Learning and Assessment in a Computer Based Human Physiology Project at Junior Honours Level F. Bowser-Riley, P.G. Newman & M.A. Radcliffe Department of Biomedical Sciences, Marischal College, University of Aberdeen Aberdeen AB9 1AS The human physiology project is a student led, team-based practical project that incorporates a wide range of enterprise skills. Since these skills are discipline independent, the actual nature of the project would be determined by local resources and requirements. No special developments are required, since maximal use is made of software packages and equipment that are readily available and commonly used in industry, science and commerce. The essence of the project is to allow students to work in an environment resembling that of an operational research laboratory, and thus to develop their understanding of the discipline by formulating and testing hypotheses. To this end it is important to select problems that are not over-prescriptive, but which permit reasonable conclusions to be reached in the time available. In our view, it is important that the development of computing and other technological skills is seen in perspective: it is not a means in itself, but a means to an end. The contents of the Learning Pack for this course are summarised in the summary.wpf file and the total set of files are zipped into one file py3002.zip. You will find it convenient to create a directory called PY3002, copy the PY3002.zip into it and unzip it. Please free to modify them to suit your own circumstances. To give you some idea of the kind of data that the undergraduates are able to manipulate successfully in spreadsheet format see the 3pysampl.wk4 file.