay animator Animate mmload Banimator buttonup buttonup mmload animator just a 'carrier' code. xintended user click on This allows % important be kept {which easily pasted. remain moved via clipboard. Display values benefit "Status Animator Bfollows" "Current file ( oFileName) : " & StartFrame StopFrame "Play frames G& " "Output ( oOutputObject) : " & "Slider ( : " & "Clipping ( oClipToRectangle) : " & "Autoloop ( oAutoLoop) : " & Most often used find playing Will "", " ", "seeking" etc. MMMode tbkMCI("status aniFile ready","") mode","") "closed" Loads animation driver displays a sub- ,toolbook realise that Uimage NOT a {but painting directly Toolbook Window parasitically. has several implications. redrawn part a paused may be messed up disappear totally. Also, xspecifically removed moves another will over MMLoad 4s_aniHandle, sysLogX, sysLogY ZhDC, DestRect, FileRect, OutputRect userlinked linkDLL USER BYTE MoveWindow( WORD, INT, GetDC( ReleaseDC( gdilinked Z GetDeviceCaps( Much following concerned fconverting units pixel order output front notes came explanation. -- Pixels per inch untranslateAllWindowMessages ","") tbkMCIchk(" " && ofileName && "alias style child " && 8,"",1) ","",1) 1","",1) ,"",1) state ","",1) dimensions "where source", "" ) width )*1440) height )*1440) y1440)+1 y1440)+1 )" && "",1) --centre W area -- y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 translating emessages ","",1) x, y, , 1 ) translateWindowMessage animateWindowClose Speaks itself MMUnload ","") Seeks MMPlay ","") = length","") ","") ","",1) ","") >= ,"",1) ,"",1) yieldApp() MMPause ","") MMStepReverse ","",1,1) H1","",1) MMStepForward ","",1,1) H1","",1) slider MMSeek ,1,1) sliderPosition " && ,"",1) Check needs be repositioned be rewound ( property MMidle Zoffst, ","") ( myStartFrame oplaypos oautoloop -- timer efinish Fclean finished unTranslateAllWindowMessages tbkTimerStart("single",500,100, tbkMMTimer ","") suggested your outputobject playarea" AnimationSlider" filename mmload mmplay mmunload mmidle buttonup MMStepReverse MMUnload MMStepForward MMSeek MMPlay MMidle MMLoad animateWindowClose MMPause tbkMMTimer MMMode buttonup Status of Animator button follows Current file (my FileName) is: FileName Play all of file. Play frames from StartFrame StopFrame Output (my OutputObject) is to: OutputObject Slider (my Slider) is: Slider Clipping (my ClipToRectangle) is: ClipToRectangle Autoloop (my AutoLoop) is: Autoloop StopFrame StartFrame MMMode status aniFile ready tbkMCI status aniFile mode tbkMCI closed MMLoad MoveWindow GetDC ReleaseDC GetDeviceCaps GetDC GetDeviceCaps GetDeviceCaps ReleaseDC status aniFile ready tbkMCI close aniFile tbkMCI fileName alias aniFile style child parent tbkMCIchk set aniFile time format frames tbkMCIchk StartFrame StopFrame seek aniFile to 1 tbkMCIchk seek aniFile to StartFrame tbkMCIchk window aniFile state show tbkMCIchk where aniFile source tbkMCI OutputObject ClipToRectangle put aniFile source at tbkMCIchk status aniFile window handle tbkMCIchk MoveWindow animateWindowClose height width gdilinked userlinked DestRect FileRect OutputRect s_aniHandle sysLogX sysLogY MMUnload status aniFile ready tbkMCI close aniFile tbkMCI s_aniHandle MMPlay StartFrame StopFrame status aniFile position tbkMCI status aniFile length tbkMCI seek aniFile to start tbkMCIchk play aniFile tbkMCIchk status aniFile position tbkMCI StopFrame play aniFile from StartFrame StopFrame tbkMCIchk play aniFile to StopFrame tbkMCIchk yieldApp MMPause pause aniFile tbkMCIchk MMStepReverse step aniFile reverse by 1 tbkMCIchk MMStepForward step aniFile by 1 tbkMCIchk MMSeek slider status aniFile length tbkMCIchk slider sliderPosition seek aniFile to tbkMCIchk MMidle status aniFile position tbkMCI slider slider sliderPosition StopFrame status aniFile length tbkMCI StopFrame StartFrame StartFrame playpos playpos slider slider sliderPosition autoloop MMPlay myStartFrame offst length animateWindowClose single tbkTimerStart s_aniHandle tbkMMTimer close aniFile tbkMCI 4sysPlayMovies MMPlay B"animator" MMIdle enterpage enterpage MMPlay animator sysPlayMovies MMIdle animator sysPlayMovies MMIdle animator playarea slider group id 88 of page id 0 KeepAspectRatio false ClipToRectangle false AutoLoop fileName pentane.avi playpos Animator autoloop ClipToRectangle filename glycolys.avi OutputObject rectangle playarea playpos The Button You can see that there is an overall conservation of atoms in this process. There are six carbon, six oxygen and twelve hydrogen atoms at start and finish. MMPlay Banimator buttonup buttonup MMPlay animator Animate mmload Banimator buttonup buttonup mmload animator just a 'carrier' code. xintended user click on This allows % important be kept {which easily pasted. remain moved via clipboard. Display values benefit "Status Animator Bfollows" "Current file ( oFileName) : " & StartFrame StopFrame "Play frames G& " "Output ( oOutputObject) : " & "Slider ( : " & "Clipping ( oClipToRectangle) : " & "Autoloop ( oAutoLoop) : " & Most often used find playing Will "", " ", "seeking" etc. MMMode tbkMCI("status aniFile ready","") mode","") "closed" Loads animation driver displays a sub- ,toolbook realise that Uimage NOT a {but painting directly Toolbook Window parasitically. has several implications. redrawn part a paused may be messed up disappear totally. Also, xspecifically removed moves another will over MMLoad 4s_aniHandle, sysLogX, sysLogY ZhDC, DestRect, FileRect, OutputRect userlinked linkDLL USER BYTE MoveWindow( WORD, INT, GetDC( ReleaseDC( gdilinked Z GetDeviceCaps( Much following concerned fconverting units pixel order output front notes came explanation. -- Pixels per inch untranslateAllWindowMessages ","") tbkMCIchk(" " && ofileName && "alias style child " && 8,"",1) ","",1) 1","",1) ,"",1) state ","",1) dimensions "where source", "" ) width )*1440) height )*1440) y1440)+1 y1440)+1 )" && "",1) --centre W area -- y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 translating emessages ","",1) x, y, , 1 ) translateWindowMessage animateWindowClose Speaks itself MMUnload ","") Seeks MMPlay ","") = length","") ","") ","",1) ","") >= ,"",1) ,"",1) yieldApp() MMPause ","") MMStepReverse ","",1,1) H1","",1) MMStepForward ","",1,1) H1","",1) slider MMSeek ,1,1) sliderPosition " && ,"",1) Check needs be repositioned be rewound ( property MMidle Zoffst, ","") ( myStartFrame oplaypos oautoloop -- timer efinish Fclean finished unTranslateAllWindowMessages tbkTimerStart("single",500,100, tbkMMTimer ","") suggested your outputobject playarea" AnimationSlider" filename mmload mmplay mmunload mmidle buttonup MMStepReverse MMUnload MMStepForward MMSeek MMPlay MMidle MMLoad animateWindowClose MMPause tbkMMTimer MMMode buttonup Status of Animator button follows Current file (my FileName) is: FileName Play all of file. Play frames from StartFrame StopFrame Output (my OutputObject) is to: OutputObject Slider (my Slider) is: Slider Clipping (my ClipToRectangle) is: ClipToRectangle Autoloop (my AutoLoop) is: Autoloop StopFrame StartFrame MMMode status aniFile ready tbkMCI status aniFile mode tbkMCI closed MMLoad MoveWindow GetDC ReleaseDC GetDeviceCaps GetDC GetDeviceCaps GetDeviceCaps ReleaseDC status aniFile ready tbkMCI close aniFile tbkMCI fileName alias aniFile style child parent tbkMCIchk set aniFile time format frames tbkMCIchk StartFrame StopFrame seek aniFile to 1 tbkMCIchk seek aniFile to StartFrame tbkMCIchk window aniFile state show tbkMCIchk where aniFile source tbkMCI OutputObject ClipToRectangle put aniFile source at tbkMCIchk status aniFile window handle tbkMCIchk MoveWindow animateWindowClose height width gdilinked userlinked DestRect FileRect OutputRect s_aniHandle sysLogX sysLogY MMUnload status aniFile ready tbkMCI close aniFile tbkMCI s_aniHandle MMPlay StartFrame StopFrame status aniFile position tbkMCI status aniFile length tbkMCI seek aniFile to start tbkMCIchk play aniFile tbkMCIchk status aniFile position tbkMCI StopFrame play aniFile from StartFrame StopFrame tbkMCIchk play aniFile to StopFrame tbkMCIchk yieldApp MMPause pause aniFile tbkMCIchk MMStepReverse step aniFile reverse by 1 tbkMCIchk MMStepForward step aniFile by 1 tbkMCIchk MMSeek slider status aniFile length tbkMCIchk slider sliderPosition seek aniFile to tbkMCIchk MMidle status aniFile position tbkMCI slider slider sliderPosition StopFrame status aniFile length tbkMCI StopFrame StartFrame StartFrame playpos playpos slider slider sliderPosition autoloop MMPlay myStartFrame offst length animateWindowClose single tbkTimerStart s_aniHandle tbkMMTimer close aniFile tbkMCI 4s_mminit, sysPlayMovies Zs, sysb, direct X"tbkfile.dll" INT setCurrentDirectory(STRING) rive( c"File" c"Edit" c"Text" c"Page" --discover directory where resides ~( "GLOL.TBK", 8)-1) ) > 3 setCurrentDrive( "Sorry, couldn't change Animations may xwork." drive. "Warning: Multimedia xavailable on computer. The animations software will be disabled." key, isShift, isCtrl sysRuntime terbook leavebook enterbook keychar enterbook tbkfile.dll setCurrentDirectory setCurrentDrive GLOL.TBK setCurrentDrive setCurrentDirectory Sorry, couldn't change to a directory. Animations may not work. Sorry, couldn't change to a disc drive. Animations may not work. Warning: Multimedia is not available on this computer. The animations in this software will be disabled. direct s_mminit sysPlayMovies leavebook tbkfile.dll keychar author isCtrl isShift Glycolysis - Stage 3 Step 4osphorylation?????????? In anaerobic conditions NADH from the earlier oxidation step must be recycled as it is available only at low concetration in the cell. In this step the ketone group of pyruvate is reduced by NADH to a hydroxyl group.ansfered to ADP first. This phosphate is the one which was added right at the begining of glycolysis. So this is where the investment of one ATP is redeemed. The DG for this step is very negetive. At is useful to have a step with a highly negetive DG at or near the end of a pathway because it ensures that concetrations of intermediates are kept low even when glucose is at low concentration. None of the glucose is wasted due to intermediate steps lyng at equilibrium. Reduction SliderPosition slider OldSliderPos ( (1- )*40 ) ( (1- )*40 ) ( (1- )*40 ) ( (1- )*40 ) ( (1- )*40 ) ( (1- )*40 ) terpage buttonstilldown enterpage buttonup enterpage SliderPosition OldSliderPos slider buttonstilldown SliderPosition OldSliderPos OldSliderPos SliderPosition OldSliderPos OldSliderPos OldSliderPos Slider buttonup SliderPosition OldSliderPos OldSliderPos SliderPosition OldSliderPos OldSliderPos OldSliderPos Slider OldSliderPos Glycolysis - Summary of Stepsall Reaction? Use the scroll bar to browse through the steps of glycolysis. These steps are dealt with in detail later. They are