winVid 4s_defaultAni B"Load" B"Play" 4s_aniHandle tbkMCI("status aniFile ready","") ; <> untranslateAllWindowMessages fclose _","") ","") "Length" "Position" sliderPosition "Slider" "length" terPage leavepage enterPage enterPage buttonDown buttonDown s_defaultAni leavepage status aniFile ready tbkMCI close aniFile tbkMCI s_aniHandle status aniFile position tbkMCI Length Length Position Slider sliderPosition Position Position Slider sliderPosition length fileName c:\tbkmm2\mmrk.mmm tbkMCIchk("play aniFile","",1) yieldApp() buttonDown buttonDown play aniFile tbkMCIchk yieldApp Animation File: Position: sition: Length: onds: e: Length Position c:\toolbook\work\movies\aberdeen.avi slider txClassName Slider 1.818181818181818e-002 thumb --thumb seek animation file slider's tbkMCIchk("status aniFile length","",1,1) sliderPosition " && ,"",1) buttonUp buttonUp status aniFile length tbkMCIchk sliderPosition seek aniFile to tbkMCIchk defStrokeColor 0,0,0 width glide line id 105 of page id 9 defFillColor 0,100,0 txClassName HSliderThumb Unload Unload 4s_aniHandle --close animation file tbkMCI("status aniFile ready","") P <> untranslateAllWindowMessages X","") buttondown buttondown status aniFile ready tbkMCI close aniFile tbkMCI s_aniHandle Load Play Restart Restart tbkMCI("seek aniFile 1","") buttondown buttondown seek aniFile to 1 tbkMCI B"Unload" "Animation Page" buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp Unload Animation Page MicroSoft Video for Windows The animations on this page demonstrate a software solution to run sound and video animations. The film clips can be captured from any video source using a suitable video capture card. The final versions are edited using MS Videdit and compressed into the MS .avi file format.include winVid MainPoints LastPage VHS Image Page First Page duckjibe Summary 4AnswerList Ztfdscore, tfdgrps, answers, x, y -- Type be tested here, order -- presentation questions %follows: -- -- (a) should be "T", -- (b) -- (c) -- (d) -- (e) -- -- below (Don't forget quotes!): "TFTTF" cx <> "tfd" x <> "Error! Mismatch T/F/D "T") "F") B"dontknow" -- + 0 "You scored" && && "points." B"MCQbutton" "Info" buttonUp buttonUp TFTTF Error! Mismatch in number of answers or number of T/F/D groups on this page! dontknow You scored points. MCQbutton tfdscore tfdgrps answers AnswerList FlagPage Animation Page scope Reader & Author Page Design Incorporating Images Brain Page "nampot" "info" B"stopscope" "structure" "potential" "fpr" 4travel, mpos, getcoords "Spike Cursor" startbnds xoff yoff moves ci <= newx newy newx1 newy1 down -- old "960,4500,1080,4515,1260,4485,1350,4425,1380,4275,1560,4260,1755,4125,1875,3945,1920,3645,1980,1845,2010,570,2025,645,2115,1050,2235,1830,2475,3270,2745,4920,2745,5010,2865,5025,3300,4965,3990,4860,4935,4680,6090,4530,7155,4455,7140,4470" "1590,4230,1725,4230,1800,4185,1815,4065,1815,4020,1950,3990,2025,3915,2115,3735,2160,2970,2190,1890,2205,1050,2385,2700,2610,4335,2625,4590,2655,4635,2745,4620,2865,4590,3420,4470,4050,4305,4530,4230,5130,4170" buttonUp getcoords buttonUp nampot stopscope structure potential structure false getcoords Spike Cursor clear buttonUp Spike button newy1 newx1 moves startbnds travel getcoords 1590,4230,1725,4230,1800,4185,1815,4065,1815,4020,1950,3990,2025,3915,2115,3735,2160,2970,2190,1890,2205,1050,2385,2700,2610,4335,2625,4590,2655,4635,2745,4620,2865,4590,3420,4470,4050,4305,4530,4230,5130,4170 travel duckjibe You can create an animation sequence by opening a series of bitmap files, and then hiding and showing them. It's easy to control the animation speed with slider objects from the Multimedia Widgets book, or from ordinary ToolBook objects such as buttons and scrollbar fields......cts such as buttons and scrollbar fields. pause buttondown buttonup buttondown buttonup Pause slider txclassname hsliderthumb thumb 4pauseTime sliderPosition (50 - ( * 50)) buttonStillDown