MCQ SB 1X MCQ SB 1 MCQ SB 1 setup 4answers,branches "Stem" sp) + 420 sp) + 100 "12345" randomize( "Position" & x & ","& y + 630*i "Score" B"OK" B"OK" setup setup ----- 12345 randomize Position Score answers branches s,omit,defaultpage B"Next" "Searching" setup buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp Searching setup setup newpage defaultpage Searching Feedback 4answers,correct,questions,MCQFile,nticks,ncrosses,ndontknows "OK" "EXPLAIN" feedback buttonUp buttonUp EXPLAIN 2 ansitoChar(24) & LF & l l -- l-x => ffont setsize fd,pg,ld,x tp + (ld*textlineCount( pg)) + x findnext -- eof 1 -- randomize seq sequence (l-1) nnumber n -- Returns a natural "0123456789" skip t,c,d t+c+d 100*(t*( O ) + c*( ^ ) + d*( m )) y(t+c+d) wipe n 4totalticks,totalcrosses,totaldontknows -- syntax leavewindowsonexit recordpath, , -- => 7 on t-- To prevent changing l+ -> -- To l+ <- -4, -24, 750, 550 -4, -24, 644, 484 9792,7200 , Edit, Text, Page, , RecordFile, -- In Cannot Name given " && "MCQ Student -- Exit ToolBook sysSuspendMessages linkDLL"user.exe" INT ExitWindows(DWORD, FindWindow( STRING) 5ShowWindow( hWnd 40,"Program Manager") u0,0) usingMCQ aboutMCQ selectingQuestions begin createReaderMenu previous Author ReadControlFile Reader disableReaderMenus leaveBook Restart setsize Advice usingMCQ enterBook aboutMCQ ReportError selectingQuestions Information readLine randomize nnumber findnext Score enterBook disableReaderMenus createReaderMenu Actions Topics,Quit createReaderMenu Information About MCQ,Score,Question File createReaderMenu Using MCQ,Selecting Questions,Answering Questions,Advice Advice,Answering Questions,Selecting Questions,Question File,Score,Topics Actions Author Actions Restart Actions Start Groups Start begin leavewindows message createReaderMenu begin Reader Give Message Subject Display Groups seconds message A ReadControlFile Files Topics Groups Start Topics ReportError Tried to open as control file ReportError Control File: Line has no : Display Start Subject Topics Subject Start Topics Topics ReportError Control File: No path defined before line: ReportError Control File: Too few files in line: Files Topics Groups Start ReportError Control File: Illegal code at start of line: MCQControl typenames topics weights recordname leaveBook readLine ReportError MCQ File Error: expected in Error exact newline MCQFile setsize findnext MCQFile randomize sequence nnumber 0123456789 ReportError Error Error message Score weights totalticks totalcrosses totaldontknows false MCQControl recordpath leavewindows previous Author Reader disableReaderMenus File, Edit, Text, Page, Help Start Topics increment ReportError Cannot create record file. Name given is MCQ Student Record File user.exe ExitWindows FindWindow ShowWindow Program Manager FindWindow ShowWindow ExitWindows MCQFile RecordFile totalticks totalcrosses totaldontknows leavewindows Restart Start begin Advice Information Advice usingMCQ Information Using MCQ aboutMCQ Information About MCQ selectingQuestions Information Selecting Questions Information Author Information MCQ SB Author DisplayText n DisplayText DisplayText "!v%w Author control panel - students should not see this. Selecting questions DisplayText "Selecting questions" buttonUp buttonUp DisplayText Selecting questions Selecting questions Using MCQ DisplayText "Using MCQ" buttonUp buttonUp DisplayText Using MCQ Using MCQ About MCQ DisplayText "About MCQ" buttonUp buttonUp DisplayText About MCQ About MCQ Textssssss Advice DisplayText "Advice" buttonUp buttonUp DisplayText Advice Advice Format Help MCQ SB 1 DisplayText "MCQ SB 1" buttonUp buttonUp DisplayText MCQ SB 1 MCQ SB 1 MCQ SB 1X DisplayText "MCQ SB 1X" buttonUp buttonUp DisplayText MCQ SB 1X MCQ SB 1X Close 4MCQFile,MCQControl buttonUp buttonUp MCQFile MCQControl Close MCQ File File scripts Restart Restart buttonUp buttonUp NRestart Restart Clear cleartext "Start","Groups,Subject,Display,Information" 6Topics","Menu,Scores,Files,Types, (Report,How many, K,Number" Error"," MCQ SB 