presented here only as a taster. Hexokinase Phosphoglucose Isomerase Phosphofructokinase Aldolase Triose Phosphate Isomerase Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate Dehydrogenase Phosphoglycerate Kinase Phosphoglyceromutase Enolase Pyruvate Kinase Lactate Dehydrogenase Dehydrogenase Lactate Lactate Dehydrogenase Lactate Lactate Dehydrogenase Lactate Lactate Dehydrogenase Lactate Lactate Dehydrogenase Lactate Pyruvate . Lactate Dehydrogenase Lactate Lactate e Dehydrogenase Lactate Lactate Dehydrogenase Lactate te Dehydrogenase Lactate Glucose Glucose 6-phosphate Fructose 6-phosphate Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate Dihydroxyacetone phosphate + Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate 1,3-Bisphosphoglycerate 3-Phosphoglycerate 2-Phosphoglycerate Phosphoenolpyruvate Pyruvate Lactate e Dehydrogenase Lactate ydrogenase Lactate ctate Dehydrogenase Lactate Lactate Dehydrogenase Lactate Lactate Dehydrogenase Lactate actate Dehydrogenase Lactate hydrogenase Lactate actate Dehydrogenase Lactate te Dehydrogenase Lactate NAD+ + Pi NADH + H+ slider txClassName Slider txClassName vSliderThumb glide button id 64 of page id 16 width hilight false height SelectAll Previous Paste 2505, 4515 2520, 4500 NewPage Clear buttonUp buttonUp SelectAll Previous Paste SelectAll Previous Paste SelectAll Previous Paste SelectAll Previous Paste SelectAll Previous Paste y5NewPage Clear Previous buttonup buttonup buttonup buttonup buttonup buttonup "Do you really want f"&Yes" "&No" buttonup buttonup Do you really want to exit? pageno page 49 of 59 Data Sheet Enzyme : : Substrate(s):: Product(s) : : : : DG :::: (At Standard Biochemical Conditions) (At Typical Physiological Conditions) Phosphoglucose Isomerase Glucose 6-phosphate Fructose 6-phosphate Aldolase Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate Dihydroxyacetone phosphate + Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate Triose phosphate isomerase Dihydroxyacetone phosphate Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate Glyceradehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate NAD + Pi 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate NADH + H Phosphoglycerate kinase 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate 3-phosphoglycerate Phosphoglyceromutase 3-phosphoglycerate 2-phosphoglycerate Enolase 2-phosphoglycerate Phosphoenolpyruvate Pyruvate kinase Phosphoenolpyruvate ADP + H Pyruvate Lactate dehydrogenase Pyruvate NADH + H Lactate buttonup buttonup buttonup buttonup "Do you really want f"&Yes" "&No" buttonup buttonup Do you really want to exit? Glycolysis The Enddddd Index This tutorial is split into sections. You are advised to work through a section at a single sitting but you may wish to take a break between sections. The sections are listed here. (Click on a title to go to the appropriate page.) Summary The overall 'design' of glycolysis is discussed. Glycolysis is described as a three stage operation. The evolution of glycolysis is touched on. Steps in Detail The steps are listed and an explanation of what is going on in each is given. Pathway Variations Different monosacharides may be brought into the pathway and the final product depends on whether respiration follows glycolysis. Control of Glycolysis Several control systems regulate the pathway. Overview The function of the pathway is discussed. Steps Each step in the pathway is described and explained. Pathway Alternatives A variety of monosacharides can be brought into the pathway. The final product may depend on availability of oxygen. Control Systems The pathway is regulated at several steps.ed as a three stage operation. The evolution of glycolysis is touched on. Steps in Detail The steps are listed and an explanation of what is going on in each is given. Pathway Variations Different monosacharides may be brought into the pathway and the final product depends on whether respiration follows glycolysis. Control of Glycolysis Several control systems regulate the pathway. buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp Glycolysis Overview Glycolysis - Why so much phosphorylation?????????? At one crucial step in glycolysis inorganic phosphate is used to phosphorylate the substrate. In the subsequent step the phosphate is transfered to ADP to make ATP. This form of ATP synthesis is called substrate level phosphorylation because the phosphate group is tranfered to ADP directly from the substrate. 4 Synthesis of ATP When the atoms of glyceraldeyhde are rearranged to form lactate a -COOH group is formed. The bonding electrons in this group are more mobile than in most bonds of organic molecules and so the electronegetive oxygen atoms are able to pull them towards their nuclei. In a way there is an internal, partial redox. This is also the reason why the group is acidic - the electrons in the O-H bond are pulled away from the hydrogen nucleus so hard that the bond breaks.ctrons in the O-H bond are pulled away from the hydrogen nucleus so hard that the bond breaks. HC = OOOOH H - C - OH CH2-OHPPPP HO - C - HH ^ 6 [ CH33OHPPPP C = OOOOOH O- PPPPP Glycolysis - Where does the DG come from?????????? Glycolysis - Step by Stepphosphorylation?????????? The next section describes each step in glycolysis. Each step has the following pages. Function Fact Sheet Animation There is no attempt in the animations to show the mechanism for enzymic catalysis but the general scheme is shown including probable intermediate structures. ctures. Glycolysis - Stage 1 Stepphosphorylation?????????? In five steps glucose is split into two identical halves which are both phosphorylated. Two ATP are invested but these are recovered at the end of the pathway. Phosphorylation and Lysis HO - C - HH H - C - OH H - C - OH HC=OHH P CH2-OH P H - C - OH 2ATPP HC = OOOOH H - C - OH CH2-O- P HC = OOOOH H - C - OH CH2-O- P 2HHHHHHHH + ADP + H 2ADP + H ,->,?@=>3 <;7398 Glycolysis - Stage 1 Step 1osphorylation?????????? Quite a lot of the glucose inside a cell is found to be in phosphorylated form. The phosphate bond is unstable but also inert. This means that an energy input is required to form it but once formed it isn't broken spontaneously in aqueous solution. With ATP as the phosphate donor the overall DG for the reaction is highly negetive and so the reaction is in effect irreversible..... Phosphorylation of Glucose Glycolysis - Stage 1 Step 2osphorylation?????????? Later in glycolysis the carbon chain is split in two. The type of reaction which does this cuts the chain after the carbon atom adjacent to a carbonyl group. If this reaction was carryed out on glucose the cur would be uneven. The carbonyl group is at carbon 1 and so the cut would occur between carbon 2 and carbon 3 giving a two carbon molecule and a four carbon molecule. The carbonyl group must be moved to carbon atom two before lysis occurs. In this step the atoms are rearranged to convert an aldose (glucose) to a ketose (fructose). The step is reversible. (Of course the phosphate group is unchanged.) Glucose 6-Phosphate to Fructose 6-phosphateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Glycolysis - Stage 1 Step 3osphorylation?????????? Before the hexose is split in two both ends must be phosphorylated so that the two halves each have a phosphate group. This reaction works just like the first phosphorylation. It is the second and last time that ATP is invested to ensure that intermediates on the pathway are phosphorylated. The product of this reaction is almost symmetrical with a phosphate at each end and the ketone group near the carbon atom two before lysis occurs. In this step the atoms are rearranged to convert an aldose (glucose) to a ketose (fructose). The step is reversible. (Of course the phosphate group is unchanged.) Phosphorylation of Fructose 6-phosphatehateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Glycolysis - Stage 1 Step 3osphorylation?????????? In this step the substrate is split into two halves. While the halves are not identical they are isomers of each other. I.e. there are the same number of atoms of Hydrogen, Carbon and Oxygen. There is no overall net input or output of atoms but two bonds are broken and two new bonds formed. A C-C bond is broken, the O-H bond on carbon 4 is broken, a new C-H bond is formed between carbon 3 and a hydrogen and the C-O bond on carbon 4 becomes a C=O bond. Note that the DG for this step is near zero and so it is reversible and there is no energy to be harnessed.reversible and there is no energy to be harnessed. Lysis of Fructose 1,6-bisphosphateeeeeehateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Glycolysis - Stage 1 Step 4osphorylation?????????? In the previous step a phosphorylated hexose was split in half to produce two trioses. However two different trioses were produced. In this reaction one triose is isomerised to become identical to its twin sister. This step is exactly analogous to the earlier isomerisation because is conversion between a ketose and an aldose. The reaction is reversible. The equilibrium lies to the left but proceeds in a forward direction because the product is taken away by the subsequent steps of the pathway. This is the end of the first stage of glycolysis. harnessed. reversible and there is no energy to be harnessed. Isomerisation of Dihydroxyacetone phosphateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Glycolysis - Stage 2 Stepphosphorylation?????????? In two separate steps the triose is oxidised and ATP is generated. The key to this process is that the substrate is phosphorylated using inorganic phosphate and then the phophate group is transfered to ADP. This is the energy conserving stage of glycolysis. Oxidation with Phosphoryl transfer to ADPPPP NAD + P + ADPP HC = OOOOH H - C - OH CH2-O- P + ADP + H NADH +ATP + H H - C - OH C = OOOOOH O- PPPPP h @ e CH2-O- P + ADP + H Glycolysis - Stage 2 Step 1osphorylation?????????? In this step the already phosphorylated glyceraldehyde is oxidised and phosphorylated again. It is the aldehyde group which is oxidised. Because the oxidation is done by a relatively weak oxidising agent (NAD) the negetive DG for oxidation can only be accounted for by the formation of a carboxyl group. (See the explanation earlier in this tutorial.) It is this negetive DG which drives the coupled phosphorylation by inorganic phosphate which has a positive DG. The overall DG for the step is near zero. The product now has two phosphate groups. One from ATP added early in glycolysis and the other from inorganic phosphate added during this step. Coupled Oxidation and Phosphorylationn Glycolysis - Stage 2 Step 2osphorylation?????????? In this step the phosphate group added in the previous step is transfered to ADP to form ATP. In the