buttonStillDown sliderPosition pauseTime txClassName hSliderThumb glide roundedrectangle id 54 of page id 15 width follower rectangle id 6 of page id 15 Button Speed Controlol waterNoise 4s_WaterNoise buttonUp buttonUp s_WaterNoise Water Sound "Animation Page" buttonUp buttonUp Animation Page Animation with Bitmapskkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkrrrrrrr 4counter, pauseTime, s_waterNoise, s_Path s_path "c:\toolbook\work\" tbkMCI(" " && 6 & "sounds\ O.wav alias \","") tbkBitmap(" " && m & "images\w1.dib" && " 9w1 style child " && sysClientHandle) 35,60") ew1 state " && " & i & ". " && \ "w" & (i) && " " && ew" & i && " 35,60") sliderPosition close w" & i) ","") ew" & && " ew" & ( - 1) && " ew12 play 0","") yield() = 13 terpage leavepage enterpage enterpage s_path c:\toolbook\work\ sounds\water.wav alias water tbkMCI images\w1.dib alias w1 style child parent tbkBitmap window w1 position 35,60 tbkBitmap window w1 state show tbkBitmap images\w alias style child parent tbkBitmap window w position 35,60 tbkBitmap slider sliderPosition waterNoise counter pauseTime s_waterNoise s_Path leavepage close w tbkBitmap close water tbkMCI pause window w state show tbkBitmap window w state hide tbkBitmap window w12 state hide tbkBitmap play water from 0 tbkMCI yield pauseTime counter s_waterNoise scope "nampot" "info" B"stopscope" "structure" "potential" "fpr" 4flag, travel sysDrawDirect syslineStyle enterPage enterPage nampot stopscope structure potential structure clear travel $,),),),),),),),),),),),),),),),),),),),),) object 553 Potential 0mVV Structure ssing potential "Animation Page" buttonUp buttonUp Animation Page Animated Waveformskkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkrrrrrrr Spike button START stopscope 4stop buttonUp buttonUp MouseEnter "Structure" "Potential" "nampot" MouseEnter MouseEnter Structure Potential nampot green background MouseEnter "nampot" MouseEnter MouseEnter nampot MouseEnter "1ms" "Structure" MouseEnter MouseEnter Structure 10 mV MouseEnter "+10mV" "Potential" MouseEnter MouseEnter +10mV Potential MouseEnter "+20mV" "Potential" MouseEnter MouseEnter +20mV Potential MouseEnter "0 mV" "Potential" MouseEnter MouseEnter Potential MouseEnter "2ms" "Structure" MouseEnter MouseEnter Structure MouseEnter "3ms" "Structure" MouseEnter MouseEnter Structure MouseEnter "4ms" "Structure" MouseEnter MouseEnter Structure MouseEnter "5ms" "Structure" MouseEnter MouseEnter Structure MouseEnter "6ms" "Structure" MouseEnter MouseEnter Structure MouseEnter "10ms" "Structure" MouseEnter MouseEnter Structure MouseEnter "8ms" "Structure" MouseEnter MouseEnter Structure MouseEnter "7ms" "Structure" MouseEnter MouseEnter Structure -20 mV MouseEnter "-20 mV" "Potential" MouseEnter MouseEnter -20 mV Potential -30 mV MouseEnter "-30 mV" "Potential" MouseEnter MouseEnter -30 mV Potential -40 mV MouseEnter "-40mV" "Potential" MouseEnter MouseEnter -40mV Potential -50 mV MouseEnter "-50mV" "Potential" MouseEnter MouseEnter -50mV Potential -70 mV MouseEnter "-70mV" "Potential" MouseEnter MouseEnter -70mV Potential MouseEnter "0ms" "Structure" MouseEnter MouseEnter Structure -10 mV MouseEnter "-10 mV" "Potential" MouseEnter MouseEnter -10 mV Potential MouseEnter "9ms" "Structure" MouseEnter MouseEnter Structure -60 mV MouseEnter "-60mV" "Potential" MouseEnter MouseEnter -60mV Potential +30 mV MouseEnter "+30mV" "Potential" MouseEnter MouseEnter +30mV Potential Spike Cursor X values Y values Point cursor to give: nampot dershoot resting potential resting potential MouseEnter "resting potential" "nampot" MouseEnter MouseEnter resting potential nampot MouseEnter plate potential" "nampot" MouseEnter MouseEnter end plate potential nampot undershoot MouseEnter "undershoot" "nampot" MouseEnter MouseEnter undershoot nampot ret resting potential MouseEnter "returns resting potential" "nampot" MouseEnter MouseEnter returns to resting potential nampot max ap MouseEnter "action potential peak" "nampot" MouseEnter MouseEnter action potential peak nampot threshold MouseEnter "firing threshold" "nampot" MouseEnter MouseEnter firing threshold nampot ExitProgram "Quit BMS ToolBook Demo?"