From Michael Parkinson, School of Biological Sciences, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland. Email 75012936@ ReadMe.txt file on Curacao, LateBlit, and Resistan. All three packages have been developed by a development team at the Department of Plant Pathology at Cornell. I found them on the Higher Educational National Software Archive (HENSA) and in line with the policy of storing freely available Biology CAL programs on the BioNet archive, have taken the initiative to downloaded them myself. They are very good looking simulations running under Windows of problems in ecology which will stand against the best commercially available packages. Curacao: A simulation of the effect of sterile insect release on insect numbers. LateBlit: A simulation of the infestation of potatos by Phytophthora infestans. Resistan: A simulation of the effect of fungicides on accumulation of resistance in fungi. The programs are copywrite but may be freely distributed and used according to certain conditions. The packages must be distributed in their entirity, you must register with them before you use the package, and you must get the students to fill in a short questionnaire when the course is completed. The files for each have been packed into an ARC file using Pkpak(pKware 3.6), and this has been UUencoded to allow it to be sent using ftp procedures (uuencode 5.1). To get the original programs back, you should first use UUDECODE. This will produce the ARC file *.ARC. This must then be decompacted using PKUNPAK. Both these programs are very widely available.