1"," UStem,Feedback,Branch1,Branch2,Branch3,Branch4,Branch5" h,Name,Code,Level, hX"," ~X"," "Page" "Clearing " && f && "on " && p -- buttonUp cleartext buttonUp cleartext Start Groups,Subject,Display,Information cleartext Topics Menu,Scores,Files,Types,Subject,Group cleartext Topics Report,How many,Information,Number cleartext Error Error cleartext MCQ SB 1 Scores,Stem,Feedback,Branch1,Branch2,Branch3,Branch4,Branch5 cleartext MCQ SB 1 Inform,Information,Number,Name,Code,Level,Group cleartext MCQ SB 1X Scores,Stem,Feedback,Branch1,Branch2,Branch3,Branch4,Branch5 cleartext MCQ SB 1X Inform,Information,Number,Name,Code,Level,Group cleartext Clearing field on page Clear redundant text Author Actions Author level Author buttonUp buttonUp Author Author level Author buttonUp buttonUp Author Go to page Start Start Topics Topics Error Error MCQ SB 1 MCQ SB 1 MCQ SB 1X MCQ SB 1X Selecting questions SELECTING QUESTIONS Choose your topic by clicking on its name using the left button of the mouse. If there are different types of question within the topic you may have to make some more choices. When you are asked to indicate how many questions you want click on the screen keypad with the mouse. Click OK when the number is right. Click CLEAR to cancel your selection and begin by selecting a topic again. Using MCQ USING THE MCQ SYSTEM To operate the MCQ System you use the mouse to pull down and select from memus and to click on buttons or on items in a list. Always use the left button of the mouse. The menus are across the top of the screen. To select from a menu place the mouse pointer on the name of the menu, HOLD DOWN the left button of the mouse, and move the mouse pointer down the menu until the option you wish to select is highlighted THEN RELEASE the mouse button. Grey menu items are inappropriate in your current situation and cannot be used. You may have to indicate to which group of students you belong. The MCQ System keeps records of your scores. These performance records are for your benefit and can be erased if you choose to do so when the list of topics is displayed.g About MCQ ABOUT MCQ This MCQ System was developed at the University of Leeds by Ken Tait of the Computer Based Learning Unit in collaboration with Ian Hughes of the Department of Pharmacology. Earlier versions of the same system were implementent for VMS using the FOAL language which is a part of of the CBLU's GALTS authoring system. This system is written in Asymmetrix ToolBook 1.5 and runs under Microsoft Windows 3.0 or 3.1. This system still being tested. In particular the Pharmacology and Microbiology MCQ files have been taken directly from VMS and reprocessed. No systematic attempt has yet been made to ensure that the text is always correctly laid out. Ken Tait (4628) will be pleased to receive any information which can be used to improve this version of the MCQ System or the questions. Advice CHOOSING HOW MANY QUESTIONS If there are a large number of questions in a topic do not repeatedly ask for a small number. It is quicker to ask once for a larger number but it is inadvisable to ask for more than half of the available questions. You will also see a greater variety of questions this way. HOW TO BE GUIDED BY YOUR SCORES Concentrate on those topics for which your performance is poor. Occasionally clear an individual score or wipe all the scores so that you can assess your current performance. FREQUENCY OF USE A short period (say an hour) every week is better than several hours in the last few days before the examinations. s before the examinations. MCQ SB 1 HOW TO ANSWER QUESTIONS Each question consists of a STEM and a number of BRANCHES. Each branch when added to the stem makes a statement. You are asked to decide which of the statements are true and which are false. Click on the appropriate button for each sentence: it will change colour to record the choice you have made. You may cancel your choice by clicking on the question mark. Leaving neither TRUE nor FALSE selected