\ f"Yes" SysSuspendMessages buttonUp buttonUp Quit BMS ToolBook Demo? FirstPage buttonUp buttonUp LastPage EnterPage 4AnswerList, Logged 2) = 9 LeavePage "bmsbook. EnterPage LeavePage EnterPage AnswerList Logged LeavePage bmsbook.log bmsbook.log bmsbook.log AnswerList Logged 14 of 14 MainPoints "MainPoints" buttonUp buttonUp MainPoints Main Points EndText End of ToolBookeeeeee University of Aberdeen In addition to giving informal feedback whilst running teaching material, Toolbook can be used to record individual performance. This record can be used for summative assessment or to identify areas of difficulty. This information, recorded in a log file, can be transfered into any data base for detailed analysis. We hope that you have enjoyed this brief overview of the capabilities of ToolBook within the context of teaching. For a summary of the main points, together with a short explanation of the contents of each page, click the Main Points button. Calheader Recording activity and performancekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk 4AnswerList, Logged "c:\toolbook\work\bmsbook.wri" "notepad.exe c:\ buttondown buttondown c:\toolbook\work\bmsbook.wri c:\toolbook\work\bmsbook.wri c:\toolbook\work\bmsbook.wri notepad.exe c:\toolbook\work\bmsbook.wri AnswerList Logged Log File oolbook OtherApps 9 of 14 Running other applications from within ToolBookkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Expl WAV This page shows you how you can activate other computer programs - press a button and see what happens!eeeeeee DOSHard "c:\utl\f-prot\f- .exe" buttondown buttondown c:\utl\f-prot\f-prot.exe Expl WAV Run a DOS application from hard discceeeee Rundossoft "a:\" buttondown buttondown a:\ Expl WAV Run a DOS application from floppy disceeee Runwinapp "c:\toolbook\work\utl\ .crd" buttondown buttondown c:\toolbook\work\utl\hotword.crd Expl WAV Run a Windows-based applicationeeeee PlayWAV 4s_path Zi, j tbkMCIchk(" " && * & "sounds\train.wav alias waveFile","",1,1) Aplay 0 hold", --use yield here let the playing yieldApp() tbkmmnotify tbkmci("close buttonDown tbkmmnotify buttonDown sounds\train.wav alias waveFile tbkMCIchk play waveFile from 0 hold tbkMCIchk yieldApp s_path tbkmmnotify close waveFile tbkmci fileName D:\MM\WIDGET\bells.wav Expl WAV Run a sound file EnterBook 4AnswerList, NoofLoops, Logged -- link modified "Open File" box playing clips, etc. linkDLL "c:\toolbook\work\utl\tbkopen.dll" STRING OpenDlg( Noofloops Reader sysRuntime c"Edit" c"Text" c"Help" Me" ! Main Menu" 3 Me" LeaveBook FALSE "tbkdlg. "tbkwin. "kernel" "user" X"c:\micutils\scrp-dll\mic2. HelpMainMenu -- Script , maximize Oa particular instance -- ToolBook running on the desktop - required starts centers bringWindowToTop( M"bmshelp.tbk" bringwindowtotop( runtime\tbook.exe c:\ doesn't even un-iconize default terBook LeaveBook EnterBook HelpMainMenu EnterBook c:\toolbook\work\utl\tbkopen.dll OpenDlg q Noofloops sizetopage &Help Me Help Main Menu Help Me AnswerList NoofLoops Logged LeaveBook HelpMainMenu bringWindowToTop sysWindowHandle bmshelp.tbk bringwindowtotop c:\toolbook\runtime\tbook.exe c:\toolbook\work\utl\bmshelp.tbk send sizetopage bmshelp.tbk default toolbook Hotwords Definitions Page Type your Definitions in the Box below, press on word to return to page Reader Mode: This is the mode that that you would normally run your teaching material in. The reader has limited access to the background programmes and this acesss can be controlled by the author. Author Mode: In this mode you have full control over all the functionality of the Tookbook Program and is the mode you would employ to create your teaching