previous step an avtivated phosphate bond was formed and now it is tranfered to ADP where it can be used throughout the cell.e DG for oxidation can only be accounted for by the formation of a carboxyl group. (See the explanation earlier in this tutorial.) It is this negetive DG which drives the coupled phosphorylation by inorganic phosphate which has a positive DG. The product now has two phosphate groups. One from ATP added early in glycolysis and the other from inorganic phosphate added during this step.ed. Phosphoryl transfer to ADPphorylationn Glycolysis - Stage 3 Stepphosphorylation?????????? In several steps 3-phosphoglycerate is reduced at carbon 3 and the phosphate group is transfered to ADP. Instead of a direct reduction of carbon 3 there is an internal redox to produce a ketone group at carbon 2 and this is then reduced.. Recovery of Invested Activated Phosphate and Reductionn NADH + ADPPPPPPP + ADP + H NAD +ATP H - C - OH C = OOOOOH O- PPPPP CH2-O- P HO - C - HH C = OOOOOH O- PPPPP CH33PPPPP H2O + H + ADP + H Glycolysis - Stage 3 Step 1osphorylation?????????? In the step after this the hydroxyl group will be removed from carbon 3. At present this hydroxyl group is phosphorylated so the phosphate must be shifted to carbon 2. This is a straightforward isomerisation. Phosphoryl shift from carbon 3 to carbon 2 Glycolysis - Stage 3 Step 2osphorylation?????????? In this step and the subsequent steps the two adjacent hydroxyl groups are converted into a ketone group on carbon atom 2 which will then be reduced. After dehydration a double bond has been formed between carbons 2 and 3. Dehydration Glycolysis - Stage 3 Step 3osphorylation?????????? In this step a rearrangment of atoms converts the C=C bond into a C-C bond and creates a ketone group at carbon 2. Carbon two cannot bond a phosphate group if it is to become a ketone and so the phosphate group is transfered to ADP first. This phosphate is the one which was added right at the begining of glycolysis. So this is where the investment of ATP is redeemed. (Two ATP are invested for each glucose and since two pyruvates are formed per glucose this step accounts for both.) The DG for this step is very negetive. At is useful to have a step with a highly negetive DG at or near the end of a pathway because it ensures that concetrations of intermediates are kept low even when glucose is at low concentration. None of the glucose is wasted due to intermediate steps lyng at equilibrium. Phosphoryl Transfer & Formation of Ketone Group and Basic You can distribute the unmodified material freely and modify it to your own requirements. However, we ask the following: 1. By all means give yourself credit for your work in your books but please leave this page unaltered in this book. 2. It is important that teaching material of this kind is disseminated as widely as possible, so please ensure that your material is also freely available. 3. Please send a copy of any modified or expanded versions of this program to Jon Maber, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT , Tel 44 532-333134 Fax 44 532-333167. Internet bmb6jrm default buttonUp buttonUp default Continue Glycolysis - What Is It's function? Glycolysis has two key functions. 1) Generate some ATP from the free energy available from the rearrangement of the atoms in monosacharides (particularly glucose). 2) To partially break down glucose and so provide a starting point for the complete oxidation of glucose by another pathway to carbon dioxide and water with the generation of much ATP. The pathway is named for this function - lysis of glucose=glycolysis. Glycolysis probably evolved billions of years ago when there was hardly any molecular oxygen present in the atmosphere and so the second function would be a later development. This tutorial concentrates on glycolysis taking place in anaerobic conditions. "The citric acid cycle also known %the tricarboxylic '(TCA) Krebs f"Continue" buttonup buttonup The citric acid cycle also known as the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle or the Krebs cycle. Continue "Lysis - A greek g, used here mean splitting." f"Continue" buttonup buttonup Lysis - A greek word, used here to mean splitting. Continue "Anearobic - Without oxygen." f"Continue" buttonup buttonup Anearobic - Without oxygen. Continue Glycolysis - What Is the Overall Reaction? The starting point for glycolysis is normally glucose although other monosacharides may be brought into the pathway. The end product, in anaerobic conditions, depends on the organism. In higher organisms the end product is lactate whereas in some microorganisms (for example brewers yeast) it is ethanol and carbon dioxide. Glycolysis - What Are the Processes??????? Several processes occur sequencially in the pathway. 1) The six carbon monosacharide is split into two molecules of three carbon monosacharide. 2) The triose is oxidised at one end (carbon 1). 3) The oxidised triose is reduced at the other end (carbon 3). During stage two ATP is synthesised from ADP. One mole of ATP is made for each mole of triose processed. Two moles of ATP for each hexose. Because the oxidation step is balanced with a reduction step a small amount of oxidising agent can be recycled indefinately. Glycolysis - Where does the DG come from?????????? In anaerobic conditions there is no overall oxidation of the monosacharide so why is there a free energy change big enough to be used to make ATP? The answer comes from comparing the structure of glyceraldehyde with the structure of lactate. The conversion of glyceraldehyde to lactate is the net result of the last two stages of glycolysis. (Turn to next pages for explanation.) HC = OOOOH H - C - OH CH2-OHPPPP HO - C - HH ^ 6 [ CH33OHPPPP C = OOOOOH O- PPPPP As you know, oxidation is loss of electrons. In aerobic respiration it is molecular oxygen which ultimatly accepts electrons from 'fuel' molecules. Although there is no loss of electrons in anaerobic glycolysis, there is a certain amount of partial transfer of electrons from the carbon and hydrogen atoms to the oxygen atoms within the fuel molecule. In essence, some atoms partly 'oxidise' others and are themselves 'reduced' formed. The bonding electrons in this group are more mobile than in most bonds of organic molecules and so the electronegetive oxygen atoms are able to pull them towards their nuclei. trons in the O-H bond are pulled away from the hydrogen nucleus so hard that the bond breaks.......................... HC = OOOOH H - C - OH CH2-OHPPPP HO - C - HH CH33OHPPPP C = OOOOOH O- PPPPP Glycolysis - Where does the DG come from?????????? HO - C - HH H - C - OH H - C - OH HC=OHH P CH2-OH P H - C - OH HC = OOOOH H - C - OH CH2-OHPPPP Glycolysis - What Are the Processes??????? Stage 1 Lysisose split to HC = OOOOH H - C - OH CH2-OHPPPP This is acheived in several separate steps. Spliting glucose does not provide any free energy change but allows subsequent reactions to be doubled up. I.e. a rearrangement of atoms is done on both halves of glucose with a single set of enzymes. (All the intermediates and the product are phosphorylated but these phosphate groups have been ommited here for clarity.) Glycolysis - What Are the Processes??????? Stage 2 Oxidationsplit to Carbon one of the triose glyceraldehyde is oxidised. The aldehyde group becomes a carboxyl group and so the product is glycerate. There is a sufficient free energy change in this process for it to linked to the production of ATP from ADP and phosphate. If you count the oxygen atoms you will see that the product has one extra - this has not come from molecular oxygen but from water. The oxidising agent is NAD+. HC = OOOOH H - C - OH CH2-OHPPPP H - C - OH CH2-OHPPPP C = OOOOOH O- PPPPP Glycolysis - What Are the Processes??????? Stage 3 Reductionsplit to Over serveral steps carbon three of the oxidised triose is reduced. The hydroxyl group is removed. The product is lactate. Reduction occurs in anaerobic conditions because NADH needs to be recycled for use in the previous stage. (In aerobic conditions the oxidised triose is oxidised further and passed onto the TCA Cycle as acetate. More on this later.)oxygen but from water. The oxidising agent is NAD+. "Acetate - Systematic ethanoate." f"Continue" buttonup buttonup Acetate - Systematic name is ethanoate. Continue H - C - OH CH2-OHPPPP C = OOOOOH O- PPPPP HO - C - HH CH33OHPPPP C = OOOOOH O- PPPPP When electrons move closer to atoms which attract them there is a drop in potential energy and so there is energy available to do work. i.e. make ATP from ADP and phosphate. It's possible that stages two and three evolved earlier than stage one in anaerobic organisms which utilised sugars simpler than glucose. HC = OOOOH H - C - OH CH2-OHPPPP HO - C - HH CH33OHPPPP C = OOOOOH O- PPPPP Glycolysis - Where does the DG come from?????????? Glycolysis - Why so much phosphorylation?????????? So far we have ignored the fact that the majority of intermediates on the pathway are phosphorylated. In fact ATP has to be temporarily invested to add phosphate groups. There are several important advantages to phosphorylation listed on the following pages. This tutorial includes molecular graphics both static and animated. These will appear at very low quality unless you use a 256 colour display mode. Computer displays are often set up to operate at a lower level of quality than they are capable of. You should seek advice if you think you might be in this situation. In this tutorial the animated molecular graphics can be reset to their starting position by clicking on them once.for any reason Continue Molecular Graphics 1. By all means give yourself credit for your work in your books but please leave this page unaltered in this book. 2. It is important that teaching material of this kind is disseminated as widely as possible, so please ensure that your material is also freely available. 3. Please send a copy of any modified or expanded versions of this program to Jon Maber, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT , Tel 44 532-333134 Fax 44 532-333167. Internet bmb6jrm of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT , Tel 44 532-333134 Fax 44 532-333167. Internet bmb6jrm default buttonUp buttonUp default Glycolysis - Why so much phosphorylation?????????? Cells often have transport systems built into their membranes for uptake of fuel molecules such as glucose. Phosphorylated glucose is no longer recognised by the glucose transport system and is therefore trapped in the cell. Fortunately the DG for phosphorylation is quite negetive and glucose concentration inside the cell can be held low - further enhancing glucose uptake. 