indicates that you do not know the answer. When you have made all your decisions then click on OK. An explanation will become available after you have done this. (If a bar appears at the right hand side of the explanation then the text is too big to fit in the window. You can click in the bar or on the arrows to move the text up and down.) Choose Score from the Information menu to see your score for the current set of questions. To return to the list of Topics select Topics from the Action menu To leave the MCQ System choose Quit from the Actions menu. MCQ SB 1X HOW TO ANSWER QUESTIONS Each question consists of a STEM and a number of BRANCHES. Each branch when added to the stem makes a statement. You are asked to decide which of the statements are true and which are false. Click on the appropriate button for each sentence: it will change colour to record the choice you have made. You may cancel your choice by clicking on the question mark. Leaving neither TRUE nor FALSE highlighted indicates that you do not know the answer. When you have made all your decisions then click on OK. An explanation will become available after you have done this. (If a bar appears at the right hand side of the explanation then the text is too big to fit in the window. You can click in the bar or on the arrows to move the text up and down.) Choose Score from the Information menu to see your score for the current set of questions. To return to the list of Topics select Topics from the Action menu To leave the MCQ System choose Quit from the Actions menu. Author MCQ SB Ql,s,c Author rightButtonDoubleClick rightButtonDoubleClick Author 1992 Computer Based Learning Unit, The University of Leedsss :PHYSSIZE MCQ SB 1X setup 4answers, branches "Stem" sp) - 400 "12345" randomize( "Position" & x & "," & y + 1185*(i-1) "Scores" B"OK" B"OK" setup setup ----- 12345 randomize Position Scores answers branches (R0R0R0R0R0 Feedback 4answers,correct,questions,MCQFile,nticks,ncrosses,ndontknows "OK" "EXPLAIN" feedback buttonUp buttonUp EXPLAIN "CBLU" x,(y - ( "Down" > 9000 - 9000 x-d,y buttonUp buttonDown buttonUp Report textFromPoint eSfilename Types Types Types Types Types Types Types Types Types Types Types Types Types sysLockcreen MCQFile lastline questions typenames topicnumber topicclick topicname buttonDown setup ccancel update "Selecting questions" "Advice" "Number" "Please" "Reconsider" filename l 4MCQFile,path,topicnumber,topiclevel,typenames "Locating" "Files" files & "\" & & ". untidy sysErrorNumber ReportError "Tried " && && "-" && sample lastline, ,topicclick,qlist,targetgroupname, Header Groups QInformation "There are no" && && " suited " && && "available "Types" 2*y > "CBLU" "Names" x,(y - ( > 9000 - 9000 x-d,y " && q && && " " && & ". How many would you like?" begin 4itemstyle MCQInfo, thisline 1 -- Skip E)>2 CRLF x"I" error: Code I expected filegroup, 1 -- x"G" MCQ FILE ERROR " && "**" 1 -- readLine("Q") "**" F-- No matching " && && "does xcater " && opiccode x"T" " && topiccode 1 -- x"L" " && 1 -- nticks,ncrosses,ndontknows 4totalticks,totalcrosses,totaldontknows : > 0 6 -- In V & ",0" h -- In & ",0" -- In & ",0" scores Score( "Scores" pick s s>=q y & "Y" n & "N" randomize(y&n) Jclass selectedTextlines "Menu" ncancel -- zinput h eSv enterPage Header setup Groups filename QInformation increment leavePage update sample ccancel begin ncancel enterPage setup ccancel increment update Selecting questions Advice leavePage setup Selecting questions Advice setup Number Please Reconsider filename Locating Files ReportError Tried to open Locating sample files MCQFile topicnumber topiclevel typenames sample Header x&Groups )QInformation There are no questions suited to available from this topic. Report Report Report ccancel Types Types Types Number Names Names Number Number Number Number Number Number There are questions available for . How many would you like? How many Number Number Please Reconsider MCQFile lastline questions topicclick qlist targetgroupname topiclevel begin Report