material. "Reader buttonUp buttonUp Reader and author Reurn to Hotword "Start" buttonUp buttonUp Start Page Design enterpage leavePage enterpage leavePage Simple header Page Design - Keep it simple layout text Don't crowd the page Use hotwords or buttons to access more detail Use a balanced layout Keep navigational controls consistent Use colour sparingly for best effect Choose widely available and clear text fonts page definition "Page: Each screen defined within Toolbook a combination Foreground Background. Choice important since displayed depends on /configuration @computer used Sprogram. Press OK buttonDown buttonDown Page: Each screen is defined as a page within Toolbook and is a combination of Foreground and Background. Choice of the page size is important since the displayed size depends on the configuration of the computer used to run the program. Press OK to continue Navigational definition "Navigational aids: The grey buttons )the , they are appear a consistent throughout 8. Press OK buttonDown buttonDown Navigational aids: The grey buttons at the bottom of the page, they are fixed to the background and appear in a consistent position throughout the book. Press OK to continue fonts definition "Text Fonts: The main font used Toolbook Arial, between 11 15 point. Press OK buttonDown buttonDown Text Fonts: The main font used in this Toolbook is Arial, between 11 and 15 point. Press OK to continue 3 of 14 4s_aniHandle, s_defaultAni ZfileName animation filename "c:\toolbook\work\movies\aberdeen.avi" OpenDlg(".", "*. , "Please choose .", "Choose Animation File") tbkMCI("status aniFile ready","") untranslateAllWindowMessages iclose b","") tbkMCIchk(" " && && "alias " && 8&& "style child","",1,1) frames","",1) "length" ,"",1) seek 1","",1) state ","",1) translating emessages ","",1) translateWindowMessage animateWindowClose --This handles closes edirectly (Alt-f4) --Start timer efinish its Fclean finished unTranslateAllWindowMessages tbkTimerStart("single",500,100, tbkMMTimer ","") uttonDown animateWindowClose buttonDown tbkMMTimer buttonDown filename c:\toolbook\work\movies\aberdeen.avi *.avi Please choose an animation file. Choose Animation File OpenDlg status aniFile ready tbkMCI close aniFile tbkMCI alias aniFile parent style child tbkMCIchk set aniFile time format frames tbkMCIchk length status aniFile length tbkMCIchk seek aniFile to 1 tbkMCIchk window aniFile state show tbkMCIchk status aniFile window handle tbkMCIchk animateWindowClose fileName s_aniHandle s_defaultAni animateWindowClose single tbkTimerStart s_aniHandle tbkMMTimer close aniFile tbkMCI CO Calc Page 4AnswerList, COtries, CHK "COanswer" B"CO B"CO Rest Button" B"CO Work ) < 7 B"CO (CHK = ) = 7) xattempted." ) = 7) "correct!" ) = 7) "wrong!" enterPage leavePage enterPage COanswer COanswer CO button CO Rest Button CO Work Button COanswer AnswerList COtries leavePage CO button not attempted. correct! wrong! AnswerList 11 of 14 Calheader Calculations with ToolBookkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk calculate Try this simple example. A calculator is available if you press the appropriate button. Given that Cardiac Output is the product of heart rate and stroke volume, calculate the Cardiac Output of a subject with a heart rate of 164 bpm and a stroke volume of 0.38 litres. dicate the activity of the subject in the check box. COanswer Request box Type answer in box Units box ^ 6 [ litres/min Resting? Working? Calculator -- Script , maximize Oa particular instance -- ToolBook running on the desktop - required starts centers X"user" bringWindowToTop( WORD SetActiveWindow( INT ShowWindow( IsIconic( toolbook M"bmscalc.tbk" bringwindowtotop( doesn't even un-iconize 47,119" \runtime\tbook.exe c:\ \work\utl\ default ButtonUp buttonUp buttonUp bringWindowToTop SetActiveWindow ShowWindow IsIconic sysWindowHandle bmscalc.tbk bringwindowtotop SetActiveWindow set position of