1 Transport Glycolysis - Why so much phosphorylation?????????? Early primative organisms, in which glycolysis evolved, may have relied on the ability of the small uncharged monosacharides to diffuse across the cell membrane, into the cell, very slowly. When phosphorylated the sugar has a formal charge of -2 and is unable to difuse across the hydrophobic core of the cell membrane and escape. The only glycolysis intermediates which are not phosphorylated are carboxylic acids and therefore also charged.... 2 Diffusion Glycolysis - Why so much phosphorylation?????????? Substrates must be recognised by the active site of the enzyme which operates on them. There are two factors which affect this - shape and charge distribution. The strength of the interation can depend much on the charges. Monosacharides have polar bonds, allowing distinctive hydrogen bonds to form. This allows an enzyme to be highly specific. However, to provide a strong interaction between substrate and enzyme a large, electrically charged functional group is needed. So a phosphate group is a useful handle on to the substrate. This is particularly true of three carbon sugars which are capable of forming only a small number of hydrogen bonds with the active site of an enzyme. 3 Bindingon mmload Banimator buttonup buttonup mmload animator playarea slider group id 88 of page id 0 KeepAspectRatio false ClipToRectangle false AutoLoop fileName pentane.avi playpos Animator StopFrame StartFrame ClipToRectangle AutoLoop false slider group AnimationSlider filename steps.avi OutputObject rectangle playarea playpos The Button MMPlay Banimator buttonup buttonup MMPlay animator Animate C = OOOOOH CH2-O- P O- PPPPP H - C - OH C = OOOOOH CH2-O- P H - C - OH O- PPPPP ADP + HHH mmload Banimator buttonup buttonup mmload animator playarea slider group id 88 of page id 0 KeepAspectRatio false ClipToRectangle false AutoLoop fileName pentane.avi playpos Animator StopFrame StartFrame ClipToRectangle AutoLoop false slider group AnimationSlider filename steps.avi OutputObject rectangle playarea playpos The Button MMPlay Banimator buttonup buttonup MMPlay animator Animate C = OOOOOH CH2-OH P H - C - O - P O- PPPPP \ 4 Y C = OOOOOH CH2-O- P H - C - OH O- PPPPP mmload Banimator buttonup buttonup mmload animator playarea playpos fileName pentane.avi AutoLoop ClipToRectangle false KeepAspectRatio false slider group id 88 of page id 0 Animator playpos OutputObject rectangle playarea filename steps.avi slider group AnimationSlider AutoLoop false ClipToRectangle StartFrame StopFrame The Button MMPlay Banimator buttonup buttonup MMPlay animator Animate C = OOOOOH CH2-OH P C - O - PPPPP O- PPPPP $ J p C = OOOOOH CH2-OH P H - C - O - P O- PPPPP H2OOOH P Phosphofructokinase Fructose 6-phosphate Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate ADP + H just a 'carrier' code. xintended user click on This allows % important be kept {which easily pasted. remain moved via clipboard. Display values benefit "Status Animator Bfollows" "Current file ( oFileName) : " & StartFrame StopFrame "Play frames G& " "Output ( oOutputObject) : " & "Slider ( : " & "Clipping ( oClipToRectangle) : " & "Autoloop ( oAutoLoop) : " & Most often used find playing Will "", " ", "seeking" etc. MMMode tbkMCI("status aniFile ready","") mode","") "closed" Loads animation driver displays a sub- ,toolbook realise that Uimage NOT a {but painting directly Toolbook Window parasitically. has several implications. redrawn part a paused may be messed up disappear totally. Also, xspecifically removed moves another will over MMLoad 4s_aniHandle, sysLogX, sysLogY ZhDC, DestRect, FileRect, OutputRect userlinked linkDLL USER BYTE MoveWindow( WORD, INT, GetDC( ReleaseDC( gdilinked Z GetDeviceCaps( Much following concerned fconverting units pixel order output front notes came explanation. -- Pixels per inch untranslateAllWindowMessages ","") tbkMCIchk(" " && ofileName && "alias style child " && 8,"",1) ","",1) 1","",1) ,"",1) state ","",1) dimensions "where source", "" ) width )*1440) height )*1440) y1440)+1 y1440)+1 )" && "",1) --centre W area -- y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 translating emessages ","",1) x, y, , 1 ) translateWindowMessage animateWindowClose Speaks itself MMUnload ","") Seeks MMPlay ","") = length","") ","") ","",1) ","") >= ,"",1) ,"",1) yieldApp() MMPause ","") MMStepReverse ","",1,1) H1","",1) MMStepForward ","",1,1) H1","",1) slider MMSeek ,1,1) sliderPosition " && ,"",1) Check needs be repositioned be rewound ( property MMidle Zoffst, ","") ( myStartFrame oplaypos oautoloop -- timer efinish Fclean finished unTranslateAllWindowMessages tbkTimerStart("single",500,100, tbkMMTimer ","") suggested your outputobject playarea" AnimationSlider" filename mmload mmplay mmunload mmidle buttonup MMStepReverse MMUnload MMStepForward MMSeek MMPlay MMidle MMLoad animateWindowClose MMPause tbkMMTimer MMMode buttonup Status of Animator button follows Current file (my FileName) is: FileName Play all of file. Play frames from StartFrame StopFrame Output (my OutputObject) is to: OutputObject Slider (my Slider) is: Slider Clipping (my ClipToRectangle) is: ClipToRectangle Autoloop (my AutoLoop) is: Autoloop StopFrame StartFrame MMMode status aniFile ready tbkMCI status aniFile mode tbkMCI closed MMLoad MoveWindow GetDC ReleaseDC GetDeviceCaps GetDC GetDeviceCaps GetDeviceCaps ReleaseDC status aniFile ready tbkMCI close aniFile tbkMCI fileName alias aniFile style child parent tbkMCIchk set aniFile time format frames tbkMCIchk StartFrame StopFrame seek aniFile to 1 tbkMCIchk seek aniFile to StartFrame tbkMCIchk window aniFile state show tbkMCIchk where aniFile source tbkMCI OutputObject ClipToRectangle put aniFile source at tbkMCIchk status aniFile window handle tbkMCIchk MoveWindow animateWindowClose height width gdilinked userlinked DestRect FileRect OutputRect s_aniHandle sysLogX sysLogY MMUnload status aniFile ready tbkMCI close aniFile tbkMCI s_aniHandle MMPlay StartFrame StopFrame status aniFile position tbkMCI status aniFile length tbkMCI seek aniFile to start tbkMCIchk play aniFile tbkMCIchk status aniFile position tbkMCI StopFrame play aniFile from StartFrame StopFrame tbkMCIchk play aniFile to StopFrame tbkMCIchk yieldApp MMPause pause aniFile tbkMCIchk MMStepReverse step aniFile reverse by 1 tbkMCIchk MMStepForward step aniFile by 1 tbkMCIchk MMSeek slider status aniFile length tbkMCIchk slider sliderPosition seek aniFile to tbkMCIchk MMidle status aniFile position tbkMCI slider slider sliderPosition StopFrame status aniFile length tbkMCI StopFrame StartFrame StartFrame playpos playpos slider slider sliderPosition autoloop MMPlay myStartFrame offst length animateWindowClose single tbkTimerStart s_aniHandle tbkMMTimer close aniFile tbkMCI just a 'carrier' code. xintended user click on This allows % important be kept {which easily pasted. remain moved via clipboard. Display values benefit "Status Animator Bfollows" "Current file ( oFileName) : " & StartFrame StopFrame "Play frames G& " "Output ( oOutputObject) : " & "Slider ( : " & "Clipping ( oClipToRectangle) : " & "Autoloop ( oAutoLoop) : " & Most often used find playing Will "", " ", "seeking" etc. MMMode tbkMCI("status aniFile ready","") mode","") "closed" Loads animation driver displays a sub- ,toolbook realise that Uimage NOT a {but painting directly Toolbook Window parasitically. has several implications. redrawn part a paused may be messed up disappear totally. Also, xspecifically removed moves another will over MMLoad 4s_aniHandle, sysLogX, sysLogY ZhDC, DestRect, FileRect, OutputRect userlinked linkDLL USER BYTE MoveWindow( WORD, INT, GetDC( ReleaseDC( gdilinked Z GetDeviceCaps( Much following concerned fconverting units pixel order output front notes came explanation. -- Pixels per inch untranslateAllWindowMessages ","") tbkMCIchk(" " && ofileName && "alias style child " && 8,"",1) ","",1) 1","",1) ,"",1) state ","",1) dimensions "where source", "" ) width )*1440) height )*1440) y1440)+1 y1440)+1 )" && "",1) --centre W area -- y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 translating emessages ","",1) x, y, , 1 ) translateWindowMessage animateWindowClose Speaks itself MMUnload ","") Seeks MMPlay ","") = length","") ","") ","",1) ","") >= ,"",1) ,"",1) yieldApp() MMPause ","") MMStepReverse ","",1,1) H1","",1) MMStepForward ","",1,1) H1","",1) slider MMSeek ,1,1) sliderPosition " && ,"",1) Check needs be repositioned be rewound ( property MMidle Zoffst, ","") ( myStartFrame oplaypos oautoloop -- timer efinish Fclean finished unTranslateAllWindowMessages tbkTimerStart("single",500,100, tbkMMTimer ","") suggested your outputobject playarea" AnimationSlider" filename mmload mmplay mmunload mmidle buttonup MMStepReverse MMUnload MMStepForward MMSeek MMPlay MMidle MMLoad animateWindowClose MMPause tbkMMTimer MMMode buttonup Status of Animator button follows Current file (my FileName) is: FileName Play all of file. Play frames from StartFrame StopFrame Output (my OutputObject) is to: OutputObject Slider (my Slider) is: Slider Clipping (my ClipToRectangle) is: ClipToRectangle Autoloop (my AutoLoop) is: Autoloop StopFrame StartFrame MMMode status aniFile ready tbkMCI status aniFile mode tbkMCI closed MMLoad MoveWindow GetDC ReleaseDC GetDeviceCaps GetDC GetDeviceCaps GetDeviceCaps ReleaseDC status aniFile ready tbkMCI close aniFile tbkMCI fileName alias aniFile style child parent tbkMCIchk set aniFile time format frames tbkMCIchk StartFrame StopFrame seek aniFile to 1 tbkMCIchk seek aniFile to StartFrame tbkMCIchk window aniFile state show tbkMCIchk where aniFile source tbkMCI OutputObject ClipToRectangle put aniFile source at tbkMCIchk status aniFile window handle tbkMCIchk MoveWindow animateWindowClose height width gdilinked userlinked DestRect FileRect OutputRect s_aniHandle sysLogX sysLogY MMUnload status aniFile ready tbkMCI close aniFile tbkMCI s_aniHandle MMPlay StartFrame StopFrame status aniFile position tbkMCI status aniFile length tbkMCI seek aniFile to start tbkMCIchk play aniFile tbkMCIchk status aniFile position tbkMCI StopFrame play aniFile from StartFrame StopFrame tbkMCIchk play aniFile to StopFrame tbkMCIchk yieldApp MMPause pause aniFile tbkMCIchk MMStepReverse step aniFile reverse by 1 tbkMCIchk MMStepForward step aniFile by 1 tbkMCIchk MMSeek slider status aniFile length tbkMCIchk slider sliderPosition seek aniFile to tbkMCIchk MMidle status aniFile position tbkMCI slider slider sliderPosition StopFrame status aniFile length tbkMCI StopFrame StartFrame StartFrame playpos playpos slider slider sliderPosition autoloop MMPlay myStartFrame offst length animateWindowClose single tbkTimerStart s_aniHandle tbkMMTimer close aniFile tbkMCI just a 'carrier' code. xintended user click on This allows % important be kept {which easily pasted. remain moved via clipboard. Display values benefit "Status Animator Bfollows" "Current file ( oFileName) : " & StartFrame StopFrame "Play frames G& " "Output ( oOutputObject) : " & "Slider ( : " & "Clipping ( oClipToRectangle) : " & "Autoloop ( oAutoLoop) : " & Most often used find playing Will "", " ", "seeking" etc. MMMode tbkMCI("status aniFile ready","") mode","") "closed" Loads animation driver displays a sub- ,toolbook realise that Uimage NOT a {but painting directly Toolbook Window parasitically. has several implications. redrawn part a paused may be messed up disappear totally. Also, xspecifically removed moves another will over MMLoad 4s_aniHandle, sysLogX, sysLogY ZhDC, DestRect, FileRect, OutputRect userlinked linkDLL USER BYTE MoveWindow( WORD, INT, GetDC( ReleaseDC( gdilinked Z GetDeviceCaps( Much following concerned fconverting units pixel order output front notes came explanation. -- Pixels per inch untranslateAllWindowMessages ","") tbkMCIchk(" " && ofileName && "alias style child " && 8,"",1) ","",1) 1","",1) ,"",1) state ","",1) dimensions "where source", "" ) width )*1440) height )*1440) y1440)+1 y1440)+1 )" && "",1) --centre W area -- y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 translating emessages ","",1) x, y, , 1 ) translateWindowMessage animateWindowClose Speaks itself MMUnload ","") Seeks MMPlay ","") = length","") ","") ","",1) ","") >= ,"",1) ,"",1) yieldApp() MMPause ","") MMStepReverse ","",1,1) H1","",1) MMStepForward ","",1,1) H1","",1) slider MMSeek ,1,1) sliderPosition " && ,"",1) Check needs be repositioned be rewound ( property MMidle Zoffst, ","") ( myStartFrame oplaypos oautoloop -- timer efinish Fclean finished unTranslateAllWindowMessages tbkTimerStart("single",500,100, tbkMMTimer ","") suggested your outputobject playarea" AnimationSlider" filename mmload mmplay mmunload mmidle buttonup MMStepReverse MMUnload MMStepForward MMSeek MMPlay MMidle MMLoad animateWindowClose MMPause tbkMMTimer MMMode buttonup Status of Animator button follows Current file (my FileName) is: FileName Play all of file. Play frames from StartFrame StopFrame Output (my OutputObject) is to: OutputObject Slider (my Slider) is: Slider Clipping (my ClipToRectangle) is: ClipToRectangle Autoloop (my AutoLoop) is: Autoloop StopFrame StartFrame MMMode status aniFile ready tbkMCI status aniFile mode tbkMCI closed MMLoad MoveWindow GetDC ReleaseDC GetDeviceCaps GetDC GetDeviceCaps GetDeviceCaps ReleaseDC status aniFile ready tbkMCI close aniFile tbkMCI fileName alias aniFile style child parent tbkMCIchk set aniFile time format frames tbkMCIchk StartFrame StopFrame seek aniFile to 1 tbkMCIchk seek aniFile to StartFrame tbkMCIchk window aniFile state show tbkMCIchk where aniFile source tbkMCI OutputObject ClipToRectangle put aniFile source at tbkMCIchk status aniFile window handle tbkMCIchk MoveWindow animateWindowClose height width gdilinked userlinked DestRect FileRect OutputRect s_aniHandle sysLogX sysLogY MMUnload status aniFile ready tbkMCI close aniFile tbkMCI s_aniHandle MMPlay StartFrame StopFrame status aniFile position tbkMCI status aniFile length tbkMCI seek aniFile to start tbkMCIchk play aniFile tbkMCIchk status aniFile position tbkMCI StopFrame play aniFile from StartFrame StopFrame tbkMCIchk play aniFile to StopFrame tbkMCIchk yieldApp MMPause pause aniFile tbkMCIchk MMStepReverse step aniFile reverse by 1 tbkMCIchk MMStepForward step aniFile by 1 tbkMCIchk MMSeek slider status aniFile length tbkMCIchk slider sliderPosition seek aniFile to tbkMCIchk MMidle status aniFile position tbkMCI slider slider sliderPosition StopFrame status aniFile length tbkMCI StopFrame StartFrame StartFrame playpos playpos slider slider sliderPosition autoloop MMPlay myStartFrame offst length animateWindowClose single tbkTimerStart s_aniHandle tbkMMTimer close aniFile tbkMCI just a 'carrier' code. xintended user click on This allows % important be kept {which easily pasted. remain moved via clipboard. Display values benefit "Status Animator Bfollows" "Current file ( oFileName) : " & StartFrame StopFrame "Play frames G& " "Output ( oOutputObject) : " & "Slider ( : " & "Clipping ( oClipToRectangle) : " & "Autoloop ( oAutoLoop) : " & Most often used find playing Will "", " ", "seeking" etc. MMMode tbkMCI("status aniFile ready","") mode","") "closed" Loads animation driver displays a sub- ,toolbook realise that Uimage NOT a {but painting directly Toolbook Window parasitically. has several implications. redrawn part a paused may be messed up disappear totally. Also, xspecifically removed moves another will over MMLoad 4s_aniHandle, sysLogX, sysLogY ZhDC, DestRect, FileRect, OutputRect userlinked linkDLL USER BYTE MoveWindow( WORD, INT, GetDC( ReleaseDC( gdilinked Z GetDeviceCaps( Much following concerned fconverting units pixel order output front notes came explanation. -- Pixels per inch untranslateAllWindowMessages ","") tbkMCIchk(" " && ofileName && "alias style child " && 8,"",1) ","",1) 1","",1) ,"",1) state ","",1) dimensions "where source", "" ) width )*1440) height )*1440) y1440)+1 y1440)+1 )" && "",1) --centre W area -- y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 translating emessages ","",1) x, y, , 1 ) translateWindowMessage animateWindowClose Speaks itself MMUnload ","") Seeks MMPlay ","") = length","") ","") ","",1) ","") >= ,"",1) ,"",1) yieldApp() MMPause ","") MMStepReverse ","",1,1) H1","",1) MMStepForward ","",1,1) H1","",1) slider MMSeek ,1,1) sliderPosition " && ,"",1) Check needs be repositioned be rewound ( property MMidle Zoffst, ","") ( myStartFrame oplaypos oautoloop -- timer efinish Fclean finished unTranslateAllWindowMessages tbkTimerStart("single",500,100, tbkMMTimer ","") suggested your outputobject playarea" AnimationSlider" filename mmload mmplay mmunload mmidle buttonup MMStepReverse MMUnload MMStepForward MMSeek MMPlay MMidle MMLoad animateWindowClose MMPause tbkMMTimer MMMode buttonup Status of Animator button follows Current file (my FileName) is: FileName Play all of file. Play frames from StartFrame StopFrame Output (my OutputObject) is to: OutputObject Slider (my Slider) is: Slider Clipping (my ClipToRectangle) is: ClipToRectangle Autoloop (my AutoLoop) is: Autoloop StopFrame StartFrame MMMode status aniFile ready tbkMCI status aniFile mode tbkMCI closed MMLoad MoveWindow GetDC ReleaseDC GetDeviceCaps GetDC GetDeviceCaps GetDeviceCaps ReleaseDC status aniFile ready tbkMCI close aniFile tbkMCI fileName alias aniFile style child parent tbkMCIchk set aniFile time format frames tbkMCIchk StartFrame StopFrame seek aniFile to 1 tbkMCIchk seek aniFile to StartFrame tbkMCIchk window aniFile state show tbkMCIchk where aniFile source tbkMCI OutputObject ClipToRectangle put aniFile source at tbkMCIchk status aniFile window handle tbkMCIchk MoveWindow animateWindowClose height width gdilinked userlinked DestRect FileRect OutputRect s_aniHandle sysLogX sysLogY MMUnload status aniFile ready tbkMCI close aniFile tbkMCI s_aniHandle MMPlay StartFrame StopFrame status aniFile position tbkMCI status aniFile length tbkMCI seek aniFile to start tbkMCIchk play aniFile tbkMCIchk status aniFile position tbkMCI StopFrame play aniFile from StartFrame StopFrame tbkMCIchk play aniFile to StopFrame tbkMCIchk yieldApp MMPause pause aniFile tbkMCIchk MMStepReverse step aniFile reverse by 1 tbkMCIchk MMStepForward step aniFile by 1 tbkMCIchk MMSeek slider status aniFile length tbkMCIchk slider sliderPosition seek aniFile to tbkMCIchk MMidle status aniFile position tbkMCI slider slider sliderPosition StopFrame status aniFile length tbkMCI StopFrame StartFrame StartFrame playpos playpos slider slider sliderPosition autoloop MMPlay myStartFrame offst length animateWindowClose single tbkTimerStart s_aniHandle tbkMMTimer close aniFile tbkMCI playarea playpos fileName pentane.avi AutoLoop ClipToRectangle false KeepAspectRatio false slider group id 88 of page id 0 Animator playpos OutputObject rectangle playarea filename steps.avi slider group AnimationSlider AutoLoop false ClipToRectangle StartFrame StopFrame The Button MMPlay Banimator buttonup buttonup MMPlay animator Animate C = OOOOOH CH33OH P O- PPPPP C = O - PPPPP C = OOOOOH CH2-OH P O- PPPPP C - O - PPPPP mmload Banimator buttonup buttonup mmload animator ADP + HHH + ADP + H mmload Banimator buttonup buttonup mmload animator playarea playpos fileName pentane.avi AutoLoop ClipToRectangle false KeepAspectRatio false slider group id 88 of page id 0 Animator playpos OutputObject rectangle playarea filename steps.avi slider group AnimationSlider AutoLoop false ClipToRectangle StartFrame StopFrame The Button MMPlay Banimator buttonup buttonup MMPlay animator Animate C = OOOOOH CH33OH P O- PPPPP H - C - OHPPPPP C = OOOOOH CH33OH P O- PPPPP C = O - PPPPP NADH + HH + ADP + H NADDDDDHH + ADP + H This Section Not Yet Available just a 'carrier' code. xintended user click on This allows % important be kept {which easily pasted. remain moved via clipboard. Display values benefit "Status Animator Bfollows" "Current file ( oFileName) : " & StartFrame StopFrame "Play frames G& " "Output ( oOutputObject) : " & "Slider ( : " & "Clipping ( oClipToRectangle) : " & "Autoloop ( oAutoLoop) : " & Most often used find playing Will "", " ", "seeking" etc. MMMode tbkMCI("status aniFile ready","") mode","") "closed" Loads animation driver displays a sub- ,toolbook realise that Uimage NOT a {but painting directly Toolbook Window parasitically. has several implications. redrawn part a paused may be messed up disappear totally. Also, xspecifically removed moves another will over MMLoad 4s_aniHandle, sysLogX, sysLogY ZhDC, DestRect, FileRect, OutputRect userlinked linkDLL USER BYTE MoveWindow( WORD, INT, GetDC( ReleaseDC( gdilinked Z GetDeviceCaps( Much following concerned fconverting units pixel order output front notes came explanation. -- Pixels per inch untranslateAllWindowMessages ","") tbkMCIchk(" " && ofileName && "alias style child " && 8,"",1) ","",1) 1","",1) ,"",1) state ","",1) dimensions "where source", "" ) width )*1440) height )*1440) y1440)+1 y1440)+1 )" && "",1) --centre W area -- y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 translating emessages ","",1) x, y, , 1 ) translateWindowMessage animateWindowClose Speaks itself MMUnload ","") Seeks MMPlay ","") = length","") ","") ","",1) ","") >= ,"",1) ,"",1) yieldApp() MMPause ","") MMStepReverse ","",1,1) H1","",1) MMStepForward ","",1,1) H1","",1) slider MMSeek ,1,1) sliderPosition " && ,"",1) Check needs be repositioned be rewound ( property MMidle Zoffst, ","") ( myStartFrame oplaypos oautoloop -- timer efinish Fclean finished unTranslateAllWindowMessages tbkTimerStart("single",500,100, tbkMMTimer ","") suggested your outputobject playarea" AnimationSlider" filename mmload mmplay mmunload mmidle buttonup MMStepReverse MMUnload