Data Handling ============= ANOVA.DOC is a handout given to students taking our 1st year Data Handling module. The exercise invloves using Excel to process data from a food analysis laboratory. It could easily be adapted for use with any other spreadsheet program on any other computer system. The students test the mean measurement of monounsaturated fat content of a margarine against the value stated on the manufacturer's packaging. They also use ANOVA to verify that the four techncians are producing mean values which are consistent with each other. ANOVA is also applied to determine whether different batches of margarine have different monounsaturated fat content. Students must put together their own spreadsheets and word process a report. You are entirely welcome to use this material in any way you see fit but please acknowledge the origins of the text in any of your handouts. Jon Maber Dept. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology The University of Leeds 22nd Nov 1993