mainWindow to 47,119 bmscalc.tbk c:\toolbook\runtime\tbook.exe c:\toolbook\work\utl\bmscalc.tbk default toolbook Get Calculator CO button 4Answerlist, COtries "COanswer" = "62.32" "Correct!" AnswerList | < 3 B"CO "Now indicate the appropriate activity < 3 "Wrong! - Try !" && k&& "That was attempt" && && " a maximum 3 allowed attempts!" "You really haven't got hang you?! The 62.32." "62.32" B"CO buttonUp buttonUp COanswer COanswer COanswer 62.32 Correct! COanswer AnswerList AnswerList CO button COanswer Now indicate the appropriate activity in checkbox. Wrong! - Try again! That was attempt of a maximum of 3 allowed attempts! COanswer AnswerList COanswer COanswer You really haven't got the hang of it, have you?! The answer is 62.32. COanswer AnswerList COanswer 62.32 CO button COanswer Now indicate the appropriate activity in checkbox. Answerlist COtries Accept answer restwork buttonDown buttonDown CO Rest Button B"CO Rest Button" "Wrong! - Try once more...!" B"CO 4s_path Zi, j tbkMCIchk(" " && * & "sounds\wrong.wav alias waveFile","",1,1) Aplay 0 hold", --use yield here let the playing yieldApp() tbkmmnotify tbkmci("close buttonUp tbkmmnotify buttonUp sounds\wrong.wav alias waveFile tbkMCIchk play waveFile from 0 hold tbkMCIchk yieldApp s_path tbkmmnotify close waveFile tbkmci CO Work Button B"CO Work Button" "Correct!" & k& "You may apply Regius Chair Physiology." buttonUp buttonUp CO Work Button Correct! You may apply for Regius Chair of Physiology. Indicate the subjects Activity by clicking in the appropriate check box.....????????????????????????? Incorporating Images enterpage leavePage enterpage leavePage Image header Incorporating images Image text The following 4 pages show the various ways that you can use images in Toolbook. Toolbook features have been used to: Import images from different sources Create images with Toolbook drawing tools Make images interactive Add labels and titles Create simple animations with sound effects 4 of 14 7 of 14 Image capture using Cut & Pasterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Fig 3. Click the mouse on the "Read Me" icon to see how this image was obtained.... :PHYSSIZE ReadMe Icon "This image was the Windows Program Manager clipboard utility 'Shoot! Your Screen' made interactive Yaddition a 'Picture' Blinked dialog box. Press OK buttonDown buttonDown This image was cut in from the Windows Program Manager using the Windows clipboard utility 'Shoot! Your Screen' and made interactive by the addition of a 'Picture' button linked with this dialog box. Press OK to continue :PHYSSIZE Animation Page 8 of 14 Three different types of animation can be accessed from this page. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnitmap images at a rate that gives rise to the animation. Press button to show animation Press button to show animationm drawn directly on the screen. Press button to show animation Press button to show animation SPikeBG Animated images with ToolBookkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkrrrrrrr "duckjibe" buttonUp buttonUp duckjibe Watersports The first simply displays a sequence of coloured Bitmap (BMP) images at a controlled rate that gives rise to the animation. Press button to select animation The second is a simple laboratory simulation that illustrates a basic waveform drawn directly on the screen.. "scope" buttonUp buttonUp scope Action Potential The third type illustrates Tool Book's ability to handle digitised video obtained using MS Video for Windows...... "winVid" buttonUp buttonUp winVid WinVid MainPoints MainPoints When creating ToolBook applications: Reader Mode & Author Mode Keep it simple: - page layout - consistency of object siting, fonts and colour Toolbook can handle: Images from many sources Simple animation Sound Execution and control of other applications Answer logging MCQ's "LastPage" buttonUp buttonUp LastPage Return to Tutorial System MS