MMStepForward MMSeek MMPlay MMidle MMLoad animateWindowClose MMPause tbkMMTimer MMMode buttonup Status of Animator button follows Current file (my FileName) is: FileName Play all of file. Play frames from StartFrame StopFrame Output (my OutputObject) is to: OutputObject Slider (my Slider) is: Slider Clipping (my ClipToRectangle) is: ClipToRectangle Autoloop (my AutoLoop) is: Autoloop StopFrame StartFrame MMMode status aniFile ready tbkMCI status aniFile mode tbkMCI closed MMLoad MoveWindow GetDC ReleaseDC GetDeviceCaps GetDC GetDeviceCaps GetDeviceCaps ReleaseDC status aniFile ready tbkMCI close aniFile tbkMCI fileName alias aniFile style child parent tbkMCIchk set aniFile time format frames tbkMCIchk StartFrame StopFrame seek aniFile to 1 tbkMCIchk seek aniFile to StartFrame tbkMCIchk window aniFile state show tbkMCIchk where aniFile source tbkMCI OutputObject ClipToRectangle put aniFile source at tbkMCIchk status aniFile window handle tbkMCIchk MoveWindow animateWindowClose height width gdilinked userlinked DestRect FileRect OutputRect s_aniHandle sysLogX sysLogY MMUnload status aniFile ready tbkMCI close aniFile tbkMCI s_aniHandle MMPlay StartFrame StopFrame status aniFile position tbkMCI status aniFile length tbkMCI seek aniFile to start tbkMCIchk play aniFile tbkMCIchk status aniFile position tbkMCI StopFrame play aniFile from StartFrame StopFrame tbkMCIchk play aniFile to StopFrame tbkMCIchk yieldApp MMPause pause aniFile tbkMCIchk MMStepReverse step aniFile reverse by 1 tbkMCIchk MMStepForward step aniFile by 1 tbkMCIchk MMSeek slider status aniFile length tbkMCIchk slider sliderPosition seek aniFile to tbkMCIchk MMidle status aniFile position tbkMCI slider slider sliderPosition StopFrame status aniFile length tbkMCI StopFrame StartFrame StartFrame playpos playpos slider slider sliderPosition autoloop MMPlay myStartFrame offst length animateWindowClose single tbkTimerStart s_aniHandle tbkMMTimer close aniFile tbkMCI just a 'carrier' code. xintended user click on This allows % important be kept {which easily pasted. remain moved via clipboard. Display values benefit "Status Animator Bfollows" "Current file ( oFileName) : " & StartFrame StopFrame "Play frames G& " "Output ( oOutputObject) : " & "Slider ( : " & "Clipping ( oClipToRectangle) : " & "Autoloop ( oAutoLoop) : " & Most often used find playing Will "", " ", "seeking" etc. MMMode tbkMCI("status aniFile ready","") mode","") "closed" Loads animation driver displays a sub- ,toolbook realise that Uimage NOT a {but painting directly Toolbook Window parasitically. has several implications. redrawn part a paused may be messed up disappear totally. Also, xspecifically removed moves another will over MMLoad 4s_aniHandle, sysLogX, sysLogY ZhDC, DestRect, FileRect, OutputRect userlinked linkDLL USER BYTE MoveWindow( WORD, INT, GetDC( ReleaseDC( gdilinked Z GetDeviceCaps( Much following concerned fconverting units pixel order output front notes came explanation. -- Pixels per inch untranslateAllWindowMessages ","") tbkMCIchk(" " && ofileName && "alias style child " && 8,"",1) ","",1) 1","",1) ,"",1) state ","",1) dimensions "where source", "" ) width )*1440) height )*1440) y1440)+1 y1440)+1 )" && "",1) --centre W area -- y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 translating emessages ","",1) x, y, , 1 ) translateWindowMessage animateWindowClose Speaks itself MMUnload ","") Seeks MMPlay ","") = length","") ","") ","",1) ","") >= ,"",1) ,"",1) yieldApp() MMPause ","") MMStepReverse ","",1,1) H1","",1) MMStepForward ","",1,1) H1","",1) slider MMSeek ,1,1) sliderPosition " && ,"",1) Check needs be repositioned be rewound ( property MMidle Zoffst, ","") ( myStartFrame oplaypos oautoloop -- timer efinish Fclean finished unTranslateAllWindowMessages tbkTimerStart("single",500,100, tbkMMTimer ","") suggested your outputobject playarea" AnimationSlider" filename mmload mmplay mmunload mmidle buttonup MMStepReverse MMUnload MMStepForward MMSeek MMPlay MMidle MMLoad animateWindowClose MMPause tbkMMTimer MMMode buttonup Status of Animator button follows Current file (my FileName) is: FileName Play all of file. Play frames from StartFrame StopFrame Output (my OutputObject) is to: OutputObject Slider (my Slider) is: Slider Clipping (my ClipToRectangle) is: ClipToRectangle Autoloop (my AutoLoop) is: Autoloop StopFrame StartFrame MMMode status aniFile ready tbkMCI status aniFile mode tbkMCI closed MMLoad MoveWindow GetDC ReleaseDC GetDeviceCaps GetDC GetDeviceCaps GetDeviceCaps ReleaseDC status aniFile ready tbkMCI close aniFile tbkMCI fileName alias aniFile style child parent tbkMCIchk set aniFile time format frames tbkMCIchk StartFrame StopFrame seek aniFile to 1 tbkMCIchk seek aniFile to StartFrame tbkMCIchk window aniFile state show tbkMCIchk where aniFile source tbkMCI OutputObject ClipToRectangle put aniFile source at tbkMCIchk status aniFile window handle tbkMCIchk MoveWindow animateWindowClose height width gdilinked userlinked DestRect FileRect OutputRect s_aniHandle sysLogX sysLogY MMUnload status aniFile ready tbkMCI close aniFile tbkMCI s_aniHandle MMPlay StartFrame StopFrame status aniFile position tbkMCI status aniFile length tbkMCI seek aniFile to start tbkMCIchk play aniFile tbkMCIchk status aniFile position tbkMCI StopFrame play aniFile from StartFrame StopFrame tbkMCIchk play aniFile to StopFrame tbkMCIchk yieldApp MMPause pause aniFile tbkMCIchk MMStepReverse step aniFile reverse by 1 tbkMCIchk MMStepForward step aniFile by 1 tbkMCIchk MMSeek slider status aniFile length tbkMCIchk slider sliderPosition seek aniFile to tbkMCIchk MMidle status aniFile position tbkMCI slider slider sliderPosition StopFrame status aniFile length tbkMCI StopFrame StartFrame StartFrame playpos playpos slider slider sliderPosition autoloop MMPlay myStartFrame offst length animateWindowClose single tbkTimerStart s_aniHandle tbkMMTimer close aniFile tbkMCI Basic :PHYSSIZE Teaching and Learning Technology Programme produced by the Glycolysis Author - Jon Maberr default buttonUp buttonUp default Start Basic Arial Arial Arial System Wingdings Arial Times New Roman Times New Roman Wingdings Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Wingdings Times New Roman Arial Arial Times New Roman Times New Roman Glycolysis Times New Roman Times New Roman Arial Symbol Times New Roman Times New Roman c"File" c"Edit" c"Text" c"Page" key, isShift, isCtrl sysRuntime enterbook keychar enterbook keychar author isCtrl isShift Symbol Symbol Times New Roman Symbol Times New Roman Courier New Symbol System Times New Roman Times New Roman Courier New Times New Roman Courier New Times New Roman mes New Roman mes New Roman @ p B Wingdings 4s_mminit, sysPlayMovies Zs, sysb, direct X"tbkfile.dll" INT setCurrentDirectory(STRING) c"File" c"Edit" c"Text" c"Page" --discover directory where resides ~( "GLOL.TBK", 8)-1) ) > 3 "Warning: Multimedia xavailable on computer. The animations software will be disabled." key, isShift, isCtrl sysRuntime terbook leavebook enterbook keychar enterbook tbkfile.dll setCurrentDirectory GLOL.TBK setCurrentDirectory Warning: Multimedia is not available on this computer. The animations in this software will be disabled. direct s_mminit sysPlayMovies leavebook tbkfile.dll keychar author isCtrl isShift 4sysPlayMovies pageno ( o ) "animator" MMload "Unable display the animation on Sorry." ( o ) MMUnload enterpage leavepage enterpage page animator MMload Unable to display the animation on this page. Sorry. animator pageno sysPlayMovies leavepage animator kMMUnload animator sysPlayMovies buttonup buttonup buttonup buttonup buttonup buttonup "Do you really want f"&Yes" "&No" buttonup buttonup Do you really want to exit? pageno page 64 of 69 playarea playpos fileName pentane.avi AutoLoop ClipToRectangle false KeepAspectRatio false slider group id 88 of page id 0 Animator playpos OutputObject rectangle playarea filename steps.avi slider group AnimationSlider AutoLoop false ClipToRectangle StartFrame StopFrame The Button HO - C - HH H - C - OH H - C - OH C = OOOOOH CH2-OH P CH2-O- P ADP + HHH + ADP + H H - C - OH H - C - OH C = OOOOOH CH2-O- P CH2-O- P HO - C - HH mmload Banimator buttonup buttonup mmload animator MMPlay Banimator buttonup buttonup MMPlay animator Animate just a 'carrier' code. xintended user click on This allows % important be kept {which easily pasted. remain moved via clipboard. Display values benefit "Status Animator Bfollows" "Current file ( oFileName) : " & StartFrame StopFrame "Play frames G& " "Output ( oOutputObject) : " & "Slider ( : " & "Clipping ( oClipToRectangle) : " & "Autoloop ( oAutoLoop) : " & Most often used find playing Will "", " ", "seeking" etc. MMMode tbkMCI("status aniFile ready","") mode","") "closed" Loads animation driver displays a sub- ,toolbook realise that Uimage NOT a {but painting directly Toolbook Window parasitically. has several implications. redrawn part a paused may be messed up disappear totally. Also, xspecifically removed moves another will over MMLoad 4s_aniHandle, sysLogX, sysLogY ZhDC, DestRect, FileRect, OutputRect userlinked linkDLL USER BYTE MoveWindow( WORD, INT, GetDC( ReleaseDC( gdilinked Z GetDeviceCaps( Much following concerned fconverting units pixel order output front notes came explanation. -- Pixels per inch untranslateAllWindowMessages ","") tbkMCIchk(" " && ofileName && "alias style child " && 8,"",1) ","",1) 1","",1) ,"",1) state ","",1) dimensions "where source", "" ) width )*1440) height )*1440) y1440)+1 y1440)+1 )" && "",1) --centre W area -- y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 translating emessages ","",1) x, y, , 1 ) translateWindowMessage animateWindowClose Speaks itself MMUnload ","") Seeks MMPlay ","") = length","") ","") ","",1) ","") >= ,"",1) ,"",1) yieldApp() MMPause ","") MMStepReverse ","",1,1) H1","",1) MMStepForward ","",1,1) H1","",1) slider MMSeek ,1,1) sliderPosition " && ,"",1) Check needs be repositioned be rewound ( property MMidle Zoffst, ","") ( myStartFrame oplaypos oautoloop -- timer efinish Fclean finished unTranslateAllWindowMessages tbkTimerStart("single",500,100, tbkMMTimer ","") suggested your outputobject playarea" AnimationSlider" filename mmload mmplay mmunload mmidle buttonup MMStepReverse MMUnload MMStepForward MMSeek MMPlay MMidle MMLoad animateWindowClose MMPause tbkMMTimer MMMode buttonup Status of Animator button follows Current file (my FileName) is: FileName Play all of file. Play frames from StartFrame StopFrame Output (my OutputObject) is to: OutputObject Slider (my Slider) is: Slider Clipping (my ClipToRectangle) is: ClipToRectangle Autoloop (my AutoLoop) is: Autoloop StopFrame StartFrame MMMode status aniFile ready tbkMCI status aniFile mode tbkMCI closed MMLoad MoveWindow GetDC ReleaseDC GetDeviceCaps GetDC