About Kidnitbk.zip 30.6.93 How to use 1) Use PKUNZIP to decompress. 2) Two files should be produced, of 766 bytes and 112212 bytes :- Kidney.ico and Kidney.tbk, the former is a simple kidney icon for the windows application group. 3) Author mode is not password protected. About The module is a ToolBook version of a simple kidney function module originally designed (1988) to run under Dos based Microtext ((C) Transdata) on an IBM PC, by Dundee and Aberdeen University Physiology Depts. Contents The module is largely text based, with a few simple diagrams, the user response consists of words, short phrases, or numeric values. The material questions on:- Glomerular filtration Tubule - reabsorption Tubular transport/Na pump Coupled facilitated diffusion 3 subs linked to Na Features of water movement out of renal tubule - tonicity of fluids Bit on Loop of Henle - Juxta medullary Action of ADH on distal tubule and collecting ducts -END It does NOT teach the countercurrent mechanism. (YET!) If you have any comments/queries please contact John Varley, Centre for Human Biology, Leeds University LS2 9JT Tel 0532 334345 Email mul6jsv@UK.AC.Leeds.Novell.SOUTH-01