Sans Serif Arial se Study One rminal urier New TBKWidgets \D|D| Arial System Arial Arial Arial Wingdings System TBKWidgets gD|D|} gD|D|} Arial Help Me Help Main Menu Help Me HelpMainMenu bringWindowToTop sysWindowHandle bringwindowtotop send SizeToPage casehelp.tbk fAppName toolbook LeaveBook sans serif sans serif Arial c"File" c"Help" Me" Main Menu" 2 Me" HelpMainMenu X"user" --bringWindowToTop a Windows function that puts the + whose passed front %other windows. toolbook MfAppName bringwindowtotop( doesn't even un-iconize SizeToPage" app isn't running, so we'll "casehelp.tbk" LeaveBook terBook HelpMainMenu EnterBook LeaveBook EnterBook sizetopage Help Me Help Main Menu Help Me HelpMainMenu bringWindowToTop sysWindowHandle bringwindowtotop send SizeToPage casehelp.tbk fAppName toolbook LeaveBook MS Sans Serif Arial Arial Arial Toolbook in Biomedical Sciences Arial System Arial Wingdings Wingdings :PRINTLAYOUT gD|D|} Tms Rmn gD|D|} Arial Arial Arial jO*\g= jg'\g= Arial ion that puts the + whose passed front %other windows. toolbook MfAppName bringwindowtotop( doesn't even un-iconize SizeToPage" app isn't running, so we'll "bmshelp.tbk" LeaveBook FALSE "tbkdlg.dll" "tbkwin. "kernel" terBook HelpMainMenu EnterBook LeaveBook EnterBook Noofloops sizetopage &Help Me Help Main Menu Help Me AnswerList NoofLoops Logged HelpMainMenu bringWindowToTop sysWindowHandle bringwindowtotop send SizeToPage bmshelp.tbk fAppName toolbook LeaveBook IntroBackground FlagPage EnterPage EnterPage leavePage EnterPage leavePage TitleText Biomedical Sciences ToolBook Tutorial for Academic Staff GotoPageTwo 4NoofLoops, AnswerList, Logged "Score Card" "Summary" buttonUp buttonUp Score Card Summary NoofLoops AnswerList Logged "Quit BMS ToolBook Demo?"\ f"Yes" SysSuspendMessages buttonUp buttonUp Quit BMS ToolBook Demo? HelpButton HelpMainMenu buttonUp buttonUp HelpMainMenu Start Tutorial UniofAberdeen University of Aberdeen Department of Biomedical Sciences Computer Assisted Learningg What to do Use the mouse to click on the button of your choice. Hotwords, shown in bold underline, become active when you place the mouse operated cursor over them. Try pressing this Hotword now! If you want to know more about the tutorial or if you are unsure about using the mouse or the computer then click on the grey 'Help' Button. help hotword "Activating a HOTWORD will usually present you fa dialog box that may contain definitions, references, hints tips, prompts other forms encouragement. Many options can be linked fHOTWORDS. Press OK buttonDown buttonDown Activating a HOTWORD will usually present you with a dialog box that may contain definitions, references, hints and tips, prompts or other forms of encouragement. Many other options can be linked with HOTWORDS. Press OK to continue hotword Pressing a Hotword will activate a Box IntroBackground MainBackground Handle EnterBackground LeaveBackground "pagnum" ackground EnterBackground LeaveBackground EnterBackground LeaveBackground ExitProgram "Quit BMS Toolbook ?"\ f"Yes" SysSuspendMessages buttonUp buttonUp Quit BMS Toolbook ? backPage Previous buttonUp buttonUp Previous NextPage buttonUp buttonUp FirstPage buttonUp buttonUp First Page y&player 4AnswerList syslockScreen #) = 1 "pin" B"pinOK" B"nameOK" ) = 1 p" = "A. Spectator" "999" p" = "999" B"NameOK" enterpage leavePage enterpage pinOK nameOK AnswerList leavePage A. Spectator A. Spectator buttonUp NameOK buttonUp pinOK AnswerList 1 of 14 Next Move Use the mouse to click on the grey button to move ononnn Welcome! This program has been designed to show how you can use the various features of Asymetrix Toolbook in your teaching. Type name Type your name here and press OK type pin Give a PIN number (eg tel ext #) and press OK NameOK "Arial" B"NameOK" "pin" buttonUp buttonUp Arial italic NameOK pinOK "pin" "Arial" B"pinOK" -- AnswerLogging handled LeavePage handler buttonUp buttonUp Arial