GetDeviceCaps GetDeviceCaps ReleaseDC status aniFile ready tbkMCI close aniFile tbkMCI fileName alias aniFile style child parent tbkMCIchk set aniFile time format frames tbkMCIchk StartFrame StopFrame seek aniFile to 1 tbkMCIchk seek aniFile to StartFrame tbkMCIchk window aniFile state show tbkMCIchk where aniFile source tbkMCI OutputObject ClipToRectangle put aniFile source at tbkMCIchk status aniFile window handle tbkMCIchk MoveWindow animateWindowClose height width gdilinked userlinked DestRect FileRect OutputRect s_aniHandle sysLogX sysLogY MMUnload status aniFile ready tbkMCI close aniFile tbkMCI s_aniHandle MMPlay StartFrame StopFrame status aniFile position tbkMCI status aniFile length tbkMCI seek aniFile to start tbkMCIchk play aniFile tbkMCIchk status aniFile position tbkMCI StopFrame play aniFile from StartFrame StopFrame tbkMCIchk play aniFile to StopFrame tbkMCIchk yieldApp MMPause pause aniFile tbkMCIchk MMStepReverse step aniFile reverse by 1 tbkMCIchk MMStepForward step aniFile by 1 tbkMCIchk MMSeek slider status aniFile length tbkMCIchk slider sliderPosition seek aniFile to tbkMCIchk MMidle status aniFile position tbkMCI slider slider sliderPosition StopFrame status aniFile length tbkMCI StopFrame StartFrame StartFrame playpos playpos slider slider sliderPosition autoloop MMPlay myStartFrame offst length animateWindowClose single tbkTimerStart s_aniHandle tbkMMTimer close aniFile tbkMCI mmload Banimator buttonup buttonup mmload animator playarea playpos fileName pentane.avi AutoLoop ClipToRectangle false KeepAspectRatio false slider group id 88 of page id 0 Animator playpos OutputObject rectangle playarea filename steps.avi slider group AnimationSlider AutoLoop false ClipToRectangle StartFrame StopFrame The Button MMPlay Banimator buttonup buttonup MMPlay animator Animate HC = OOOOH H - C - OH C = OOOOOH CH2-O- P CH2-O- P CH2-OH P HHHHHHHHH + ADP + H Buttons Used In The Following Pagess ExitProgram "This appears )the , will tutorial." f"Continue" buttonup buttonup This button, when it appears at the bottom of the page, will exit you from the tutorial. Continue backPage "This appears )the , will take you f"Continue" buttonup buttonup This button, when it appears at the bottom of the page, will take you to the previous page. Continue NextPage "This appears )the , will take you f"Continue" buttonup buttonup This button, when it appears at the bottom of the page, will take you to the next page. Continue Move to the next page Return to previous page Return to the first page of Exit to Windows Animate "This appears )the , will appropriate animation." f"Continue" buttonup buttonup This button, when it appears at the bottom of the page, will run an appropriate animation. Continue Animate Animates the sequence of events on that page Hotwords - These are words that are scattered round the text and are shown in italic, bold, underlined type and are larger than the surrounding text. They become active when the mouse operated cursor is placed over them. Try pressing this Hotword now! -- Puts the sentence quotation marks a dialog box which can be removed Hclicking "Activating a HOTWORD will present you dthat may contain definitions, references, hints tips, prompts other forms encouragement." f"Continue" buttonDown buttonDown Activating a HOTWORD will present you with a dialog box that may contain definitions, references, hints and tips, prompts or other forms of encouragement. Continue Go on to the next page by clicking the button below: "This appears )the , will take you title f"Continue" buttonup buttonup This button, when it appears at the bottom of the page, will take you to the title page. Continue playarea slider group id 88 of page id 0 KeepAspectRatio false ClipToRectangle false AutoLoop fileName pentane.avi playpos Animator StopFrame StartFrame ClipToRectangle AutoLoop false slider group AnimationSlider filename steps.avi OutputObject rectangle playarea playpos The Button H - C - OH H - C - OH C = OOOOOH CH2-O- P CH2-O- P HO - C - HH MMPlay Banimator buttonup buttonup MMPlay animator Animate HC = OOOOH H - C - OH C = OOOOOH CH2-O- P CH2-O- P CH2-OH P mmload Banimator buttonup buttonup mmload animator HO - C - HH H - C - OH H - C - OH HC=OHH P CH2-O- P HO - C - HH H - C - OH H - C - OH C = OOOOOH CH2-OH P CH2-O- P H - C - OH playarea slider group id 88 of page id 0 KeepAspectRatio false ClipToRectangle false AutoLoop fileName pentane.avi playpos Animator StopFrame StartFrame ClipToRectangle AutoLoop false slider group AnimationSlider filename steps.avi OutputObject rectangle playarea playpos The Button MMPlay Banimator buttonup buttonup MMPlay animator Animate HHHHHHHHH + ADP + H mmload Banimator buttonup buttonup mmload animator just a 'carrier' code. xintended user click on This allows % important be kept {which easily pasted. remain moved via clipboard. Display values benefit "Status Animator Bfollows" "Current file ( oFileName) : " & StartFrame StopFrame "Play frames G& " "Output ( oOutputObject) : " & "Slider ( : " & "Clipping ( oClipToRectangle) : " & "Autoloop ( oAutoLoop) : " & Most often used find playing Will "", " ", "seeking" etc. MMMode tbkMCI("status aniFile ready","") mode","") "closed" Loads animation driver displays a sub- ,toolbook realise that Uimage NOT a {but painting directly Toolbook Window parasitically. has several implications. redrawn part a paused may be messed up disappear totally. Also, xspecifically removed moves another will over MMLoad 4s_aniHandle, sysLogX, sysLogY ZhDC, DestRect, FileRect, OutputRect userlinked linkDLL USER BYTE MoveWindow( WORD, INT, GetDC( ReleaseDC( gdilinked Z GetDeviceCaps( Much following concerned fconverting units pixel order output front notes came explanation. -- Pixels per inch untranslateAllWindowMessages ","") tbkMCIchk(" " && ofileName && "alias style child " && 8,"",1) ","",1) 1","",1) ,"",1) state ","",1) dimensions "where source", "" ) width )*1440) height )*1440) y1440)+1 y1440)+1 )" && "",1) --centre W area -- y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 translating emessages ","",1) x, y, , 1 ) translateWindowMessage animateWindowClose Speaks itself MMUnload ","") Seeks MMPlay ","") = length","") ","") ","",1) ","") >= ,"",1) ,"",1) yieldApp() MMPause ","") MMStepReverse ","",1,1) H1","",1) MMStepForward ","",1,1) H1","",1) slider MMSeek ,1,1) sliderPosition " && ,"",1) Check needs be repositioned be rewound ( property MMidle Zoffst, ","") ( myStartFrame oplaypos oautoloop -- timer efinish Fclean finished unTranslateAllWindowMessages tbkTimerStart("single",500,100, tbkMMTimer ","") suggested your outputobject playarea" AnimationSlider" filename mmload mmplay mmunload mmidle buttonup MMStepReverse MMUnload MMStepForward MMSeek MMPlay MMidle MMLoad animateWindowClose MMPause tbkMMTimer MMMode buttonup Status of Animator button follows Current file (my FileName) is: FileName Play all of file. Play frames from StartFrame StopFrame Output (my OutputObject) is to: OutputObject Slider (my Slider) is: Slider Clipping (my ClipToRectangle) is: ClipToRectangle Autoloop (my AutoLoop) is: Autoloop StopFrame StartFrame MMMode status aniFile ready tbkMCI status aniFile mode tbkMCI closed MMLoad MoveWindow GetDC ReleaseDC GetDeviceCaps GetDC GetDeviceCaps GetDeviceCaps ReleaseDC status aniFile ready tbkMCI close aniFile tbkMCI fileName alias aniFile style child parent tbkMCIchk set aniFile time format frames tbkMCIchk StartFrame StopFrame seek aniFile to 1 tbkMCIchk seek aniFile to StartFrame tbkMCIchk window aniFile state show tbkMCIchk where aniFile source tbkMCI OutputObject ClipToRectangle put aniFile source at tbkMCIchk status aniFile window handle tbkMCIchk MoveWindow animateWindowClose height width gdilinked userlinked DestRect FileRect OutputRect s_aniHandle sysLogX sysLogY MMUnload status aniFile ready tbkMCI close aniFile tbkMCI s_aniHandle MMPlay StartFrame StopFrame status aniFile position tbkMCI status aniFile length tbkMCI seek aniFile to start tbkMCIchk play aniFile tbkMCIchk status aniFile position tbkMCI StopFrame play aniFile from StartFrame StopFrame tbkMCIchk play aniFile to StopFrame tbkMCIchk yieldApp MMPause pause aniFile tbkMCIchk MMStepReverse step aniFile reverse by 1 tbkMCIchk MMStepForward step aniFile by 1 tbkMCIchk MMSeek slider status aniFile length tbkMCIchk slider sliderPosition seek aniFile to tbkMCIchk MMidle status aniFile position tbkMCI slider slider sliderPosition StopFrame status aniFile length tbkMCI StopFrame StartFrame StartFrame playpos playpos slider slider sliderPosition autoloop MMPlay myStartFrame offst length animateWindowClose single tbkTimerStart s_aniHandle tbkMMTimer close aniFile tbkMCI HO - C - HH H - C - OH H - C - OH HC=OHH P CH2-OH P H - C - OH HO - C - HH H - C - OH H - C - OH HC=OHH P CH2-O- P H - C - OH ADP + HHH + ADP + H playarea playpos fileName pentane.avi AutoLoop ClipToRectangle false KeepAspectRatio false slider group id 88 of page id 0 Animator playpos OutputObject rectangle playarea filename steps.avi slider group AnimationSlider AutoLoop false ClipToRectangle StartFrame StopFrame The Button MMPlay Banimator buttonup buttonup MMPlay animator Animate mmload Banimator buttonup buttonup mmload animator just a 'carrier' code. xintended user click on This allows % important be kept {which easily pasted. remain moved via clipboard. Display values benefit "Status Animator Bfollows" "Current file ( oFileName) : " & StartFrame StopFrame "Play frames G& " "Output ( oOutputObject) : " & "Slider ( : " & "Clipping ( oClipToRectangle) : " & "Autoloop ( oAutoLoop) : " & Most often used find playing Will "", " ", "seeking" etc. MMMode tbkMCI("status aniFile ready","") mode","") "closed" Loads animation driver displays a sub- ,toolbook realise that Uimage NOT a {but painting directly Toolbook Window parasitically. has several implications. redrawn part a paused may be messed up disappear totally. Also, xspecifically removed moves another will over MMLoad 4s_aniHandle, sysLogX, sysLogY ZhDC, DestRect, FileRect, OutputRect userlinked linkDLL USER BYTE MoveWindow( WORD, INT, GetDC( ReleaseDC( gdilinked Z GetDeviceCaps( Much following concerned fconverting units pixel order output front notes came explanation. -- Pixels per inch untranslateAllWindowMessages ","") tbkMCIchk(" " && ofileName && "alias style child " && 8,"",1) ","",1) 1","",1) ,"",1) state ","",1) dimensions "where source", "" ) width )*1440) height )*1440) y1440)+1 y1440)+1 )" && "",1) --centre W area -- y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 translating emessages ","",1) x, y, , 1 ) translateWindowMessage animateWindowClose Speaks itself MMUnload ","") Seeks MMPlay ","") = length","") ","") ","",1) ","") >= ,"",1) ,"",1) yieldApp() MMPause ","") MMStepReverse ","",1,1) H1","",1) MMStepForward ","",1,1) H1","",1) slider MMSeek ,1,1) sliderPosition " && ,"",1) Check needs be repositioned be rewound ( property MMidle Zoffst, ","") ( myStartFrame oplaypos oautoloop -- timer efinish Fclean finished unTranslateAllWindowMessages tbkTimerStart("single",500,100, tbkMMTimer ","") suggested your outputobject playarea" AnimationSlider" filename mmload mmplay mmunload mmidle buttonup MMStepReverse MMUnload MMStepForward MMSeek MMPlay MMidle MMLoad animateWindowClose MMPause tbkMMTimer MMMode buttonup Status of Animator button follows Current file (my FileName) is: FileName Play all of file. Play frames from StartFrame StopFrame Output (my OutputObject) is to: OutputObject Slider (my Slider) is: Slider Clipping (my ClipToRectangle) is: ClipToRectangle Autoloop (my AutoLoop) is: Autoloop StopFrame StartFrame MMMode status aniFile ready tbkMCI status aniFile mode tbkMCI closed MMLoad MoveWindow GetDC ReleaseDC GetDeviceCaps GetDC GetDeviceCaps GetDeviceCaps ReleaseDC status aniFile ready tbkMCI close aniFile tbkMCI fileName alias aniFile style child parent tbkMCIchk set aniFile time format frames tbkMCIchk StartFrame StopFrame seek aniFile to 1 tbkMCIchk seek aniFile to StartFrame tbkMCIchk window aniFile state show tbkMCIchk where aniFile source tbkMCI OutputObject ClipToRectangle put aniFile source at tbkMCIchk status aniFile window handle tbkMCIchk MoveWindow animateWindowClose height width gdilinked userlinked DestRect FileRect OutputRect s_aniHandle sysLogX sysLogY MMUnload status aniFile ready tbkMCI close aniFile tbkMCI s_aniHandle MMPlay StartFrame StopFrame status aniFile position tbkMCI status aniFile length tbkMCI seek aniFile to start tbkMCIchk play aniFile tbkMCIchk status aniFile position tbkMCI StopFrame play aniFile from StartFrame StopFrame tbkMCIchk play aniFile to StopFrame tbkMCIchk yieldApp MMPause pause aniFile tbkMCIchk MMStepReverse step aniFile reverse by 1 tbkMCIchk MMStepForward step aniFile by 1 tbkMCIchk MMSeek slider status aniFile length tbkMCIchk slider sliderPosition seek aniFile to tbkMCIchk MMidle status aniFile position tbkMCI slider slider sliderPosition StopFrame status aniFile length tbkMCI StopFrame StartFrame StartFrame playpos playpos slider slider sliderPosition autoloop MMPlay myStartFrame offst length animateWindowClose single tbkTimerStart s_aniHandle tbkMMTimer close aniFile tbkMCI just a 'carrier' code. xintended user click on This allows % important be kept {which easily pasted. remain moved via clipboard. Display values benefit "Status Animator Bfollows" "Current file ( oFileName) : " & StartFrame StopFrame "Play frames G& " "Output ( oOutputObject) : " & "Slider ( : " & "Clipping ( oClipToRectangle) : " & "Autoloop ( oAutoLoop) : " & Most often used find playing Will "", " ", "seeking" etc. MMMode tbkMCI("status aniFile ready","") mode","") "closed" Loads animation driver displays a sub- ,toolbook realise that Uimage NOT a {but painting directly Toolbook Window parasitically. has several implications. redrawn part a paused may be messed up disappear totally. Also, xspecifically removed moves another will over MMLoad 4s_aniHandle, sysLogX, sysLogY ZhDC, DestRect, FileRect, OutputRect userlinked linkDLL USER BYTE MoveWindow( WORD, INT, GetDC( ReleaseDC( gdilinked Z GetDeviceCaps( Much following concerned fconverting units pixel order output front notes came explanation. -- Pixels per inch untranslateAllWindowMessages ","") tbkMCIchk(" " && ofileName && "alias style child " && 8,"",1) ","",1) 1","",1) ,"",1) state ","",1) dimensions "where source", "" ) width )*1440) height )*1440) y1440)+1 y1440)+1 )" && "",1) --centre W area -- y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 translating emessages ","",1) x, y, , 1 ) translateWindowMessage animateWindowClose Speaks itself MMUnload ","") Seeks MMPlay ","") = length","") ","") ","",1) ","") >= ,"",1) ,"",1) yieldApp() MMPause ","") MMStepReverse ","",1,1) H1","",1) MMStepForward ","",1,1) H1","",1) slider MMSeek ,1,1) sliderPosition " && ,"",1) Check needs be repositioned be rewound ( property MMidle Zoffst, ","") ( myStartFrame oplaypos oautoloop -- timer efinish Fclean finished unTranslateAllWindowMessages tbkTimerStart("single",500,100, tbkMMTimer ","") suggested your outputobject playarea" AnimationSlider" filename mmload mmplay mmunload mmidle buttonup MMStepReverse MMUnload MMStepForward MMSeek MMPlay MMidle MMLoad animateWindowClose MMPause tbkMMTimer MMMode buttonup Status of Animator button follows Current file (my FileName) is: FileName Play all of file. Play frames from StartFrame StopFrame Output (my OutputObject) is to: OutputObject Slider (my Slider) is: Slider Clipping (my ClipToRectangle) is: ClipToRectangle Autoloop (my AutoLoop) is: Autoloop StopFrame StartFrame MMMode status aniFile ready tbkMCI status aniFile mode tbkMCI closed MMLoad MoveWindow GetDC ReleaseDC GetDeviceCaps GetDC GetDeviceCaps GetDeviceCaps ReleaseDC status aniFile ready tbkMCI close aniFile tbkMCI fileName alias aniFile style child parent tbkMCIchk set aniFile time format frames tbkMCIchk StartFrame StopFrame seek aniFile to 1 tbkMCIchk seek aniFile to StartFrame tbkMCIchk window aniFile state show tbkMCIchk where aniFile source tbkMCI OutputObject ClipToRectangle put aniFile source at tbkMCIchk status aniFile window handle tbkMCIchk MoveWindow animateWindowClose height width gdilinked userlinked DestRect FileRect OutputRect s_aniHandle sysLogX sysLogY MMUnload status aniFile ready tbkMCI close aniFile tbkMCI s_aniHandle MMPlay StartFrame StopFrame status aniFile position tbkMCI status aniFile length tbkMCI seek aniFile to start tbkMCIchk play aniFile tbkMCIchk status aniFile position tbkMCI StopFrame play aniFile from StartFrame StopFrame tbkMCIchk play aniFile to StopFrame tbkMCIchk yieldApp MMPause pause aniFile tbkMCIchk MMStepReverse step aniFile reverse by 1 tbkMCIchk MMStepForward step aniFile by 1 tbkMCIchk MMSeek slider status aniFile length tbkMCIchk slider sliderPosition seek aniFile to tbkMCIchk MMidle status aniFile position tbkMCI slider slider sliderPosition StopFrame status aniFile length tbkMCI StopFrame StartFrame StartFrame playpos playpos slider slider sliderPosition autoloop MMPlay myStartFrame offst length animateWindowClose single tbkTimerStart s_aniHandle tbkMMTimer close aniFile tbkMCI just a 'carrier' code. xintended user click on This allows % important be kept {which easily pasted. remain moved via clipboard. Display values benefit "Status Animator Bfollows" "Current file ( oFileName) : " & StartFrame StopFrame "Play frames G& " "Output ( oOutputObject) : " & "Slider ( : " & "Clipping ( oClipToRectangle) : " & "Autoloop ( oAutoLoop) : " & Most often used find playing Will "", " ", "seeking" etc. MMMode tbkMCI("status aniFile ready","") mode","") "closed" Loads animation driver displays a sub- ,toolbook realise that Uimage NOT a {but painting directly Toolbook Window parasitically. has several implications. redrawn part a paused may be messed up disappear totally. Also, xspecifically removed moves another will over MMLoad 4s_aniHandle, sysLogX, sysLogY ZhDC, DestRect, FileRect, OutputRect userlinked linkDLL USER BYTE MoveWindow( WORD, INT, GetDC( ReleaseDC( gdilinked Z GetDeviceCaps( Much following concerned fconverting units pixel order output front notes came explanation. -- Pixels per inch untranslateAllWindowMessages ","") tbkMCIchk(" " && ofileName && "alias style child " && 8,"",1) ","",1) 1","",1) ,"",1) state ","",1) dimensions "where source", "" ) width )*1440) height )*1440) y1440)+1 y1440)+1 )" && "",1) --centre W area -- y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 y1440 translating emessages ","",1) x, y, , 1 ) translateWindowMessage animateWindowClose Speaks itself MMUnload ","") Seeks MMPlay ","") = length","") ","") ","",1) ","") >= ,"",1) ,"",1) yieldApp() MMPause ","") MMStepReverse ","",1,1) H1","",1) MMStepForward ","",1,1) H1","",1) slider MMSeek ,1,1) sliderPosition " && ,"",1) Check needs be repositioned be rewound ( property MMidle Zoffst, ","") ( myStartFrame oplaypos oautoloop -- timer efinish Fclean finished unTranslateAllWindowMessages tbkTimerStart("single",500,100, tbkMMTimer ","") suggested your outputobject playarea" AnimationSlider" filename mmload mmplay mmunload mmidle buttonup MMStepReverse MMUnload MMStepForward MMSeek MMPlay MMidle MMLoad animateWindowClose MMPause tbkMMTimer MMMode buttonup Status of Animator button follows Current file (my FileName) is: FileName Play all of file. Play frames from StartFrame StopFrame Output (my OutputObject) is to: OutputObject Slider (my Slider) is: Slider Clipping (my ClipToRectangle) is: ClipToRectangle Autoloop (my AutoLoop) is: Autoloop StopFrame StartFrame MMMode status aniFile ready tbkMCI status aniFile mode tbkMCI closed MMLoad MoveWindow GetDC ReleaseDC GetDeviceCaps GetDC GetDeviceCaps GetDeviceCaps ReleaseDC status aniFile ready tbkMCI close aniFile tbkMCI fileName alias aniFile style child parent tbkMCIchk set aniFile time format frames tbkMCIchk StartFrame StopFrame seek aniFile to 1 tbkMCIchk seek aniFile to StartFrame tbkMCIchk window aniFile state show tbkMCIchk where aniFile source tbkMCI OutputObject ClipToRectangle put aniFile source at tbkMCIchk status aniFile window handle tbkMCIchk MoveWindow animateWindowClose height width gdilinked userlinked DestRect FileRect OutputRect s_aniHandle sysLogX sysLogY MMUnload status aniFile ready tbkMCI close aniFile tbkMCI s_aniHandle MMPlay StartFrame StopFrame status aniFile position tbkMCI status aniFile length tbkMCI seek aniFile to start tbkMCIchk play aniFile tbkMCIchk status aniFile position tbkMCI StopFrame play aniFile from StartFrame StopFrame tbkMCIchk play aniFile to StopFrame tbkMCIchk yieldApp MMPause pause aniFile tbkMCIchk MMStepReverse step aniFile reverse by 1 tbkMCIchk MMStepForward step aniFile by 1 tbkMCIchk MMSeek slider status aniFile length tbkMCIchk slider sliderPosition seek aniFile to tbkMCIchk MMidle status aniFile position tbkMCI slider slider sliderPosition StopFrame status aniFile length tbkMCI StopFrame StartFrame StartFrame playpos playpos slider slider sliderPosition autoloop MMPlay myStartFrame offst length animateWindowClose single tbkTimerStart s_aniHandle tbkMMTimer close aniFile tbkMCI playarea slider group id 88 of page id 0 KeepAspectRatio false ClipToRectangle false AutoLoop fileName pentane.avi playpos Animator StopFrame StartFrame ClipToRectangle AutoLoop false slider group AnimationSlider filename steps.avi OutputObject rectangle playarea playpos The Button MMPlay Banimator buttonup buttonup MMPlay animator Animate mmload Banimator buttonup buttonup mmload animator C = OOOOOH H - C - OH CH2-O- P HC = OOOOH H - C - OH CH2-O- P O- PPPPP NADH + HH + ADP + H + NADHH + ADP + H *x,x,wf