Types Please Reconsider Number itemstyle Header ReportError MCQ File error: Code I expected in thisline MCQFile lastline MCQInfo itemstyle Groups ReportError MCQ FILE ERROR in readLine ReportError File does not cater for thisline MCQFile lastline targetgroupname filegroup qlist QInformation ReportError MCQ FILE ERROR: T expected in MCQ FILE ERROR: L expected in Error MCQFile qlist topiccode increment totalticks totalcrosses totaldontknows topicnumber nticks ncrosses ndontknows update Score Scores scores totalticks totalcrosses totaldontknows randomize qlist questions ccancel Types ncancel Types Please Reconsider Number ccancel MCQFile Topics Subject Group Instructions Choose a topic by clicking on itich you belong Percentage Scores 4totalticks, totalcrosses, totaldontknows click update buttonUp buttonUp textFromPoint update click totalticks totalcrosses totaldontknows Types Types click n -- filename n buttonUp buttonUp textFromPoint eSfilename click Choose the type of question by clicking on it Cancel Class ccancel buttonUp buttonUp ccancel Cancel Report Report Files 4totalticks wipe update buttonUp buttonUp 0,0,0 0,100,0 update totalticks Click here to set ALL your scores to zero. You can clear the score of a single topic by clicking on the score itself. Zero scores are shown as blanks. Border Information Remove "Info" buttonUp buttonUp Locating You may have to wait while the question file is located and loaded. Number Number 4qlist done() "Reconsider" pick begin "Number" "Please" nnumber( Reconsider begin Number Please qlist nnumber Please Please Please Please key in a number keypad digit "Number" buttonUp buttonUp Number digit Cancel ncancel buttonUp buttonUp D%ncancel Cancel "Number" buttonUp buttonUp Number How many Reconsider Reconsider Choosing such a large proportion of the questions is likely to result in you seeing a large number of questions that you have already met. rcancel "Number" "Reconsider" buttonUp buttonUp Number Reconsider CANCEL rcontinue "Number" pick begin buttonUp buttonUp Number begin CONTINUE MCQ System 4scriptfile "c:\ken\cbl\scripts.mcq" "*** BOOK" && 8&& "***" & CRLF /ID" && b o(12) & "*** BACKGROUND" && n && "***" & writescripts i o(12) & "*** PAGE" && p && "***" & o && n "CAPTION " && o && & n & " && "SCRIPT " && o && & n & y" && " && i && " & "TEXT..." & " && i && " " && i buttonUp writescripts buttonUp c:\ken\cbl\scripts.mcq *** BOOK ***** background ID *** BACKGROUND Bwritescripts Bwritescripts *** PAGE ***** Bwritescripts scriptfile writescripts button CAPTION of SCRIPT of is null writeFile script of to scriptfile field TEXT... writeFile text of to scriptfile ***** group get objects of Bwritescripts scriptfile 4omit, s,defaultpage,sfcolour,sscolour,ufcolour,uscolour 240,50,100 -- 180,50,100 -- lightblue "Topics" "Score" "Answering Questions" File" 4MCQInfo 4nticks,ncrosses,ndontknows 4questions,topicname,topiccode,topiclevel,targetgroupname, initialize "Number" "Name" "Code" "Level" "Group" "Inform" B"Next" "Click here 4MCQFile, ReportError "System : Null list" readMCQ setbutton b unsetbutton b "Stem" "Branch" & i hideButtons "True" & i "False" & i "Dontknow" & i hidemarks "Tms Rmn" "Position" & i "No more" B"OK" "Feedback" "Helv" " & i " & i answer 4answers,picked,notpicked B"OK" "EXPLAIN" THEN (n)-1 "TRUE" "FALSE" other & i B"OK" 4targetgroups, correct, branches, nextquestion -- QUESTION NUMBER readLine("#") ) = 2 thisquestion findnext("#") signal error ("Can't fdifferent -- TARGET GROUPS suitable -- STEM lines o(24) "Terminal" && "" -- BRANCHES x"N" N expected " && i && " " && ansitoChar(24) -- exactly && " " -- This tchunk might look better %a subroutine " & i " & i feedback "0,75,0" -- && " " E > 0 E") -- CRLF "Scores" "Branches answered :" && :" && Kincorrect :" && m :" && & "SCORE :" && ) & "%" & AnsweringQuestions Information QuestionFile unsetbutton initialize hideButtons enterPage clear enterBackground hidemarks answer cancel leavePage readMCQ setbutton feedback Score leaveBackground Topics AnsweringQuestions