italic pinOK MainBackground Reader & Author enterpage leavePage enterpage leavePage mode header Reader Mode and Author Mode Author-Reader This Toolbook is currently operating in Reader Mode. To toggle between Reader Mode & Author Mode use the function key F3. Try Pressing F3 now and when the dialog box appears click cancel. You will be given the password at the end of the session so that you can see how this Toolbook has been constructed. Reader Mode "Reader Mode: This mode allows you test your Toolbook )the user level. Final versions -material will be operated a 'Run Time' nwhere has no access /program. Press OK buttonDown buttonDown Reader Mode: This mode allows you to test your Toolbook at the user level. Final versions of your material will be operated in a 'Run Time' mode where the reader has no access to the background program. Press OK to continue Author Mode "Author Mode: In mode you have full control over the functionality Tookbook Program Jwould employ create your teaching material. Press OK buttonDown buttonDown Author Mode: In this mode you have full control over all the functionality of the Tookbook Program and is the mode you would employ to create your teaching material. Press OK to continue press F3 text Each page of a Toolbook is divided in the Foreground and Background. When you are in Author Mode you can toggle between Foreground and Background using the F4 function key. Foreground definition "Foreground: The part that shows , images, buttons, etc) unique . Press OK buttonDown buttonDown Foreground: The part of the page that shows objects (text, images, buttons, etc) unique to that page. Press OK to continue Background definition "Background: A template shared a Toolbook. Every 8has )least one /, whose }appear identically on every sharing that /. Press OK buttonDown buttonDown Background: A template shared by all pages in a Toolbook. Every book has at least one background, whose objects appear identically on every page sharing that background. Press OK to continue mode header Foreground and Backgroundee 2 of 14 CO Calc Page OtherApps 4AnswerList ) = 8 B"MCQbutton" "Info" u) = 8 enterPage leavePage enterPage MCQbutton AnswerList leavePage buttonUp MCQbutton AnswerList 12 of 14 Calheader Scoring with ToolBookkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk calculate Try this simple MCQ. Your score will be recorded.dddd (a) is on the shores of the German Ocean (b) is the capital city of Scotlandnnnn (c) is weel kent for neeps 'n' tattiesnnnnnnnnnnnnnn (d) University has the oldest Chair of Medicine in the English-speaking worldddd (e) University has a Dept of Physiologynnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Aberdeen: False v N s Don't Know buttondown buttondown false dontknow buttondown buttondown false dontknow buttondown buttondown false dontknow buttondown buttondown false dontknow buttondown buttondown false dontknow MCQbutton Accept answer Press this button to record your answers and obtain the final mark............ Brain Page 5 of 14 Image captured from a laser video disk playerrrrrrrrrrr :PHYSSIZE Figure caption 1 Fig 1. Merged brain of authors captured with simple video board, processed in Photofinish and imported as bitmap (BMP) Move the cursor across the image to identify the regions of the brain. Bitmap definition "Bitmap (BMP): Common graphics file used Hmost Windows applications. Files are characterised Hthe extension . j. Press OK buttonDown buttonDown Bitmap (BMP): Common graphics file format used by most Windows applications. Files in this format are characterised by the extension .BMP. Press OK to continue MouseEnter "Structure" MouseEnter MouseEnter Structure structure lack Hole!! matterleus ventricle MouseEnter "L.Lateral Ventricle" "Structure" MouseEnter MouseEnter L.Lateral Ventricle Structure ventricle MouseEnter "R.Lateral Ventricle" "Structure" MouseEnter MouseEnter R.Lateral Ventricle