Molecular Basis of Medicine version 1.0 for Windows This is the Windows version of Molecular Basis of Medicine, which has been ported from the Macintosh, and is identical to the Macintosh version 1. It was designed for medical students with no biology and includes basic cell structure, basic protein and DNA structure and DNA replication and gene expression covered by means of animations and graphics. Of course it may be useful to other groups of students. The courseware was produced with 'Authorware Professional' on the Mac and then ported to the PC and 'adjustments' made due to the relatively minor problems that result, but it does mean that versions are available for both platforms fairly painlessly. There quite a number of files but students enter the courseware by way of the '' file, so it should be set up that way on student PCs or a file server. The Authorware runtime is included with these files, of course if you already have this then only one copy is needed for any packaged Authorware courseware you may have. Version 2 has been produced but needs further testing, but should be available soon. Version provides greater control over animations and includes self-testing.