QuestionFile enterBackground 0,100,0 0,0,0 Topics Score Answering Questions Question File newpage defaultpage sfcolour sscolour ufcolour uscolour leaveBackground Topics Score Answering Questions Question File enterPage initialize Number Level Group Inform Click here for a question questions topicname topiccode topiclevel targetgroupname nticks ncrosses ndontknows MCQInfo leavePage Score MCQFile clear ReportError System Error: Null question list -readMCQ questions newpage defaultpage setbutton sfcolour sscolour unsetbutton ufcolour uscolour initialize Branch hideButtons clear hideButtons False Dontknow clear hidemarks Branch 240,50,100 Tms Rmn unsetbutton unsetbutton False Position No more Tms Rmn Feedback Feedback Feedback hidemarks cross answer EXPLAIN setbutton FALSE unsetbutton other answers picked notpicked cancel EXPLAIN unsetbutton unsetbutton False answers readMCQ readLine findnext ReportError Can't go to page with different background. Number readLine readLine readLine Terminal readLine ReportError N expected at 3 of Branch readLine expected at 3 in readLine Terminal False Dontknow j:to1 lines targetgroup suitable thisquestion nextquestion targetgroups correct questions branches newpage Dontknow False 240,50,100 cross 300,50,100 colour answers correct nticks ncrosses ndontknows branches feedback Branch 0,75,0 readLine hideButtons hidemarks readLine Feedback Terminal Feedback Feedback Feedback Next question readLine No more lines questions branches correct Score Scores Branches answered : Scores Branches correct : Scores Branches incorrect : Scores Branches not answered : Scores SCORE : Score Scores Score branches nticks ncrosses ndontknows Topics Topics AnsweringQuestions Information QuestionFile Inform Inform Error Start Restart buttonUp buttonUp NRestart RESTART Error Instructions An error has occurred due to some problem with the MCQ System. Please inform Ken Tait (ext 4628), giving the message displayed in the red box and a description of what you did just before the error occurred. Start 4RecordFile ReadControlFile initialize setup -- needed? "Groups" "Pick" "Info" 4targetgroupname,typenames,skip, 4totalticks, totalcrosses, totaldontknows 4nticks, ncrosses, ndontknows loadscores setsize " ,"Start",240,100 Menu","Topics", 240,100 "Scores" textlineCount( ) > 1 -- under development 4recordpath,recordname, ,MCQControl ReportError "No P specified e files." & "\" & & ".SRF" sysErrorNumber -- No so zeroise -- This could be the place offer 'First Ihelp' wipe x"MCQ Student " && && " correct ePage enterPage setup initialize leavePage loadscores enterPage ReadControlFile initialize RecordFile leavePage setup setup Groups initialize loadscores Psetsize Groups Start Psetsize Topics Topics Scores Topics Scores Topics Group Topics Groups Groups Groups Groups Group Topics Topics nticks ncrosses ndontknows totalticks totalcrosses totaldontknows targetgroupname typenames topics loadscores ReportError No path specified for record files. ReportError No name specified for record files. MCQ Student Record File ReportError Record file is not in correct format. recordpath recordname RecordFile MCQControl totalticks totalcrosses totaldontknows topics Error #$%W# #k$&$;$I$ $g$ s(N q( #q &# %E U% #[ U% 'B i'' "3. "b. $C-H$ #N)S#D) "I)~"Q)V"`)'"t) !A*s! #x*7# *v# + )W(1) (J).)C)])4) (-(M(A( (S( 'v(d'v(7's( &?(y& &6&U&w& %_'o% &U&~& '['P'V'{'J' '"( 'O( '7*O'Z* (u*N(d* )u)]) 4scriptfile ~(".", & "SCR" "*** BOOK" && 8&& "***" & CRLF /ID" && b o(12) & "*** BACKGROUND" && n && "***" & writescripts i o(12) & "*** PAGE" && p && "***" & o && n "CAPTION " && o && & n & " && "SCRIPT " && o && & n & y" && " && i && " & "TEXT..." & " && i && " " && i buttonUp writescripts buttonUp *** BOOK ***** background ID *** BACKGROUND Bwritescripts Bwritescripts *** PAGE ***** Bwritescripts scriptfile writescripts button CAPTION of SCRIPT of is null writeFile script of to scriptfile field TEXT... writeFile text of to scriptfile ***** group get objects of Bwritescripts scriptfile