Structure lower left quadrant MouseEnter "L.Temporal Lobe" "Structure" MouseEnter MouseEnter L.Temporal Lobe Structure left lower quadrant MouseEnter "R.Temporal Lobe" "Structure" MouseEnter MouseEnter R.Temporal Lobe Structure upper right quadrant MouseEnter "Frank's Bit" "Structure" MouseEnter MouseEnter Frank's Bit Structure left upper quadrant MouseEnter "Greg's Bit" "Structure" MouseEnter MouseEnter Greg's Bit Structure Figure label on brain Figure 1 IIIrd ventricle MouseEnter "3rd Ventricle" "Structure" MouseEnter MouseEnter 3rd Ventricle Structure hippocampus MouseEnter "Hippocampus" "Structure" MouseEnter MouseEnter Hippocampus Structure lentiform nuc MouseEnter "Lentiform Nucleus" "Structure" MouseEnter MouseEnter Lentiform Nucleus Structure lentiform nuc MouseEnter "Lentiform Nucleus" "Structure" MouseEnter MouseEnter Lentiform Nucleus Structure c.callosum MouseEnter "Corpus callosum" "Structure" MouseEnter MouseEnter Corpus callosum Structure s. nigra MouseEnter "Substantia nigra" "Structure" MouseEnter MouseEnter Substantia nigra Structure s. nigra MouseEnter "Substantia nigra" "Structure" MouseEnter MouseEnter Substantia nigra Structure tail of CD MouseEnter "Tail caudate nucleus" "Structure" MouseEnter MouseEnter Tail of caudate nucleus Structure central grey MouseEnter "Central grey matter" "Structure" MouseEnter MouseEnter Central grey matter Structure central grey MouseEnter "Central grey matter" "Structure" MouseEnter MouseEnter Central grey matter Structure C. Sulcus MouseEnter "Central sulcus" "Structure" MouseEnter MouseEnter Central sulcus Structure MouseEnter "Black Hole!!" "Structure" MouseEnter MouseEnter Black Hole!! Structure optic c MouseEnter "Optic chiasma" "Structure" MouseEnter MouseEnter Optic chiasma Structure Summary 13 of 14 Calheader Summary of your performancekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk calculate Progress through a Toolbook can been evaluated. Click in the white area below to see a record of your scores. The user # gives the number of visits to the program per session. If you did not give a name and number a default set is provided. The answer section is self explanatory. ncorrect answers may be penalised by the offer of the next vacant post of Vice Principal......rrect answers may be penalised by the offer of the next vacant post of Vice Principal............................................................... Score Card 4AnswerList "Score Card" "User #" & "Name:" & TAB & "PIN:" & k& "Your answers the various questions were:" &\ "Celebrity =cold seat:" && "Cardiac output (s):" && "The Rest/Work was" && "Finally, you scored a total " && "points MCQ." buttonUp buttonUp Score Card User # Name: Your answers to the various questions were: Score Card Celebrity in the cold seat: Score Card Cardiac output answer(s): Score Card The Rest/Work answer was Score Card Finally, you scored a total of points in the MCQ. Score Card AnswerList VHS Image Page 4AnswerList "Bellamy answer" }) = 3 xattempted." enterPage leavePage enterPage Bellamy answer Bellamy answer Bellamy button Bellamy answer AnswerList leavePage not attempted. Bellamy button AnswerList 6 of 14 VHS header Image captured from a VHS video recorderlayerrrrrrrrrrr :PHYSSIZE Figure label on brain Figure 2 Bellamy question Fig 2. Who's the character in the "cold" seat? Type your answer in the box below........ Bellamy answer David Bellamy Bellamy button 4AnswerList "Bellamy answer" = xgiven." "David "Correct!" "Actually, 's DAVID , but close enough!" BELLAMY, x" && "Never heard them. The correct buttonUp buttonUp Bellamy answer not given. Bellamy answer Bellamy answer David Bellamy Correct! Bellamy answer Bellamy Actually, it's DAVID Bellamy, but close enough! Bellamy answer David Bellamy answer Bellamy David BELLAMY, not Bellamy answer Never heard of them. The correct answer is... 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